How do you deal with hunger?



  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member

    6. Wait it out. If you know you're eating enough and the other steps above aren't helping, you may just have to wait it out. Our bodies send out hunger signals partially out of habit. If you eat at a certain time every day your body will start to get hungry at that time. The good news is that these signals can be retrained to stop telling you to be hungry all the time. The bad news is that you may just have to be hungry for a little bit while that happens.

    7. I also think it's important to remember that there's a habitual component to hunger. This goes along with point #6, but if you eat because you're bored or you're used to eating in front of the TV or in the car or whatever it is, then you can replace those habits with others that are better for you. Things like keeping water on hand to sip instead of snacking or picking up hobbies that keep your hands busy or that get you out of the house more can help out a little while you're retraining your hunger cues. You might need to pay attention to why you're eating/hungry or what you're feeling when you eat and try to replace food with other things, but it can be really beneficial over time.

    #7 is so right on! Habit. The food association with driving, watching TV, just getting home from work ...... I am rarely actually hungry. When I am involved with a project painting, cleaning, yard work, etc. I can go all day without even thinking about eating, but the minute I get the slightest bit bored and I am all about the snacks. Nothing to do with hunger just a need to do something and keep myself occupied.

  • Shellymarie604
    Shellymarie604 Posts: 51 Member
    I do strength training 3 to 5 times a week so not worried about muscle loss. Have the day off today so doing Orangetheory class and taking my dogs for a hike. Higher good intake today from the extra calories burned. Ya!!
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    Orangetheory on your day off? Seems to contradict the point LOL
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    When I feel hungry, but cannot consume anymore calories, I...

    Drink hot tea
    Chew sugarless gum
    Indulge in a diet soda
    Drink carbonated water

    Brush teeth
    Floss teeth
    Take a warm bath
    Call a friend
    Play with my cat
    Do laundry
    Play games on my iPad
    Exercise/ go for a walk

    If you have determined that it is not psychologically-driven hunger, consider supplements--your body might not be getting enough vitamins or minerals. Could make a huge difference...
  • livelovebbg
    livelovebbg Posts: 45 Member
    If I'm actually hungry, I eat!
  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    "Look for foods higher in protein, fat, and fiber. These help us stay full and more satisfied longer. If you're using MFP's default settings, try to consider protein, fat, and fiber as minimums to reach every day rather than maximums to stay below". You need to eat your fats to sustain! & for me I make lots of hot meals cause cold smoothies & salads & wraps just don't satisfy me.
  • chrisso802016
    chrisso802016 Posts: 26 Member
    Coffee has helped me. I think it's the warm sensation in my stomach. My first week or two I couldn't figure out how to get around those stomach pains. Read somewhere to try coffee. It worked when nothing else would. I tried eating little handfuls of things. Still fought off hunger pains.

    Try the coffee trick.
  • chrisso802016
    chrisso802016 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh, and I mean regular drip coffee. Not those lattes or milky frothy goodness coffees. Just the straight black drip coffee.

    Mmm mmm good!
  • cate320
    cate320 Posts: 130 Member
    I try to trick myself into enjoying the hunger pains. It means my body is on the verge of switching to burning my fat, after all :)

    Besides that, I eat most of my calories in fats and proteins, so most days I am satiated well below my calorie goal and actually have to force myself to eat.
  • MsPinkyButtercup
    MsPinkyButtercup Posts: 3 Member
    For me, it took a shift in thinking. I spent so many years NEVER feeling physical hunger pangs because I was eating so much, all the time. Then my hunger was all based in my head and what the latest thing I was craving. Now I realize that the physical feeling of hunger is normal. I eat my meals as planned, and by the time the next meal time rolls around my body tells me, through that grumbly tummy feeling, that it's time to eat. It took me a couple weeks to realize it's ok to feel a little hungry as I approach the next meal time. I know intellectually that I'm fueling my body properly, and I'm losing at a healthy rate. This is the new normal for me and I'm feeling at peace with it.

    That is an amazing perspective. I actually have the same issue as the person who started this thread and what you said makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing.
  • unawind
    unawind Posts: 46 Member
    edited March 2016
    Season and spice your food well. Make and add low calorie sauces. Learning to cook well can make dieting less of a chore. I find I'm more satisfied with smaller portions of more flavorful food, especially spicy food.

    Water-based soups and hot teas are great for hunger satiation. Fills your belly with high volume, low calorie goodness. Something about it being hot makes it more satisfying than just cold water.
  • KatherinePM
    KatherinePM Posts: 22 Member
    Not sure if I'm right but compulsive overeating may be a lot to do with habit and phsycology. Kind of like giving up smoking without the physical addiction part (the physiological barrier is the hardest to break). A lot of it is your WILL power and breaking down the psychological barriers and habitual routine. Like smoking (which I haven't yet mastered), it takes time and discipline and an element of mindfulness to cease. Plus you will always be susceptible to again overeating or smoking so just be mindful of that too. Again I don't have any evidence to support this theory, it's just a bit of self analysis.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    For me, it took a shift in thinking. I spent so many years NEVER feeling physical hunger pangs because I was eating so much, all the time. Then my hunger was all based in my head and what the latest thing I was craving. Now I realize that the physical feeling of hunger is normal. I eat my meals as planned, and by the time the next meal time rolls around my body tells me, through that grumbly tummy feeling, that it's time to eat. It took me a couple weeks to realize it's ok to feel a little hungry as I approach the next meal time. I know intellectually that I'm fueling my body properly, and I'm losing at a healthy rate. This is the new normal for me and I'm feeling at peace with it.

    That is an amazing perspective. I actually have the same issue as the person who started this thread and what you said makes perfect sense. Thank you for sharing.

  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    You could be eating too many refined carbohydrates.