Over 50 starting April 1

First time here tonight. New also to the health fitness after having years of unhealthy eating & no exercise! I'm 59 and recently got into Herbalife and doing weight training with a trainer. I've been sick with the flu and hurt my back recently but am gonna start a body transformation challenge starting April 1. I'm 50 pounds overweight. Any advise on motivation that has worked for you?


  • kimberley_liburd
    kimberley_liburd Posts: 11 Member
    I need to lose 15kg and aim to drop 2 dress sizes. I am going to Spain on the 1st April for 2 weeks. I have set a goal of 10,000 steps per day for the next 14 days. I have a Jawbone to track my activity. So it would be great to have a motivation buddy.
  • EddieP50
    EddieP50 Posts: 192 Member
    I tried dieting 2 or 3 times before, would lose 10 pounds then stall out. I wasn't consistent in logging though and would cheat with desserts. This time around I have been very strict about logging everything on the app from my phone or tablet before I eat. I cut out the desserts and replaced it with fresh fruit or fat free yogurt. I have also limited fried foods.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    katbox529 wrote: »
    First time here tonight. New also to the health fitness after having years of unhealthy eating & no exercise! I'm 59 and recently got into Herbalife and doing weight training with a trainer. I've been sick with the flu and hurt my back recently but am gonna start a body transformation challenge starting April 1. I'm 50 pounds overweight. Any advise on motivation that has worked for you?

    you don't heed Herbalife. Overprice marketing scheme that only makes you lose in your checkbook. you do however need to track everything you consume and eat the the proper calorie level for weightloss. the MFP app will calculate that calorie number. your job and view it just like a job...track your calorie consumption with diligence and accuracy to include weighing absolutely everything you possibly can.

    There is NO weight loss supplement or magic method sold by any slick marketing company that has any desire but to make themselves rich at your expense. Do your research independently from impartial and reputable places and see for yourself.

    Best wishes
  • 6swolcott
    6swolcott Posts: 38 Member
    Im over 50 and have lost 48 lbs since august, I track track track , every bite even a piece of candy, its amazing how you will see where the wholes in your thinking about what your are doing are. Every choice matters, whether to move or not to move today, no one will know I didn't track that bite, be honest brutally honest with yourself. There are no magic fixes or products, eat healthy and move to lose, making eating healthy your first priority. I also met with my Doctor, and had her advice me and she offered me a free nutrition class. Dont think you already know what you need to do, have a teachable spirit and learn from those on these boards who have been successful at keeping it off, I have learned a wealth of info I wouldn't have otherwise. Best of luck feel free to friend me if you desire.
  • BarbaraGoldsmith
    BarbaraGoldsmith Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm 49 and I have been doing the fitness Pal since March 8th, 2016 along with the Venus Factor diet, and I have been tracking every piece of food and every single exercise movement. I started out at 200 lbs now I'm down to 182. You don't need to use Herbalife, just track your meals and your exercise everyday, make sure that you eat 3 meals a day that is healthy and 1 healthy snack. My problems was that I was only eating 1 meal a day, when I incorporated 3 meals a day and a snack with my daily protein at 90 per day. I began to lose inches and now the weight is finally coming off little by little. Best of luck my friend and stay motivated every single step of the way.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    6swolcott wrote: »
    Im over 50 and have lost 48 lbs since august, I track track track , every bite even a piece of candy, its amazing how you will see where the wholes in your thinking about what your are doing are. Every choice matters, whether to move or not to move today, no one will know I didn't track that bite, be honest brutally honest with yourself. There are no magic fixes or products, eat healthy and move to lose, making eating healthy your first priority. I also met with my Doctor, and had her advice me and she offered me a free nutrition class. Dont think you already know what you need to do, have a teachable spirit and learn from those on these boards who have been successful at keeping it off, I have learned a wealth of info I wouldn't have otherwise. Best of luck feel free to friend me if you desire.

    +1 Well said.

    You quite simply need a revelation, not a supplement company. a pure and simple revelation that makes so much sense when you stop and think about it, you'll be amazed that you never realized it earlier. that revelation is that it is just math. your body will burn calories even with no exercise...therefore we must feed it..however when we over feed it, it still takes the calories. The issue is that if we consume more than we burn, we store the rest. don't get hung up on "the type of food" you eat. DO get hung up on the amount of food you eat. So...we clearly understand different foods have different calorie content. therefore....we must track those to ensure we consume the correct amount to achieve the desired goal we have.

    thats really all there is to it.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Hi, I'm 49 and I have been doing the fitness Pal since March 8th, 2016 along with the Venus Factor diet, and I have been tracking every piece of food and every single exercise movement. I started out at 200 lbs now I'm down to 182. You don't need to use Herbalife, just track your meals and your exercise everyday, make sure that you eat 3 meals a day that is healthy and 1 healthy snack. My problems was that I was only eating 1 meal a day, when I incorporated 3 meals a day and a snack with my daily protein at 90 per day. I began to lose inches and now the weight is finally coming off little by little. Best of luck my friend and stay motivated every single step of the way.

    Congrats on your success!

