STEP OFF THE POUNDS- 50,000 steps in 5 days

dream4tc Posts: 6 Member
Starting Monday March 28th at 0000 am and ending Friday April 1st at 11:59pm
50,000 steps IN 5 DAYS

Let's do this!!!


  • brendavirgo13
    brendavirgo13 Posts: 84 Member
    Let's do it
  • brendavirgo13
    brendavirgo13 Posts: 84 Member
    did over 10,000 yesterday (Mar. 28) will post actual # later today.
  • annpesta365
    annpesta365 Posts: 1 Member
    I only did a few over 5000 yesterday, but I will make it up today and join your challenge.
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am in
    yesterday March 28th - 15,843 steps
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    It's supposed to be sunny out this week so I am in as well if you are still doing this.
  • mrsrichards1kr
    mrsrichards1kr Posts: 13 Member
    How does these steps work?
  • brendavirgo13
    brendavirgo13 Posts: 84 Member
    March 28th---19,361
    March 29th---13,971
  • brendavirgo13
    brendavirgo13 Posts: 84 Member
    March 30th--14,291 (47,623)
  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Brenda, you are doing great!

    March 28th 7559
    March 29th 11861
    March 30th 11205 (not end of day yet but will not be moving much more.)
    30625 total so far
  • dream4tc
    dream4tc Posts: 6 Member
    That's awesome! Keep going!
    Step off the Pounds Challenge
    50,000 in 5 days

    Here are mine
    March 28 Day 1- 10,271
    March 29 Day 2- 10,842
    March 30 Day 3- 10,584
    March 31 Day 4 - 10,608
    April 1st Day 5- still working on it

  • dream4tc
    dream4tc Posts: 6 Member
    did over 10,000 yesterday (Mar. 28) will post actual # later today.

    Awesome! Great work!
  • dream4tc
    dream4tc Posts: 6 Member
    How does these steps work?

    As long as you get 50,000 steps in the time frame, it doesn't matter how many you do per day :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2016
    fyi my step count for the past 5 days is 100k+ ....just had to share that :smiley: (I'm in a few Fitbit challenges and that pushes me on more than usual...) :smiley:

    ps all the steps definately contribute to me maintaining my weight loss goal so keep up the good work everyone :smile:
  • dream4tc
    dream4tc Posts: 6 Member
    fyi my step count for the past 5 days is 100k+ ....just had to share that :smiley: (I'm in a few Fitbit challenges and that pushes me on more than usual...) :smiley:

    ps all the steps definately contribute to me maintaining my weight loss goal so keep up the good work everyone :smile:

    That's amazing!!!! Fantastic job!!!
  • brendavirgo13
    brendavirgo13 Posts: 84 Member
    March 31st--18,401
    Total =66,024