day 1.5 (the hard part)

I have a headache and Im hungry and Iam avoiding the bowl of sweet yummy sugary crunchy cereal that my kids got to have for breakfast... Im so jelous... Hopefully my egg and whole wheat toast will taste just as good, I think if I can get through the first 2 weeks then things will get alot easier. Its just hard right now, bad habits are so hard to break!


  • nseuell
    nseuell Posts: 110
    You WILL get past this part - I'm reading your post and thinking whole wheat toast/egg sounds so much more satisfying than sugary cereal! Hang tough and you will get there :)
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    You will get there!! Just stick to it! And yes after 2 weeks or so, it doesnt get easier!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Whole wheat toast and an egg, yum! Those will keep you feeling more satisfied for much longer today. You won't get that sugar crash later, either. If you really want something sweet, get some low sugar jelly for your toast.
  • MissVV
    MissVV Posts: 19
    The headache is probably from withdrawl - it won't last long and it'll be so so worth it so don't worry and don't give up!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    Start making the changes for the whole family, they all can have eggs and toast then the temptation is gone!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    You WILL get past this part - I'm reading your post and thinking whole wheat toast/egg sounds so much more satisfying than sugary cereal! Hang tough and you will get there :)
    I was thinking the exact same thing. :smile:
  • mrsmichellewilson
    mrsmichellewilson Posts: 86 Member
    You can do it ! It does get easier :-)
  • tatesmom
    tatesmom Posts: 56 Member
    I too found the first week to two weeks to be the hardest, but you will get through it!! Before long you will be looking at the sugary cereal and wonder why it ever was a craving???
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    add in some fruit and make it a big meal! :) it is def way better tasting then icky sugary cereal with little to no nutritional benifits... way less calories and WAY more filling! you can do this!