Describe your typical diet

psamin88 Posts: 19 Member
I'm looking for meal ideas. I'm planning to eat around 1200 per day. Give me your typical breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well I pretty much eat what I want but do my best to modify the calories/ingredients to fit my calorie goal so with that being said: i start off with 3 coffees at 5am, have breakfast at 8am of an egg with chopped veggies or a oatmeal packet with maybe a fruit, then lunch comes and Im hungry around 10-11ish and I have something light like 2 oz of my husband's ham and drink lots of water (Im not worried about filling up at lunch cuz I save my calories for dinners and I am out the door around this time to go for my walk) then husband comes home and I have dinner ready at 4ish: I create some type of meal that has meat, veggies, rice side. I try to keep it simple like porkloin or chicken breast made on the foreman grill or lately I been loading up the crockpot with my "creation" as I call them with meat, vegies and seasonings. I have to eat what my husband eats but I dont use oils or butter. I also weigh and measure everything out that goes on my plate. Only takes a minute to do so. We eat fajita taco salads, green chile chicken and rice, stuffed porkloin or chicken breast with feta and spinach, etc. Snacks can be a fruit smoothie with fresh fruit and almond milk and ice in a blender or popcorn or a slice of cheese. it varies. I just try to eat normal as I can really. My food diary is public but i just started logging again saturday so you have to go wayyyy back to see the rest. Eat what you like but modify the ingredients. I hope I helped. Sorry its so long.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Typical breakfast is around 250 calories--either a one-egg omelet with a ton of veggies (average bout 100 g each of mushrooms, spinach, onion, tomatoes) or 5-grain hot cereal with an apple or blueberries in it, plus coffee

    Typical lunch is around 300 calorie a HUGE salad made with about 400 g of some combination of napa cabbage, broccoli slaw, spinach, mixed greens, and/or shredded bok choy; with dressing and either a little tuna, chicken or cheese for protein

    Snack is a piece of fruit and maybe some nuts and/or popcorn (100-200 cal) )

    Dinner is a lean protein--(chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes--very rarely pork or beef) and a green vegetable (green beans? asparagus?), and maybe a small piece of bread ( 500- 600 calories). I'm also a soup and casserole lover--so Dinner is when I'd likely have lasagna or a spicy stir fry or a casserole of some sort or another.
  • misstertea
    misstertea Posts: 12 Member
    I split up 1,200 cals into 4-5 meals. Usually evenly 300 or under. Usually small servings. I don't really eat a lot of carbs, but tends to be whole wheat bread. Unfortunately I don't get as much potassium or calcium at times. The most oil/fat I use is 1 tsp a day.
    Breakfast: 1 serving of cereal and 2% milk, fruits and protein shake. Oatmeal with maple syrup. Poached/boiled eggs.
    Lunch: cheeseless naan pizza with veggie toppings. Tofu stirfry. Chickpea pasta (no pasta, substitute with chickpeas). 1 serving of fat free cottage cheese with fruit. Tuna wrap. Fat free yogurt. Kale/spinach salad
    Dinner(s): lean meats (salmon, chicken breast, ground chicken, canned tuna) yams, sweet potatoes, carrots side. Raw salmon sashimi.
    Snack: 1 piece of individually wrapped small dark chocolates (Costco), sweet fruits, no sugar added apple sauce, fruit yogurt (lime), pb&j crackers
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    edited March 2016
    Typically... Boiled eggs and some side dish in the morning. Bacon sandwich, refried beans, bean soup, lemon squid. Anything.

    Second breakfast is something with whey.

    Lunch is usually some meat dish or carby meal that's like a dinner, then I have dessert. Usually a Greek yogurt or something not as healthy.

    Then a light salad or some fresh veg in the evening with some tea.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited March 2016
    I eat everything I like, in smaller portions, and did this during my weight loss phase, during almost 3 years of maintenance, and now doing it through a short weight loss phase to correct some weight creep.

    Yesterday was my first day back at tracking and I had sweet n' sour rice with veggies, chicken noodle soup (Progresso Light version-LOVE this line of soups!), loaded oatmeal (with flax seed, blueberries, walnuts, brown sugar and milk), an egg with a piece of jellied toast, 4 slices of bacon and then a serving of animal crackers. Came in right at 1,300 calories.

    Today I'm having a Subway bacon chicken ranch salad, but I'll add my own dressing (Hidden Valley light). I do all the veggies on the salad except for pickles and jalapenos (heavy on the spinach). With a snack sized bag of Baked Lays bbq chips. Supper will be brown rice with veggies, egg and pork-stir fry style. And then another serving of animal crackers (I don't have a sweet tooth, but these are a low calorie snack that I enjoy). I'm under calories a bit for the day, so I'll add something else at some point!

    Also, I do 16:8IF, so I eat all of my calories usually between 11am-7pm :)
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    edited March 2016
    I also split my 1200 - 1400 (depending on eating back a small portion of exercise calories) between 6 "meals" a day.

