Can't even make 1 day without evening snacks....



  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Can't go too wrong w/ some fage total 0% or some cereal w/ nonfat milk. (unless your lactose intolerant)
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Can you move dinner closer to bedtime? That way, you'll be able to hold out in the early evening, knowing you have a meal still to come, and you won't have much time in the late evening to be tempted.
  • I've had a snack every night for so long, I haven't even thought about not having one..I always make sure I save around 300 calories for an evening snack, so that I can have something before bed..usually a bowl of cereal with skim milk or a half cup of light ice cream or frozen yogurt; sometimes one piece of 45 calorie light wheat bread toasted with Simply Jif peanut butter. It's a psychological thing-I'd feel deprived without it, so I plan ahead :)
  • I used to be the same way! Now I still eat later in the evening but I make it healthy. Grapes are amazing! They taste good and they're filling. Also, if you like eggs...a hard boiled egg is also very filling.
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    omg I have the same problem! I eat perfect all day then come 730 I NEED peanut butter and nutella!!! I keep all chips icecream and cookies out but I think I need to ditch the peanut butter too!!! I try pre-entering my day in MFP, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Tonight the peanut butter got the best of me!!! Can't hurt to try though.
  • laurapasos
    laurapasos Posts: 7 Member
    We usually eat dinner around 6:30 so by 7:30 or so, I'm still not hungry. I decided not to eat anything 2-3 hours before I go to bed, so no food after 8:00. Since we eat later, most of the time I still feel satisfied by bedtime. The few times I feel my hunger kick in, I'll make my self some hot tea before bed, with a no calorie sweetener like Pure Via. For me it was a decision that until I lose the weight, I'm going to be disciplined about it.

    Today in the grocery store, I had a package of brownie mix in my hand. I thought about making them and having one for desert tonight. I stood there for about 3 minutes, then put the mix back on the shelf. I'm not even regretting it. I feel pleased that I made a decision that will lead me to my goal, instead of away from it. Maybe a question to ask is: Is eating this (fill in the blank) right now going to bring me closer to or farther away from my goal?
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    You won't eat what isn't available. Stop buying it. I know that sounds harsh, and I don't mean it harsh, it is just reality. You buy it, you will eat it. Don't buy it.
  • mikesnwgirl
    mikesnwgirl Posts: 112
    I alway have a snack at night. I love Jamba frozen yogurt bars. They are full of flavor and so creamy. I also like to have popcorn or some baked chips. Whatever it is I always make sure it's within my calories. If I have had to much sugar during the day then I will eat the popcorn or chips and if my sodium is to high then I will have a jamba bar! Good luck to you. I understand that you can't always just get rid of the snacks. There are other people who live and eat at my house so the temptations is always there. I just try to have a healthy version of what it is I want.
  • I don't want to copy what other people are saying but they are right... try not to bring those not so good tempting snacks in your house... but if you are like me and live 2 miles away from a DQ, I know how tempting it can be! I plan ahead for snack attacks like that by loading up on better ice cream such as WW products or Skinny Cow... they have delicious stuff ranging anywhere from 50-200 calories. Don't be hard on yourself and remember that there are plenty of people just like you fighting the same thing! Good Luck!
  • Damnee_27
    Damnee_27 Posts: 40 Member

    When I first started using MFP the exact same thing happened to me! Early in the morning I'd get up, really motivated, jot all my meals down in MFP and everything would be great tilevening. And then I'd literally pig out. I'd get cravings and just want to eat and eat, and i mean once you start eating you can't stop.. you just want one more thing.. and then you get to the point were it feels your past the point of no return and what the hell you'll just restart tomorrow. And theres nothing wrong with you at all! For me personally that happened in the evenings because i had nothing going on. I'm an emotional eater and I was bored and lonely.. and thats when i get self-destructive. I tell myself its a little reward, until it gets out of control. So 1) get out of that situation, stay away from the kitchen. do something, anything that will take ur mind off food.. shower, brush you teeth, go outside, do something you love! Also 2) you should prob look into the thoughts your having and actually analyse them.. figure out why your eating? are you an emotional eater like me and just bored? Also, 3) prepare yourself for those types of situations. I've gotten into the habit of having foods ready for those times that im craving.. healthy foods!... ill chop apples up (which are unbelivably filling), oranges, watermelon and leave them sitting in the kitchen, so that when the impulse strikes there the first thing i grab. Neway's.. this is a much longer reply that i intend lol but hope it helps! Just know that your on the right track and don't beat yourself up.. as tempting as it is to want to lose the weight, it takes time to adjust.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I have no problem not eating ice cream and cookies and chips and other junk food!

    Do you know why?

    Because they are not in the house!

    If they are not in the house I can't eat them. I love those foods and if they were in the house I would eat them. If you want to stop eating the junk then go into the kitchen right now and throw them away. Go ahead...I'll wait... ... ...

    Now, tomorrow go to the store and buy healthy snacks. Fruits, veggies, nuts, air popped popcorn with a few spritzes of spray butter and some grated Parmesan cheese. I will admit in the beginning it just doesn't quite feel like a "snack" but give yourself a little time to adjust to healthier eating and you will find yourself looking forward to it.

