So incredibly frustrated...

jilllian0330 Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I don't intend for this to be a whiney post, but it's been eating at me and my family doesn't understand why I'm complaining about it. Last week, when I weighed in, I was 3-5 pounds away from my ultimate goal. I've lost (well had lost) about 80 pounds since last April. I was so close to my goal, and I don't know what happened. Since last wednesday, I'm up 6 pounds. I've been logging in my food, and I havn't changed my exercising, it's not like I've been laying around doing nothing! I still exercise everyday! I did eat a few meals out, and have been eating candy/sweets more than I usually do, but I've still been under my calories each day. I know that weight flucuates, but it's really been getting me bummed and discouraged. Now I'm another 10-12 pounds away from my goal. Such a setback. What kind of person gains 6 pounds in a week's time, and who exercises daily. I don't understand it. I feel like I can totally see a difference in my stomach/arms/shoulders of this gain. I keep telling myself, weight flucuates, ect., but it's not justifying it for me. Just wondering how others dealt with/are dealing with a setback in their weightloss journey, and how to cope with it and got back on track. I'm so close, and in the past and recently I had to admit, I've turned to food when I'm feeling sad and down in the dumps.
Look forward to hearing any responses, sorry if this seems whiney and pathetic, but I figured this was the place where people could maybe relate with me on this one...


  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Are you having any problems with bloating or constipation? Usually when somebody gains 6lb in a week, it could be attributed to water retention or constipation. Otherwise, I would back off of the sweets and see if it is just something as simple as that.

    Most important, don't get discouraged! You can do it. You've already lost so much! That's awesome :)
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I'm assuming you're a female...Sorry, my computer won't show your photo....But I had a 3 lb gain over 10 days but it was due to my cycle. From Tuesday to today, I've lost 1 lb of that. It's all water weight. Since you said you'd eaten out and been eating more sweets, you've probably had more sodium than usual...or it could be your cycle...maybe your scale? If everything you're saying is accurate, I don't think you could actually gain 6 lbs in a week. You'd have to eat everything in sight for that to happen!
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    If you have been eating out more it could be due to sodium and water retention. Try cutting back on the sodium and drink more water when you do eat out to counteract it.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Everytime I eat out I'm up 3 pounds. They use a lot of sodium in the food. Drink lots of water and the pounds will dissapear in a couple of days.
  • Are you mixing up your exercise? How much sugar are you eating? You might be within your calories, but I think all the refined sugar in sweets and all that junk food, will probably eventually take its toll on your body.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Is it TOM almost? i would think it is water weight. You could not have gained 6 lbs of fat in a weeks time, especially if you are exercising everyday and are under your calories. I would hold off on weighing for a few days.
  • Are your able to make your food diary public?
  • pauterson
    pauterson Posts: 65
    Now that you've lost so much, maybe try focusing on getting strong (lifting weights). Also, remember, just because you have calories for it doesn't mean you have to eat it. :-) Try changing your macronutrients too... lower your carbs, increase your protein, reduce your fat intake... your body is probably plateauing. Don't be discouraged, just work it out. It's a life long journey right?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Unless You've eaten a total of 21,000 calories over MAINTENANCE calories over the last week, then you couldn't have really gained 6 pounds. You say you've eaten a few meals out and have had some more sweets/candy - these could likely have been high in sodium. Some people (like myself) are very sensitive to excess sodium and I retain water like crazy.

    Assuming you're not binging ridiculous amounts each day, then logically you haven't really gained that much fat. Keep on doing what you know is healthy, drink some extra water, and the weight will come back down.

    As you don't have much to lose - it WILL be a struggle to lose the last bit. A great post you should take a look at:
    (In this one, you'd be stage 3, bordering on stage 4... if not in stage 4)

    Make sure you're not making the mistake of keeping a high deficit with only a little to lose. Also, strength training should be a big part of your routine if it's not already. Just some ideas. :smile:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    1 lb = 3500 calories consumed without MOVING or breathing or anything. I doubt that you have gained a "legitimate" 6lbs. Up your water and watch your sodium ... if you are exercising and not eating your exercise calories back and NETTING less then 1000 calories a day you may be holding on to all the calories you DO consume.

