I want to be Healthy Again

kylie9617 Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I am Kylie. I am in my first year of college and right now I am only working my Buskins Leggings Business. I haven't been able to be active since I was 14 because I got really sick and the doctors took me out of all my physical activities I loved. Now that I am out of High School I want my life back, I tired of being tired... 2 months ago I took the first step and start the Le-Vel Thrive Experience. It has helped me so much on feeling so much better to where I feel I can start going to the gym. With Thrive I do the Morning 1, 2, 3 Steps and now I added Boost, Balance, Activate, and Move to my routine (Move and Activate only when I need it.) I became a Promoter for Thrive because it helps me but I my main Company is Buskins.

I am looking for Motivating friends, I get discouraged when I get negative comments from people.. My boyfriend is supportive in my choices and I would love to build up my lung again so I can work out with him when we live together.
