Can I admit that I dislike strength training...

I am soooo soooo struggling with making myself strength train....I would rather trudge through cardio...but alas that is not getting the job done...I say every day "Tomorrow I am going to do one of these dusty weight DVD's that I have purchased," then, well, I don't. Instead I go run, or ride my bike, because that for some reason seems easier? Not that it is easy, I just do not know why I dislike the strength aspect. Anyone else struggle?


  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Maybe try to figure out what obstacles you have put in your own way to avoid doing strength training.
    Do you like to workout outside? Then use playground equipment and your own body weight to do strength training. Take a mat outside and do the work there.
    Is it the music that's missing? Get some tunes and put on your head phones. You can even create a music set that will work with the rhythm of your weight lifting.
    Finding it lonely and hard to push yourself with the weights? Go to a gym and find a work out buddy, or ask a friend to work out with you. It really *is* more fun when you're working along with someone else.

    You've obviously found the TIME to work out which for many is the hardest part. Now you just need to figure out why you're not setting yourself up for SUCCESS!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I am soooo soooo struggling with making myself strength train....I would rather trudge through cardio...but alas that is not getting the job done...I say every day "Tomorrow I am going to do one of these dusty weight DVD's that I have purchased," then, well, I don't. Instead I go run, or ride my bike, because that for some reason seems easier? Not that it is easy, I just do not know why I dislike the strength aspect. Anyone else struggle?

    I have hard times staying motivated when I don;t have a training partner. Strength training is important enough to find a good training partner to help keep you motivated.
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm the same way. I'd rather spend 30 minutes doing cardio burning X # of calories. Since MFP is so calorie # driven, that's what I tend to focus on. I'm starting to MAKE myself do 2 strength workouts each week at the gym after my cardio. It's boring, but it's gotta be done if I ever want the scale to move. :(
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I was the same way until I joined the Body Pump class. I think it's because you can't listen to your ipod and count reps at the same time when you're just lifting/strength training, so it's suuuuuuuuuuuper boring. At least I think that's what my problem was.

    Are you in a position to get into a weights class? I know there are several out there. If you are, I highly suggest trying it....I bet you will start to look forward to it!
  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    Same here! I despise strength training.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am just the opposite. I can easily push through 45 minute sessions of heavy lifting with all those nifty rest periods in between sets as opposed to an hour of boring ol' cardio.

    Unless the cardio is something like Turbo Kick, I can' stand doing it. :bigsmile:
  • ketojeanna
    ketojeanna Posts: 15 Member
    I feel the EXACT same way. I think my trouble stems from I know EXACTLY how many calories that I am burning when I am working out on the cardio machines. With the strength training, I do a group class at my gym and things go so fast I have no idea what we did and how many we did or what all the exercises are called and so when I go to log my exercise for the day I have no idea what to put. I guess I could get a HRM but I really don't have the money for that right now so I am still at square one. All I know is that I went to the class tonight and even though I entered no excersice into my exercise diary, I know that I still ended the day with calories to spare so the exercise calories are just a bonus.