    In order for you to have gained 6 lbs in a week you would have had to have eaten 21,000 calories (again without moving as moving burns calories as does breathing).

    I have found when people (myself included) are close to goal they begin to "snack" and not count everything they are eating/using to cook. Get more diligent with your logging and that weight should come off again.

    corrected calorie count per pound*
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    There were times where my weight went up to 7lbs in just a few days... I know its not a fat gain but just temporary gain so it usually goes back down in a few days. Maybe you had too much sodium? I wouldnt worry about it too much.. just give it a few days since it most likely is just water or sodium.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Things to consider:

    water retention and bloating from monthly cycle
    when you are eating the sweets--can be stored as fat if eaten late at night
    sodium intake leads to water retention but should not be a 6lb weight gain
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I'm having a similar frustration: I've been trying to get to my goal weight for over a year now. I run farther than I ever have before and I workout about 4-5x a week. I'm currently working on getting to 6x a week because I have YET to lose any REAL weight. My smallest was 191 and I have YET to reach that number. I get back down to 194, but the next day am usually up again. I'm doing a kickboxing class to get my strength training in and I'm training for a half-marathon. I even worked out thru my cycle this time to try to prevent weight-gain but sadly, I'm now scaling in at 200lbs. I'm INCREDIBLY frustrated and nothing seems to be working for me.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    One more link that I couldn't find at first - a must-read for everyone and it might help you put things in perspective.
  • I would suggest water weight. Did you eat a higher sodium meal before you weighed yourself? Although it sounds strange, drink lots of water, to help expel the extra water. And did you weigh yourself at the same time of day as you normally do? Your weight can fluctuate a lot during a day, so make sure it was the same time of day. My final thought would be that because you are so close to the end, you may need to switch things up a bit. Remember that your calorie goal is a GOAL. You want to come as close to that as possible. But not taking in enough calories, your body will think it is starving and begin to hold on to extra fats. And make sure that the calories you are taking in are mostly healthy calories...
    and most importantly, don't get discouraged!! You have done great so far and you will finish strong! Hang in there!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    sounds like water weight.
    restaurants are bad for the salt and MSG in their food.
    and if it's around your TOM too, that definitely would spike the water weight gain.
    I also wonder if maybe you've gained muscle? it's possible.
  • PRod31
    PRod31 Posts: 29 Member
    I would say stay focused and remain positive. Get rid of any doubt that you will make your goal. I find that when I am doing great on my weight loss I tend to sabotage my progress with junk food or candy and then hide from my scale.

    I also find myself eating for emotional reasons. Here is a link I used regarding emotional eating triggers which I used.

    I behind you all the way! Have a great, positive and focused day!
  • Since all my weightloss, I don't hardly get my cycle anymore. I've been drinking ALOT of water recently since it's been sooo hot out (between 2 and 3 liters a day.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    All of the above and probably a combination!! I might also add, heat & humidity makes some people (like me) retain water.

    :flowerforyou: C O N G R A T S :flowerforyou: :drinker: FOR SUCH AN AWESOME LOSS :drinker:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Since all my weightloss, I don't hardly get my cycle anymore. I've been drinking ALOT of water recently since it's been sooo hot out (between 2 and 3 liters a day.

    Not to be alarmist, but the fact that you don't get your cycle anymore should be a concern. That typically happens when a woman's body fat dips *too low*. I'd recommend you have a checkup with a doctor and have an honest discussion with him/her about your weight loss goals and what is a healthy weight for you, and whether or not you might have gone a bit too low.

    I know I already posted this, but I think it's a very important post and I highly recommend you read it:

    It definitely sounds like you need to shift your focus from weight loss to fitness/strength/overall health.
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