Pizza Party tomorrow - oh no!



  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Who is in charge of the menu? That is a LOT of pizza. And that is a lot of pizza to expect people to eat. I agree with the poster who suggested salad. And a vegetable tray. I would bet that MANY people would appreciate a little healthy fare -- either as an option to the pizza, or as an addition to the pizza.

    I cannot imagine that people would truly be hurt if you dipped out of these every other time - or most of the time. Were I in your shoes, I would stop by Jane Doe's desk or office, and simply say "Hey, I won't be at the pizza party today, but I wanted to say Happy Birthday!" End of story. One of my favorite quotes or sayings is something along the lines of "Freedom is saying no without excuses." You do not owe anybody explanations for not eating pizza or for not attending a pizza party. In my opinion.

    Agree 100%!
  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    edited March 2016
    Our parties are the 11 of us in a room sitting in a small circle (like your touching the person next to you). If your eye brow twitches everyone notices and asks whats wrong.

    The boss will be excited probably since I normally eat 5-6 slices each party - he can order one less pizza! Jeesh!

    People love the pizza - I have never heard anyone want anything else. It's just like what kind, from where, what toppings. I get it - pizza rocks! We get deep dish/pan.

    I have so far been unsuccessful at saying no to seconds and thirds with pizza the few times I have tried or been around it at a party. I told my parents no several times at their house the other day and then ended up eating two slices on way out the door. No self control with pizza - anything else yes - pizza no. Even my wife the other day said - "oh man the day you get to eat pizza again is going to be so amazing for you". I was like wow - didn't know pizza and Dan were so intertwined but I guess we did order pizza 2-3 times a week back when I ate like crap (pizza, breadsticks, cinna sticks, etc).

    I got thin crust once by accident for our party - it was funny. It didn't get touched and no one would take it home either so it sat around till we tossed it.

    It's not a democracy type thing with what we eat - it's pizza every time and has been for 16 years I have worked here. We tried Chinese once and subs one - it went horribly. Plus it ends up costing more which the owners didn't like. We spend $30-$40 for five pizzas. When we get subs for everyone or chinese it's like $7-$10 per person at least. It's just what the owners want - small business.

    Who knows what I will do tomorrow - guess I will just try my best and suffer the consequences of gaining if I can't hold out. If I leave to avoid it people will talk about that while I am not there and that is silly. WISH ME LUCK!

    The worst part - inside of me my brain 1/2 wants to go and I know it's because it wants to pig out. The new healthy 1/2 of my brain is saying avoid the pizza at all costs.

  • whitneymiller07
    whitneymiller07 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't let yourself feel limited or excluded from the pizza party experience because you have made the choice to live a healthier lifestyle! Enjoy a piece of pizza, but take small bites and engage in lots of conversation at the parties and when you feel tempted to have more pizza, go join in on a new conversation and take some veggies (if available) with you to munch on!
  • egorre
    egorre Posts: 72 Member
    2 slices of pizza is 500-600 cals and it will be easy to fit in your daily calorie intake. If you want more, like what others said, bank on calories earlier that week.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Our parties are the 11 of us in a room sitting in a small circle (like your touching the person next to you). If your eye brow twitches everyone notices and asks whats wrong.

    The boss will be excited probably since I normally eat 5-6 slices each party - he can order one less pizza! Jeesh!

    People love the pizza - I have never heard anyone want anything else. It's just like what kind, from where, what toppings. I get it - pizza rocks! We get deep dish/pan.

    I have so far been unsuccessful at saying no to seconds and thirds with pizza the few times I have tried or been around it at a party. I told my parents no several times at their house the other day and then ended up eating two slices on way out the door. No self control with pizza - anything else yes - pizza no. Even my wife the other day said - "oh man the day you get to eat pizza again is going to be so amazing for you". I was like wow - didn't know pizza and Dan were so intertwined but I guess we did order pizza 2-3 times a week back when I ate like crap (pizza, breadsticks, cinna sticks, etc).

