Ready to get my life back!! Need some friends for motivation!!

My name is Amber. I am a 26 year old mom of an 8 year old. When I had my daughter I gained 100lbs and got my all time high weight of 260 pounds. Over the years I'd try little goals of a few pounds here and there, never had the drive or determination to really wanna lose. I do now though! After seeing my mother have a heart attack at age 43, then my grandparents a few years later, I realized I don't want that to be me! I need to do this for me and it's not gonna be easy! In fact has proven very difficult. Some days I lack motivation, but I'm trying!!! I try to hike two to three times a week and even started trying to pick up running. I have a short term goal I'd like to meet in June of 2017 to run the color run 5k, and I know I can achieve it with some mental help!! My ultimate goal is be back down to 150 pounds, but I know it's not gonna happen over night! Want to help keep me motivated add me as a friend! I sure could use it some days!


  • shellyshell2g
    shellyshell2g Posts: 4 Member
    I hear you. I would love to run our Cooper River Bridge Run. I've been wanting to do it for years but never was in shape. Next year is my goal. My goal is also to be 150 I'm at 274 now. Would love to be friends for motivation.
  • WithGodICanDoThis
    WithGodICanDoThis Posts: 22 Member
    I just started and need friends for motivation. Please add me!! I weigh about 320 now and I don't even know how I got there....just slowly making bad eating choices. Then they became habits, but I am slowly but surely breaking them!!
  • Jumlsdde1
    Jumlsdde1 Posts: 2 Member
    It's nice to have the same kind of goals with someone so close to my own size!! Would love to be friends to help with motivation!
  • WinryRae
    WinryRae Posts: 5 Member
    I'm close to being in the same boat. I gained weight with my marriage then lost a lot because of stress and not eating (I looked awful). Then I became pregnant and gained all the weight I lost and more. I started at 214lbs at the beginning of the year, am at 208lbs now and am trying to get down to around 150lbs as well. I'm wanting to get healthy to keep up with my 2yr old, she has so much energy.
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member
    I'm with you too. Over the past year, I probably would have been close to my goal if I stuck to it, but I spent the time losing a little, gaining back some, losing more, gaining back some etc with a net loss of 44 lbs. I have 60 more lbs to lose & would love to be part of your support network so that we can stick to it as a group!
  • taylormaeallison
    taylormaeallison Posts: 7 Member
    I am pretty much the same as well. I did really well at the start of last year and dropped 25 pounds. Then a few things came up, i slacked off, and now here I am with all the weight gained back and then some. I would love some motivation and to help motivate!!