    I would say that your 3 meal plus 1 snack works for you so, embrace it and keep moving. Many people don't need a set number of meals...they just need to be at the correct calorie level. what i get concerned with sometimes is that people begin to think that there is a "set method" and its not about a method...its about an amount. meal timing plays little role, meal frequency plays little role. the big item in weight loss is the amount you consume.
  • Tinymeaf
    Tinymeaf Posts: 30 Member
    Set goals. I decided to eat normal meals, but to cut out carbs for snacks by sticking to apples and raw almonds. I tracked everything I ate with fitness pal, and have exercise schedules that I am sticking to so I can run a 10 Km race in June and a centurion bike race in sept. I include at least 1 circuit training session a week using the 7-minute workout app. I started Jan 1 and have lost 25 pounds so far. Make your goals attainable and stick to it. If you have a bad day, don't get down on yourself, but instead bounce back with a good day. It's the best feeling ever to transform yourself! Good luck in your journey.
  • NicoleLynn0112
    NicoleLynn0112 Posts: 26 Member
    I also have a Jawbone and have been looking for more friends. Feel free to add me as a friend on MFP and I'll give you my name to add me as a friend on Jawbone. We can motivate each other to stay on track!!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Key thing is to consistently follow the MFP process. Results will come.
  • PowerFwd
    PowerFwd Posts: 23 Member
    I am 57 and I have been struggling with my weight my whole life. Losing weight AND keeping it off is much mental as it is physical. I am the type of person that can have a huge meal and then announce that I am going on a diet and I am immediately hungry. If something is working for you, Herbalife, WW, Paleo, whatever, then do it. I have lost weight on almost every diet. All diets that work are based, in part, on a simple concept of CICO. They are just packaged differently to convince the mind to "buy-in" to the concept of losing weight. I think I have lost over 500 pounds on such diets over my 57 years. However, I have generally gained it all back and then some.

    Here is my suggestion/tip. Use whatever combination of diet and exercise that you believe in and stick to it as long as possible. As long as you are losing weight, it is working! However, if or when you start to get discouraged or feel yourself growing tired of the shakes or limitations of food, then try something else, like CICO. It is free, there are no high pressure sales AND it works. Eat what you want and log everything you eat and as l=onyour calorie expenditure. As long as you are in a deficit, you will lose weight. It is a pain at first, but after a while, it will become second nature. I log at home, in restaurants, wherever. I look at the calorie content before I order at restaurants. When I am at a business lunch, my clients think I am checking my email or answering an important text. I sometimes make faces while looking at my phone (like I am contemplating a big business decision) and then type the response. In fact, I was deciding whether I should go with the salad or if the petite filet could fit in my daily calories. Once decided, I log it. BTW, I run a multi-million dollar consulting practice.

    I would be willing to suggest that I spend less time logging on MFP than most younger people (and some people our age) spend on Facebook. After I reach my goal weight, I believe that I will continue to log CICO. Knowing what I am eating and how it affects me is power. I see it as a way of life.

  • katbox529
    katbox529 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks gor the tips! Sounds like you have a definite plan that works for you. Not sure what CICI is, but I'll look it up. I love that you're logging during meetings and taking care of you all the time! I like the Herbalife to start with and slowly will stop. Trying to jump start healthy and have everything compact and easy. I already have groceries needed for the week and will stick to my plan and use MFP to track for now. Wish me luck & same to you!
  • katbox529
    katbox529 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I reply to individual posts?
  • katbox529
    katbox529 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm 49 and I have been doing the fitness Pal since March 8th, 2016 along with the Venus Factor diet, and I have been tracking every piece of food and every single exercise movement. I started out at 200 lbs now I'm down to 182. You don't need to use Herbalife, just track your meals and your exercise everyday, make sure that you eat 3 meals a day that is healthy and 1 healthy snack. My problems was that I was only eating 1 meal a day, when I incorporated 3 meals a day and a snack with my daily protein at 90 per day. I began to lose inches and now the weight is finally coming off little by little. Best of luck my friend and stay motivated every single step of the way.

    You've lost a lot of weight in short time. Congrats and thanks for all the tips!
  • katbox529
    katbox529 Posts: 7 Member
    katbox529 wrote: »
    How do I reply to individual posts?
    Sorry all my fone going slow so didn't give me this option before!!

  • katbox529
    katbox529 Posts: 7 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    katbox529 wrote: »
    First time here tonight. New also to the health fitness after having years of unhealthy eating & no exercise! I'm 59 and recently got into Herbalife and doing weight training with a trainer. I've been sick with the flu and hurt my back recently but am gonna start a body transformation challenge starting April 1. I'm 50 pounds overweight. Any advise on motivation that has worked for you?

    you don't heed Herbalife. Overprice marketing scheme that only makes you lose in your checkbook. you do however need to track everything you consume and eat the the proper calorie level for weightloss. the MFP app will calculate that calorie number. your job and view it just like a job...track your calorie consumption with diligence and accuracy to include weighing absolutely everything you possibly can.

    There is NO weight loss supplement or magic method sold by any slick marketing company that has any desire but to make themselves rich at your expense. Do your research independently from impartial and reputable places and see for yourself.

    Best wishes

    Thanks for the advice. I do like having the Herbalife shakes for jump starting my healthy lifestyle. I'm sure I don't "need" it, but since there is an expense, for me it does help with more accountability. I have never tracked calories so MFP should help me with that. It's a lot to digest (no pun intended), but I really will try. I intend to replace Herbalife with foods later on down the road. Thanks again and wish me luck!
  • hcolligan
    hcolligan Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 52 and have lost 72 lbs since June. I've logged everything into mfp and exercised at home with DVDs and online. I've tried to eat more healthy food and cut out snacking when bored rather than hungry. I looked at it as a new way of life / new me rather than a diet.