    I got thin crust once by accident for our party - it was funny. It didn't get touched and no one would take it home either so it sat around till we tossed it.

    It's not a democracy type thing with what we eat - it's pizza every time and has been for 16 years I have worked here. We tried Chinese once and subs one - it went horribly. Plus it ends up costing more which the owners didn't like. We spend $30-$40 for five pizzas. When we get subs for everyone or chinese it's like $7-$10 per person at least. It's just what the owners want - small business.

    Who knows what I will do tomorrow - guess I will just try my best and suffer the consequences of gaining if I can't hold out. If I leave to avoid it people will talk about that while I am not there and that is silly. WISH ME LUCK!

    The worst part - inside of me my brain 1/2 wants to go and I know it's because it wants to pig out. The new healthy 1/2 of my brain is saying avoid the pizza at all costs.

    I understand the pizza/office culture thing, & also the pizza-is-crack experience. If you are accustomed to eating 5 or 6 slices, eating 4 slices would be a victory. Eat your first slice nice and slow an enjoy it to the max. Then do the same for the 2nd one ... and the 3rd. You can do this :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited March 2016
    How much do you usually eat? Try to eat half that amount and bring a salad to have with it. Drink water and eat slowly.
    Plan a low calorie breakfast and low calorie dinner on pizza party days.
    Stick a piece of mint gum in your mouth as soon as you finish eating and/or leave the room.
    Get one smaller thin crust pizza and eat that. It doesn't matter if no one else eats it.
    Eat your normal amount of pizza and plan to exercise more that day to compensate.

    You are going to have to learn to eat less pizza or eat lower calorie pizza.
  • Charlot4444
    Charlot4444 Posts: 170 Member
    Also if you are going to order one less pizza, maybe if you eat the first slice slowly as suggested, a lot will be gone when you get to the next slice, thereby forcing you to only have 2 or 3

    I also agree with mint gum (I do this all the time, as people bring a lot of cakes, squares, etc into my work)
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    I cant eat pizza. Or at least delivery pizza. If I do, it's gone in a day. Now when I go out to eat, I can order a slice and be fine with it. Or if I make it at home, that's ok. But delivery pizza is my downfall so I really can't just eat it in moderation.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok yeah pan/deep dish pizza would be a pain to fit. Yep I'd get a small thin crust pizza instead.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I hope you will come back and let us know how you fared!
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Thin crust pizza is amazing.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    So at my office for each persons birthday we have a pizza party.

    There is one tomorrow - one next Tuesday - and one April 22nd (my party) - three this month. Pizza is like crack for me - I can tell myself no a million times or try to have one slice but then up eating half a pizza and feeling horrible the next day. To make it worse I am the person in charge of ordering all this pizza and picking it up - oh those wonderful pizza photos on the website.

    I was thinking about excusing myself from the party so I am not around it at all and can not fail. But that might be rude. Plus as my wife says I at sometime have to learn to avoid it myself.

    I was also thinking about trying to maybe order Pizza Huts thin crust pizza for myself or something? No one else will eat it. Or maybe get myself a pan pizza for myself but that would be akward.

    My wife suggested just eating salad or something while everyone else chows down but I don't like feeling out of place....that might make me feel weird and then I will have to get questions about why and what I am doing.

    Stupid pizza parties. I know it sounds silly to even be worried about it at all. Just have one slice right - easier said that done!!!!

    Since you know ahead of time there will be tasty deliciousness in your day, go ahead and log it the day before (couple days before?) Then you can plan what to have for breakfast and dinner to make up for any nutrients you will be short on because of the yummy indulgence and can also make sure you have enough calories to splurge.
    Don't feel guilty if you go over though. You can make it up the next day, or with an extra workout. Also, don't feel like you have to eat ALL the pizza. lol There's another party coming soon. :tongue:

    Ooh, since you're in charge of ordering pizzas, can you also order veggie trays? Then you could do 2 slices of pizza and munch on carrots and celery too. :wink:
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'd get a thin crust veggie or mostly veggie w/grilled chicken for myself. NOM.

