Since I turned 40...

Options appetite has been through the roof. Almost every day it seems I start out with the best of intentions that today is going to be the day that I log everything and I stay on track, but then by the time the evening rolls around it's all unraveled. This really began in my 39th year, but it has carried over to my 40th. Maybe it has nothing to do with my age, but it's the only thing that's changed for me. I've kept up pretty well with my exercise all winter. I've been doing well at both strength training and cardio, but I always eat it all back and more. It seems like the more I exercise, the worst my eating gets. Anybody out there who noticed an uptick in their appeitite when they hit 40? Any advice for how to control it? I'm at a loss here.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It sounds like you're using your age as an excuse. Take a look at your diet. How many calories are you eating? What are you eating? Are you trying to restrict your calories or food choices too much and is it backfiring?
  • MegMalin
    MegMalin Posts: 29 Member
    I was a good weight/good BMI until my early 40s and put on 50 pounds! Still trying to get them off and I'm mid 50s now. I, too, log everything and stay on track all day, then blow it at night. I just posted a thread on here about that. Maybe some ideas for you, too, on there.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Protein helps keep me fuller throughout the day and then I always save calories cuz I like to snack at night.