Coffee with a few added calories - help or hinder weight loss?

Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
edited March 2016 in Food and Nutrition
I've read that drinking coffee can suppress appetite, speed up metabolism, and give added energy during workouts, but obviously the calories that go into consuming it can potentially offset those advantages. I'm wondering if anyone knows at what point the added calories outweigh the benefits of it?

I have one or two medium coffees a day, usually mid-morning and then often either mid-afternoon or evening. I find that it can help me get through those times by distracting me when I get a bit peckish and helping me be more alert and efficient, but other times it doesn't work and I snack anyways. I add a tbsp of 2% milk and sometimes 1/2 tsp of sugar to counter the bitterness of the coffee - can't drink it black. Do you guys think I'm negating the metabolic and appetite suppressing advantages of it by drinking it with milk and sometimes sugar? I drink a lot of oolong and green tea too but coffee is just so much more enjoyable!

Suggestions as to whether I should I stop or continue? I want to lose 6 lbs by the end of April.

Thanks :)


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    As long as you're logging the calories, you should be fine. I usually drink my coffee black, but I'll sometimes add a teaspoon of sugar or a tablespoon or two of coconut milk creamer if I'm feeling like something sweet. I have my coffee in the late afternoon and I have never noticed a difference in my appetite for the black vs adding something.
  • rperepolkin
    rperepolkin Posts: 2 Member
    I love coffee! I have had to slowly ween myself off of the sugar by adding less and less. One thing also is to put a bit of cinnamon in the filter when you make a pot, and use real cream. The sugar is the worse thing and now if I taste coffee with sugar it is way too sweet. I have my 2 cups a day and as mentioned just log it with everything else.:)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I've read that drinking coffee can suppress appetite, speed up metabolism, and give added energy during workouts, but obviously the calories that go into consuming it can potentially offset those advantages. I'm wondering if anyone knows at what point the added calories outweigh the benefits of it?

    I have one or two medium coffees a day, usually mid-morning and then often either mid-afternoon or evening. I find that it can help me get through those times by distracting me when I get a bit peckish and helping me be more alert and efficient, but other times it doesn't work and I snack anyways. I add a tbsp of 2% milk and sometimes 1/2 tsp of sugar to counter the bitterness of the coffee - can't drink it black. Do you guys think I'm negating the metabolic and appetite suppressing advantages of it by drinking it with milk and sometimes sugar? I drink a lot of oolong and green tea too but coffee is just so much more enjoyable!

    Suggestions as to whether I should I stop or continue? I want to lose 6 lbs by the end of April.

    Thanks :)

    if the extra calories are putting you into a surplus of calories for the day then yes, you either need to cut back the coffee or eat less of something else to get back into a deficit.

    weight loss is about CICO and not about what kind of coffee you are drinking...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I can't imagine it matters, other than of course count the calories.

    I suspect the benefits differ from person to person (and the metabolism stuff is slight). I prefer coffee black and drink too much of it (I have sleep issues that I don't see a direct connection to the coffee (I fall asleep fine), but I should cut way down and see). For me, I don't think it actually kills my appetite (my appetite is not the issue, really), but it's a nice alternative if I have that desire to go eat something. I can get a cup of coffee instead and it fills the same need. So that's really helpful for me, but I believe it's psychological. (I should try some herbal tea instead.)
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    It totally depends on the person. I find coffee helps me skip breakfast, I weaned my self off sugary coffee and drink 16oz per day with 4tbsp of half and half, lesss than 100 calories. I don't buy into it reducing my appetite for any longer than it takes to drink it, nor do I believe it changes my metabolism. But its something for my mouth to do while I patiently wait for lunch.
  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks guys! I will definitely try the cinnamon trick and try to wean off sugar. I do add the calories to my food diary and it hasn't yet put me over but I've been debating whether its worth it.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Try different kinds of coffee, too. You might find one that you enjoy black.

    I generally add 1-2 tsps of half & half to my cup of coffee and that's it. I probably could drink it black, but I don't want to :)

  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I always drink my coffee unsweetened with a splash of heavy whipping cream. It absolutely has major appetite suppressing benefits for me. There are days I definitely don't feel hungry or have any desire to eat, and the 3+ cups of coffee I'm drinking is likely culprit. I'm sure the cream helps, too :wink:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I have switched to just unsweetened cashew milk or skim milk in my coffee. Coffee should not be bitter without sugar. Sometimes I make mine too strong, maybe that's why you think it tastes bitter. I agree with trying different kinds of coffee as well. A stronger coffee needs more "stuff" added to it to balance it. Put in more milk and you probably won't need the sugar. I like cinnamon in mine too and it is good for you.