Logging Question

I really need to get better about logging my food daily. When I am at work I can log from my computer, then when I get home with the kids I just forget, and by the time bedtime rolls around I just want to relax and unwind. Maybe I should log my snacks and dinner the next day? Does anyone else log their food the next day?


  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I actually pre-log everything day before. I'm not a good log as I go person. With pre-logging, I have a plan and know how my day should play out with calories.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I usually pack my lunch at the same time that I'm making breakfast, so I log those two meals at the same time.

    If I have a late class or an evening activity, I will sometimes log my dinner/ evening food from the previous day in the morning when I'm logging breakfast and lunch

    To keep honest, I will either (a) take a picture of a meal that I can't log right away, or (b) pull out a scrap of paper and quickly log an estimate of everything and stick it in my wallet until the next morning.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    do you have the app? It makes things a little bit easier.

    In my opinion though, pre-logging is essential in staying on track
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    You can pre-log, you can use the app on your phone, you can make time to use the computer platform. There are so many ways to do it, you just need to commit!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I never pre-log because I change my mind too much but I always have my phone around so before bed I just sit down and finish my logging for the day. If I'm pre-paring dinner, I'm scanning the barcodes as I go along anyway
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Like others have suggested, pre-logging is your friend! I can't tell you how many times it has saved me. I make most of my snacks and meals the night before and just weigh them out and log as I go for the next day. Then, after I've eaten for the day, I go through and delete stuff I didn't actually eat. Never touched that apple? It's just a simple swipe to the left to get rid of it (I use the app mainly). It's so much easier than having to stop mid-way through something and log my food. Sometimes I really don't have time to weigh my food out, or I forgot my scale, or I'm somewhere that bringing my food scale isn't practical.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    So for me I eat the same breakfast and lunch each day. When I get off work get the kids and start making dinner I have no set menu or routine when I make dinner. I am a professional chef and when I get home I really am not motivated to make fancy things so I look around and make whatever I can find. I do have the app but between my kids (5, and 3) 2 dogs and trying to make the house not look like a bomb went off before the wife gets home, then making dinner, getting snacks I just do not think to log until I get to work the next day and open my computer and login then. I went and backlogged what I ate yesterday and I was under my calories still.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Takes like 2 mins man. Doesn't cut into relax time.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    But 2 minutes is 2 less minutes I get to play my video games. Which in adult time equals like 6 hours.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    I use the app on my phone. I log before I eat something, but usually while I am preparing the meal. Sometimes I will pre-log breakfast or lunch because I tend to eat the same things over and over, but for dinner I wait because we tend to wait until the last minute to decide what we want. I don't like logging after because I will forget what I had or how much something weighed. I could write it down, but if I'm going to do that then I'll just go ahead and log it in my phone. If you only use the desktop version though you could write it down and then log it later.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    mweckler wrote: »
    But 2 minutes is 2 less minutes I get to play my video games. Which in adult time equals like 6 hours.

  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited March 2016
    I keep the scale out on the worktop and use the phone app to log. I don't pre-log, as I am building lifetime habits and I like the spontaneity of "ooh, I really fancy xxxxx for dinner!" and don't want to lose it. I log as I'm preparing/serving.
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    I log my next day as I'm packing my lunch the night before :)
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    mweckler wrote: »
    But 2 minutes is 2 less minutes I get to play my video games. Which in adult time equals like 6 hours.


    That is all I hear all day Daaaaad can you come here. Daaaaad can you hand me the water that is 3 inches from me, but I have to yell for you to do it because you are on the other side of the house?
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    Pre log here :)