Hello! I'm struggling

I am a 40 year old female, and my weight has just been creeping up and up, I am 5'5 and I weigh 190 pounds. I have a sedentary lifestyle and all my promises of starting "tomorrow" have been sad. I'm just so tired all the time it seems. I also turn to sugar as a treat or a pick-me-up sometimes. I would like to find a support community of some sort because doing this alone hasn't been working. I am also thinking of going to OA and maybe getting a sponsor. I just hate the way I feel and want to change! Thanks for listening


  • timmy9613
    timmy9613 Posts: 25 Member
    keep you trying everyday. every step in the right direction counts.
  • Fitdiva7742
    Fitdiva7742 Posts: 5 Member
    Whatever you do don't quit. I was having similar issues losing weight too. Until I seen a dietician. After including more vegetables and healthy protein and substituting lemon water for soda, I was finally able to lose 20lbs. You'll be amazed what your body can do by dropping sugar! Good luck! :)
  • ZazuN
    ZazuN Posts: 55 Member
    Hang in there! As others have said, you have to want it for yourself. OA is very good and works if you work it. OA could complement what you do here. I am new here too. So easy to scan foods on the MFP built-in scanner or look up foods. I am cutting back the sugar. It's a comfort food that messes with your feel-good hormones. Feel better for a bit and then want to pass out. Hungry again in no time, eat again, become lethargic. Gain. Sugar= vicious circle. It's not easy to cut your sugar addiction but once you do and replace it with healthier foods you will feel so much better.
    Consider joining a challenge. I did. I plan to stick with it, even if I have to record a gain or two along the way. Best wishes jzdelona!
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    Been/am there ! Just have to keep going and make it a routine make your way of life then you don't have to think about it .. The thing is food can really mess with you like previous post said sugar can really mess you up the more you eat it the more you want and it makes you lazy and tired. You have to control your food and not let it control you. Buy only healthy things that way if you want to cheat you have to go out of your way . find healthy foods you might like and sure have a cheat day here and there but your constant has to be the healthy choices and the cheat days have to be far in between ..you can do this! We are all trying .. We are all on he same boat! Just keep rowing !!
  • MegSchuy16
    MegSchuy16 Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me! That goes for anyone! Open diary and I'm on here daily. Just started last week and I've lost 4lbs already! I'm 26, 5'6", and have about 63lbs yet to lose! I work a desk job 50hrs a week on top of school full time! The first two weeks is the hardest to stay motivated, but then you'll find you wake up wanting to workout and eat better. You can do it!