Looking for some lady friends. Preferably with a NON-private food diary.



  • SennaD89
    SennaD89 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I've just decided to "open" my diary to friends. Always looking to connect and motivate. I'm 26 and try to eat clean most of the time. I'm almost at the goal-weight I set for myself a year ago. Feel free to add me :)
  • plami_9209
    plami_9209 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, I`m 23 and I`m trying to get into a more healthy lifestyle, feel free to add me anytime. I`m also looking for motivating people to keep me going ;)
  • flswimmom14
    flswimmom14 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm 41 and ready for a change. I'm coming up on my 20th anniversary with just 1 child. I will look to see if I can open my diary. I love God and my family. Would also love some friends to keep me motivated and on track. Feel free to add me. :)
  • tinyfitmama
    tinyfitmama Posts: 1 Member
    I would love you to add me. Always looking for motivation to stay on track. My biggest struggle seems to be chocolate right now, and although I have a very good metabolism I'd really love to give it up entirely. Also, love that you're in love with Jesus, I am too
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Feel free to add me. I JUST got back on MFP but knowing someone may be checking out my diary will keep me motivated to track. And FYI...it ain't always pretty! Lol Right now my goal is to cut down & stay below sugar level for day as I'm in my 40's and feel that's a huge contributor to my weight loss journey.

    Also very much appreciate your comment about clean language & your faith! That's been a challenge of mine find people that share this value on MFP
  • KHal11715
    KHal11715 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! My diary is open to my friends so please feel free to add! I exercise 4-6 days a week and try not to eat my calories back. Also trying out IIFYM.
  • dacarve
    dacarve Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone who wants some moral support...food ideas
    ..etc. feel free to add me :-)
  • bmcnulty1990
    bmcnulty1990 Posts: 17 Member
    25 with 2 little ones.. I have come a long way in my weight loss from when my last child was born .. but the last 6 months I'm hovering around the same spot I'm not strict with my diet I eat what I want when I want I just try to keep the healthy mentality as much as I can. Just started back on here going to try to IIFYM dieting to see if I can tone up and gain muscle now . Would love some motivation friends with same goals and to be uplifting to each other ! Feel free to add ladies ! :)
  • lucy143sweets
    lucy143sweets Posts: 7 Member
    Hi , I would love some mfp friends to support me on my journey to a healthier me. I'm 45 and very happy with my wonderful bf who is in the same boat I'm when It comes to losing weight . I'd like to share motivation and tips and menu sharing , please feel free to add me as a friend :)<3
  • jabberwocky918
    jabberwocky918 Posts: 50 Member
    Add me! But I've been sick lately so my diary hasn't been at its best this week xD
  • KaiteAngel777
    KaiteAngel777 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me!
  • GloriaE2016
    GloriaE2016 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I'm 29, married and have 3 kids. My diary is open to friends. I'm just starting out and would love to have a couple more friends.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Im open! I dont eat 'clean'....but i log consistently.
  • shannao29
    shannao29 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm back at it again focused on getting down to my goal weight. Love to hear the ups and downs from everyone on there journey. My diary is open to friends if you'd like to add me. Im a mother of 1, from Canada. Im veru up an down with my weight. Looking to make smarter healtier positive changes throughout my life. Hope to share my journey with all of you soon
  • katewellness
    katewellness Posts: 2 Member
    Just started logging - please add me!
  • Ringer1022
    Ringer1022 Posts: 45 Member
    My diary is open for friends
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    so male that randomly track have no chance of being your friend?
  • delrina730
    delrina730 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all add me. New to this app for about a week, looking for good honest support & encouragement to make my goals and maintain. Not sure if diary is open. If not please let me know and how to correct. Have a blessed day.
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    27 and eat pretty clean and high protein. Feel free to add me.
  • seamonster111
    seamonster111 Posts: 18 Member
    Add me! 42... Mother of two (3 years and 21 months) and am getting back on to MyFitness Pal so I can get accountability and support. Spring has sprung and I'm determined to get stronger so I can hit the golf ball further, up my cardio so I can keep up with the kiddies for years to come, and if I lose about 20 pounds in doing so, great!