Milestone day

sbl1881 Posts: 213 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
Today was a big day for me. I was running errands all day, decided I didn't want to go home to eat lunch and that I'd pick up a slice of pizza at Whole Foods while doing my shopping. So, I had a slice of pizza. My world didn't end. My diet didn't end. I didn't give up for the rest of the day or go on a food bender. I had a slice of pizza for lunch, enjoyed it, logged it, and went about my day. That may seem like a silly thing to be proud of, but for as long as I can remember, if I deviated at all from a diet, there went the day, and likely weekend and maybe even month. It was either diet or bust and that wasn't a very enjoyable way to live.

I am finally learning that it's not just the food and calories that need to change. It's your mindset. It may just be one meal/one day, but it's a big accomplishment for me. :)
