Wedding Weight Loss Buddies

Hi everyone,
I'm getting married in September and am hoping to lose around 40 -45 lbs by then. Would be great to get a group of us together with similar goals so we can motivate and support one another, or anyone who has been there and can offer advice or tips.
It's my first time embarking on a weight loss journey like this that has a such a specific deadline.
Get in touch if you're losing weight for a wedding, hoping to lose a similar amount or have some pearls of weight loss wisdom - would be very glad of the support.
Thanks for reading.


  • lil_katie86
    lil_katie86 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm not losing weight for a wedding but a holiday in August:-) and want to lose about the same as you:-) please add me and we can help each other:
  • Kgrace1114
    Kgrace1114 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to lose weight for my wedding as well. I lost a lot of weight (80+lbs) years ago and over the years about 25 pounds has crept back. I want to lose 20 pounds by my wedding in October 2016. I'd love a support group!
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I just got married in January, but my husband deployed a few weeks later, so we haven't been able to spend much time together since. However, toward the end of the year he'll be coming home and we're going to Disneyland, and I'd like to be able to be about 30-35lb less by then!
  • jchesro
    jchesro Posts: 8 Member
    Oh amazing! Sounds like we all have a lot in common. I will add you all as friends, but would be nice to start a sub-group (if that's even possible?) so we can all support one another and perhaps create some group challenges to motivate us? Let me know what you think?
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    If you're interested, I moderate at bride-to-be support group (I started it last summer when I got engaged; I'm getting married end of July):

    40-45 in 5-6 months is pretty aggressive unless your total weight loss goals are 100-150lbs. You might make it, but you may be more likely to relapse after the wedding and gain a lot back. If you only need to lose ~50 to get to ultimate goal weight, ~1lb/week is probably the most aggressive you want to be and once you're in the last 15-20 it will come off more slowly. @Kgrace1114, 20lbs in about 6-7 months sounds more feasible. Keep in mind you will probably need to maintain the last month or so since you'll do a final dress fitting and won't want your body to change too much between that and the big day (if you have a dress with a lace up back, it allows a little more flexibility for gain or loss between final fitting and wedding day).

    Do what you can for your weight loss and forgive yourself when things slide (it happens and you want to be able to enjoy the menu and cake testings!). Planning a wedding is stressful enough, don't let yourself get so focused on your weight that you can't enjoy the process. The other thing to think about (especially when the focus is a wedding and the dress and all the pictures) is whether the most important thing is the number on the scale or how you look. If you really are more concerned with a flatter tummy and toned arms and awesome butt, then you probably want to do more strength training activities than just cardio. You might not lose as many pounds, but you'll lose inches, which may matter more for pictures that won't include your scale.

    Don't let the wedding become your ONLY motivation for losing (that contributes to the rebound I mentioned earlier); you restrict all the things you love to lose all this weight "for the wedding", then after the wedding, you reward yourself by enjoying it all again or just lose motivation to keep working because what you were working towards is done and you put a lot of the weight come back. Have goals for the wedding, but also goals for beyond the wedding.

    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials. Feel free to check out the support group and/or friend/message me.
  • jchesro
    jchesro Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks @brisingr86 for your detailed response and for the really great advice. Really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I will certainly take a look at your group.
    You've given me food for thought for my goal weight loss, although to be honest I am far more concerned with how I will feel/ look on the day than with the number on the scales. I also take your point about just focusing on the wedding but I'm primarily using that as the motivation to push me into action not necessarily as the destination. If you have any tips or advice on strength training would love to hear it. Thanks again for all your help.
  • eryan914
    eryan914 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm getting married in Oct 2016 as well!
    I lost 220lbs almost 8yrs ago but since meeting my hubby to be in 2014, 24lb has crept back on.
    After xmas I had a shot at losing but lost motivation pretty quickly.
    With only 6 months to go, I'm feeling pretty determined (currently my summer clothes don't fit either so I need to do something!).
    I'm not a fan of exercise but I bought a bike and I've found it a fun way to burn some extra calories :smile:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    getting married june 4th.
    my dress has had it's last fitting so i only want to lose about 5lbs and then another fivish before the honeymoon 2 weeks later