Can't even make 1 day without evening snacks....

Everyday I start out motivated, eat a healthy breakfast, maybe (most of the time) :30 minutes on a treadmill (avg 3.5 with incline up to 7) and short walk with dog. Lunch-Healthy. Water-plenty. Dinner not too bad. At this point I am averaging 1200-1350 calories.............then 7:30-and ice cream, maybe a few cookies, handful of those healty almonds, what about a chip or two (okay 1 handful of salted chips). now the calorie count is ......who knows too late to document and too defeated. But, I start the next day hopefull and it starts all over again. What is wrong with me? I will write for motivation. Maybe tomorrow night I will forego the snacking and stay at the calories that might get me to take a pound off.


  • mikegohl
    mikegohl Posts: 68 Member
    Plan for a healthy evening snack and get rid of those bad ones if you can!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    most people will tell you lots of ways to avoid snacking at night. I always snack at night, it is just who I am. I plan for it in my calorie count shaving off a few calories from each meal to save them for snacks. I also try to make most of it healthy and I always count my snacks in my calorie count. If you really want to not snack at night then work towards that but you can make room for snacks as long as you aren't giving them too many calories and they aren't total junkfood.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I used to have this problem -- so frustrating!!

    Pack your calories in for breakfast or lunch. I was always skeptical of this, I wanted to 'save' my calories for later 'just in case'. But you know what? Ever since I started eating more for breakfast (or lunch, when I don't have time for the best breakfast) I am not hungry in the evening.
  • sarablackstock
    Don't be too hard on yourself. You can still snack at night you just need to make the snacks good for you stuff instead of bad for you stuff. Maybe try to not have the chips in the house and then you won't snack on them.
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    I stick to air popped popcorn. A couple of cups is right around 100 calories, which works for me. :)
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Watermelon. Greatest. Evening. Snack.... EVER!!!!!!
  • frankypetunia
    frankypetunia Posts: 17 Member
    thats my problem too ..but just STOP BUYING the stuff you are snacking on ..if its not in the house you cant eat it ..x good luck
  • groovyfirechick
    I did the easiest thing possible....I got all the junk out of the house and stocked up on lots of fruits and veggies. I work 3 night shifts a week too so its easier for me to avoid the snacks (I pack food to take with me and only eat what I bring). There is no place to go get food close to where I work. Good luck!!
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    I saved 200 calories at the end of my day for a 100 cal ice cream and 100 cal of chips. I am on a 1200 calorie diet too, if I go over for my day I will work out so I can snack. Snacking is a must for me lol.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    i always snack at night.. its a matter of what u choose to snack on.. i usually go for air popped popcorn, a huge bowl, with yogurt butter (i get to choose the amount of butter; which for a huge bowl is 2tbls at 90calories, or if i go for the small bowl 45calories for the butter, then 60calories for the popcorn or 120for a big bowl---up to 210calories total. Choosing the big bowl if im realyl hungry, or the small bowl if i can manage by eating a smaller amount.. i get to eat a huge bowl of something and get the munchies that last awhile instead of a handful of chips thats gone in an instant...
    sometimes ill go for a serving of icecream--half cup or a low calorie bar. other times ill go for granola bar, or celery and peanut butter.

    why do u have icecream, cookies, and salty chips just sitting around ur house?? if its a problem, dont have them around!
  • Tereztaylor07
    I snack at night. I either have some fat free popcorn or a skinny cow ice cream treat. Just plan for it in your calories and don't fight it! A whole lot easier than setting yourself up for failure. And ditch all the junk!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    most people will tell you lots of ways to avoid snacking at night. I always snack at night, it is just who I am. I plan for it in my calorie count shaving off a few calories from each meal to save them for snacks. I also try to make most of it healthy and I always count my snacks in my calorie count. If you really want to not snack at night then work towards that but you can make room for snacks as long as you aren't giving them too many calories and they aren't total junkfood.

    Ditto, Great advise - Plan for it....
    Life is life.....Live it.
    There are going to be time when you out and hungry - make good choices :)
    you ogt this!!!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    I'm an evening grazer. I accept that about myself and I plan for it. I reserve 300 to 400 calories for my evening 'intake'. I space them out over a 4-hour period between 6:00 and 10:00. I eat things like 100-cal popcorn, 45 calorie hot chocolate, crystal light iced tea, 1% cottage cheese with splenda and cinnamon. HungryGirl 137 calorie muffins. Nice juicy raspberries or strawberries. Butternut squash baked 'fries'.

    Why fight it when there are reasonable alternatives? Beware of 'all or nothing' attitudes.

  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    As others have said you need to get rid of the unhealthy things you are snacking on. If you can't bring yourself to throw them out, just eat them up and get it over with, then do not buy them anymore. I was always an evening snacker. Still am, but it is fruit, or a healthier alternative snack.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I plan for 5-6 meals/snacks a day so I am always eating something at night. Planning is the best way to make sure you don't splurge. If you know you've already planned a delicious snack, you won't be a tempted to reach for junk. Almonds are a good snack, perhaps make it a trail mix with other nuts, pretzels, etc. If you want sweets, try a sugar free popsicle. If you really want some kind of salty chip, I suggest Veggie Straws which have a very nice serving size, 38 straws!
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Before I came to mfp I played all kinds of games with myself and my evening snack. I'd say I was going to give it up for a week, couldn't last a day. Then I'd say I'll just eat fruit and eat my (light) ice-cream instead. I'd always try to not eat it and then cave, then feel guilty. It became a vicious cycle and the snack always won. When I got here and read all the posts about eating what you want, in moderation, planning for snacks, etc., I decided to just plan on a small evening snack, of 1/2 cup light ice-cream. I always keep enough calories for it and BAM, just like that, all the internal battles, guilt, and games were gone. I just plan on it, don't swell on it, don't feel guilty about it at all. What a relief it is! And I'm still losing weight despite hitting goal almost one month ago. Just plan for it or you give the food too much pwer over you and its a losing battle that way (no pun intended .......... :)
  • mothergooselove09
    mothergooselove09 Posts: 5 Member
    What is your calorie goal for the day? I would bet you aren't eating enough during the day and that leads to the evening munchies. I agree with PP. Try to increase your calories a little during the day and then try for some healthier snacks at night.
  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
    Having a plan works.... Write down what you will eat ahead of time and just do it. If what you plan doesn't satisfy you, adjust it until it does.
    .......Good luck, i hope you find your solution... :-)
  • Bethannny
    Bethannny Posts: 66
    I have the same problem. I actually just nibbled on a bunch of things which caused me to go over my calorie limit. I usually do try to save my heavier foods for the evening time and always plan to have a snack a few hours after dinner. Sometime drinking a diet soda helps you feel full after your snack.
  • sam_lynn
    sam_lynn Posts: 3
    I agree with "don't fight it", making different choices so it fits into your calorie count makes good sense. I've been drinking a few glasses of ice works for me...and sometimes we think we are hungry and we are actually thirsty.