    Some people will say, "But we need that stuff in the house for the kids or spouse!" No you don't. They should be supporting you in your quest to better yourself and besides, it is time for them to eat better too.
  • sd688
    sd688 Posts: 7
    I do the same thing and then I feel like the whole day was a waste. Others have given good suggestions. I try to save some calories for the end of the day too, because I am such a snacker. I am going to try to eat dinner later. I think that is a good idea. I bought some 100 cal pack cookies too because I cannot live without cookies. I think it is good to have a little treat. When I have been on diets like Atkins in the past I end up cheating and binging on sweets. I am hoping that treating myself will help me with control. Good luck! Don't give up. I think you will figure out what works best for you.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i dont have a problem snacking at night and i rarely eat after 8pm but what i do like every now and then is a tastykake chocolate eclair, now this baby has abt 380 cal 21grams of fat and 48 carbs per serving...oh yeah.

    i work out 5xs a week before work for abt 40min & when i get home another 40 min doing intermediate cardio and wt training 3xs a week along with running 20 min on the treadmill everytime i go to the gym so with that said im burning fat left and right i always have some food calories left over at the end of the day and do not eat all of them back.

    so when i want my kake. i eat my kake :) the last time i had one was on the 11th of this month and on that day i worked out 3xs for 40min just so i could EARN extra calories from working out, guess what? im still loosing inches, have zero guilt and look forward to my next if you want to snack at night you just have to workout more and EARN it.

  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Sometimes getting rid of the junk food can be hard. I have 3 boys (10, 12 and 14) and a husband who all like treats or snacks after dinner, usually only 2 or 3 days a week (they do not have weight issues). They only way I can manage watching them eat delicious treats and snacks is to have healthy or less unhealthy alternatives for myself. My alternatives...

    Dannon Fat-free strawberry cheesecake yogurt - 80 calories
    Special K Chocolate drizzle bars - 90 calories
    Smart Ones Chocolate Fudge Brownie Sundae - 140 calories
    Smart Ones Mint Chocolate Chip Sundae - 150 Calories
    Frozen Banana - 90 Calories

    Hope this helps. Best of Luck to you!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I have no problem not eating ice cream and cookies and chips and other junk food!

    Do you know why?

    Because they are not in the house!

    If they are not in the house I can't eat them. I love those foods and if they were in the house I would eat them. If you want to stop eating the junk then go into the kitchen right now and throw them away. Go ahead...I'll wait... ... ...

    Now, tomorrow go to the store and buy healthy snacks. Fruits, veggies, nuts, air popped popcorn with a few spritzes of spray butter and some grated Parmesan cheese. I will admit in the beginning it just doesn't quite feel like a "snack" but give yourself a little time to adjust to healthier eating and you will find yourself looking forward to it.

    Some people will say, "But we need that stuff in the house for the kids or spouse!" No you don't. They should be supporting you in your quest to better yourself and besides, it is time for them to eat better too.

    I love this post. It is so true and the last paragraph is just totally awesome. NO ONE NEEDS CRAPPY FOOD, not even kids. I don't understand why people buy healthy food for themselves and junk for their kids. Do they just want their kids to be unhealthy or what? AND FRUIT SNACKS ARE NOT A HEALTHY SNACK....just an FYI.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    As others have said you need to get rid of the unhealthy things you are snacking on. If you can't bring yourself to throw them out, just eat them up and get it over with, then do not buy them anymore. I was always an evening snacker. Still am, but it is fruit, or a healthier alternative snack.

    Eat them up? No no no no . toss them! How many diets start on Monday, how many people say, after the holidays, when this pie is gone, etc.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I have no problem not eating ice cream and cookies and chips and other junk food!

    Do you know why?

    Because they are not in the house!

    If they are not in the house I can't eat them. I love those foods and if they were in the house I would eat them. If you want to stop eating the junk then go into the kitchen right now and throw them away. Go ahead...I'll wait... ... ...

    Now, tomorrow go to the store and buy healthy snacks. Fruits, veggies, nuts, air popped popcorn with a few spritzes of spray butter and some grated Parmesan cheese. I will admit in the beginning it just doesn't quite feel like a "snack" but give yourself a little time to adjust to healthier eating and you will find yourself looking forward to it.

    Some people will say, "But we need that stuff in the house for the kids or spouse!" No you don't. They should be supporting you in your quest to better yourself and besides, it is time for them to eat better too.

    amen! I have my husband and a 12 year old son at home. They are both overweight. I do not buy junk for them on a regular basis. I can't resist it and they do not need it. They have learned to eat what I eat and they never complain. They know how hard I worked to lose my weight and they know it is better for them. If I make cookies or brownies they are beside themselves with excitement because its a real treat.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Not keeping junk food in the house works for a lot of people, but it doesn't for me. When I have the willpower, I can resist what's in the pantry. When I don't have the willpower, the local shops are only a 5 minute walk away (and open late), and that's no disincentive.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I used to have this problem -- so frustrating!!

    Pack your calories in for breakfast or lunch. I was always skeptical of this, I wanted to 'save' my calories for later 'just in case'. But you know what? Ever since I started eating more for breakfast (or lunch, when I don't have time for the best breakfast) I am not hungry in the evening.

    This may not work for everyone, but it works for me. When I get hungry at night, if I have absolutely no calories left, I drink water to fill up. You are likely eating from habit and boredom (that's what I do) more than hunger.

    And this is gross to admit b/c I'm not a fan of a lot of super-processed food, but sometimes when I have to put SOMETHING in my mouth, fat-free, sugar-free jello is a nice substitute at only about 10 cals. It satisfies the craving to just eat something.

  • Do you have snacks in between your meals? That may help you to avoid snacking at night. I'll eat a good size breakfast, a filling snack, decent size lunch, another snack, then a smaller dinner. Depending on what your job is like and how many calories you burn when exercising you have to plan your food intake better. You'll get the hang of it once you start progressing.
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