Motivation Needed/ Student tips

Hi I'm Laura. I'm 20 years old, student and sort of new to MFP. I'm almost half way through my desired weight and was doing really well until this last month... let's say I got stuck in my weight and then lost some motivation, plus college.
I would really appreciate some healthy student life tips and motivation. Looking forward to meet people on a similar situation :)


  • Rolla22
    Rolla22 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi,I'm student too and I'm 22! I was healthy student but then I've changed to unhealthy
  • Rolla22
    Rolla22 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi,I'm student too and I'm 22! I was healthy student then I've changed to unhealthy student because I gave up but now I'm trying do all my best to be that girl :)
    We can help each other!! Feel free to add me B)

  • lauratino2016
    lauratino2016 Posts: 4 Member