    Overall, you are going to have to man up and learn some self-control and delay gratification. It is the only way you are ever going to win against food. Once you get into the habit of saying no, it becomes easier and easier. Yesterday there were some nanaimo bars left out at work. They are DELICIOUS, but complete and utter calorie weapons of mass destruction. I just walked on by. Being thin and looking good is more important to me than eating a bar I can get at Fred Meyer whenever I want. You have to want a better you more than you want some piece of food you can have whenever you want. I mean, what is so special about this pizza? You can literally call up Pizza Hut whenever you want and have pizza. It is not a scarce resource that if you don't eat it now in huge amounts you will never have the chance to eat again.

    Also because it is free is NOT a reason to eat it. That's false economy when it keeps you fat.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I dont know where you're ordering from, but some places let you pick light sauce, light cheese, etc. Maybe you could order a pizza like that? I know pizza hut also has 'skinny' pizza that is less calories.
  • EddieP50
    EddieP50 Posts: 192 Member
    In our office we do a potluck for birthdays and everyone gets together to decide what to bring for the that persons birthday lunch. So there is usually something relatively healthy to eat. They do safety dinners also if the facility meets their safety goals for 30, 60, 90 or 120 days. So there can be a lot of dinners. I pass on it if the food they are serving is high calorie content (such as pizza) and will just eat the lunch I brought.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yeah, just eat 2 slices and stop, ez game. There doesn't make to be an issue here unless your mind creates one.
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    Have a slice and big tossed salad.
  • rachellech
    rachellech Posts: 40 Member
    My job has a potluck tea time every month to acknowledge birthdays. Usually it is tasty cakes/pastries. Also, with office luncheons, I am the one ordering pizza or sandwiches. There will be temptations everywhere but what has helped me is that my daily meals are not deprived so I'm not craving these foods when they are around me. I try to include healthier versions of these foods in my daily meals, and most times I prefer the healthier version. For example, I prefer my homemade pizza in comparison to delivery because I control the ingredients and it is fresh.

    However, if we are having a lunch that has a meal I really want, I usually just get 1 or 1/2 serving of the healthiest kind (or in your case a slice or two of the vegetarian or chicken pizza) and I bring other filling items like a protein bar/salad/ or 1/2 turkey/swiss cheese w/ veggie sandwich and maybe a side jello/ low-fat pudding. Delivery pizza is not filling to me so unless I didn't bring in my own homemade version, I make sure I supplement it with some nutritious/fiber-rich food items to complete my meal so I won't be tempted to binge on it.

    In addition to that, I make sure I work out that day too to offset the calories a bit as well. Plus, drink lots of water to flush out the extra sodium from those foods. In time you won't panic so much when these parties come around, if you plan ahead. Don't be surprised if you motivate others to make healthier choices. For example, my office have started to request salads with their pizzas (also we opt for thin crust now with lots of veggies) and tea time cakes/pastries have become opportunities for people to be creative in using healthier ingredients.

    Good luck and remember Rome wasn't built in a day...just work towards your goal and be kind to yourself.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    Yeah, just eat 2 slices and stop, ez game. There doesn't make to be an issue here unless your mind creates one.

    I think if it was always that easy a lot of people wouldn't need this site at all.
  • luciroo
    luciroo Posts: 31 Member
    If it makes you feel better, I ate 5 slices of hand tossed Hawaiian pizza last Thursday night for dinner - made me almost double my goal for the day. My weight today is over a pound less than before the pizza. And I am a 51 yr. old female who doesn't have much weight to lose (about 5 lbs. to go now - started at 141, 129.6 today, yay!). I just ate less than goal the next few days, and continued my workouts. It won't ruin you loss as long as you make up for it over the next few days. And I have found that once every week or two having a day I go above my goals seems to make my loss go down faster - like I have stoked my metabolism?