    Breakfast - 300 calories of either a veggie egg bake portion, 1/2 cup oatmeal with almond milk and blueberries, hardboiled egg with fruit, scrambled egg with veggies, grapefruit... combinations are many.

    Lunch - 300 calories of whatever may be left over from dinner night before - roasted veggies with 2 oz grilled chicken, salad with grilled chicken, 1/2 cup cottage cheese with spinach and tomatoes, cottage cheese and 1/2 avocado and tomatoes, hot & spicy cabbage soup, chicken tortilla soup, so many options since I have a fridge and microwave at work.

    Snacks - morning - hardboiled egg and 1 cup skinny popcorn, veggie straws with hummus, lite baby bell cheese. Afternoon - celery with peanut butter, banana with peanut butter - well, whatever with my natural peanut butter
    Evening - if I have any room left, skinny cow fudge pop usually - that usually only happens on days I have gotten my 6 mile run in.

    Dinner - 300 calories - small portions of whatever I've made - we are really in to zoodles marinara with grilled chicken, roasted asparagus, roasted root vegetables with chicken, buffalo chicken quinoa, southwest quinoa,

    As you can see we eat a Lot of veggies (roasted mainly) and chicken. Occasionally beef. And we do eat quite a bit of quinoa. Nope, no bread or pasta - rarely white potatoes, no rice. Medically speaking, I cannot tolerate those things and my husband "gets" to go along for the ride! Also, I do spend time every weekend (couple hours) prepping for the week all our veggies, fruits, egg bake, oatmeal bake - makes mornings when I'm in the office at 6 a.m. go much smoother.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    In a way I'm back to how I ate as a child. I also eat many of the same things as I ate when I was fat, but structured differently: More home cooked/assembled from scratch, real meals and usually no snacking, everything portioned out, aiming for balance and variety, not shunning fat anymore. Meal planning has been a lifesaver, and my new hobby. I'm in maintenance, but ate this way only a little more strict (weighing everything and tracking) while I lost weight (now I just weigh some items and plan/log in a spreadsheet). I'm on abt 1775 calories and around half of those are spent on dinner and the other half spread equally on the three remaining meals.

    Breakfast: Two crispbread with spread (meat, fish or cheese based), 80 grams whole milk. Or a pita bread with filling. Or porridge made from milk/water and oatmeal, semolina, polenta or millet, with butter. Always a piece of fruit and approx. 80 grams raw vegetable.

    Lunch: Same as breakfast, or salad with some kind of protein and grains. Or omelette. Or unplanned leftovers. Or noodles or spingrolls. Maybe smoothie (banana, milk, berries). Or hot cocoa. Fruit and veg unless already in the meal.

    Dinner: Meat/fish+starch+veg - salmon, herring, pork chop, lamb chops, T-bone steak, chicken wings, ham, etc, in rotation through the week. Sides are usually rice, potato or sweet potato mash, barley, corn on the cob; peas, beans, artichoke and butter. Pancakes or cheese on toast + raw vegetable on Saturday, something different on Fridays, and soup+dessert or stew on Monday, with leftovers on Wednesday.

    Evening meal: Nuts or nut butter paired with fruit (pear+almond/cashew butter, green apple/orange+peanut butter, grapes+walnuts etc), or a smoothie made from milk+banana+peanut/hazelnut butter+cocoa, or Greek yogurt+nuts/nut butter+honey/maple syrup. Or maybe a piece of Brie, Roquefort or Gorgonzola etc. Raw vegetable.
  • drwilseyjr
    drwilseyjr Posts: 225 Member
    Lots of meats, cheeses, eggs, avocados, nuts, and some berries. Plenty of veggies and leafy greens.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    edited March 2016
    I generally only eat once or twice a day. I always have coffee with milk in the morning but then don't usually eat a meal until 1pm. I don't necessarily eat traditional lunch foods at lunch time or dinner foods at dinner time. I do eat a lot of meat, eggs, leafy green veggies, berries sometimes, cheese, I love mushrooms so eat them a lot. I don't really do a lot of nuts because I tend to over eat them.

    Here is my meal plan for today:

    B: coffee with milk
    L: 2 hb eggs, 4 slices bacon, 1/2 avocado, 2 wedges laughing cow cheese
    D : NY strip, béarnaise sauce, mushrooms, asparagus wrapped in bacon

    My diary is open if you'd like to see other days. I generally try to stay around 1200-1300 calories per day, though Monday and Tuesday I wasn't very hungry and came in well below that.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    psamin88 wrote: »
    I'm looking for meal ideas. I'm planning to eat around 1200 per day. Give me your typical breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.


    My diary is open. I list my dinner meal plan for the month on my blog.
    I prelog my food every morning for the whole day and log dinner first, then lunch, breakfast and finally snacks.

    Breakfast- usually yogurt, granola bar, dinner leftovers, fruit (about 200 calories)
    Lunch- usually sandwich, dinner leftovers, or salad (about 300-500 calories)
    Dinner- usually something different every day (about 500-600 calories)
    Snacks- things like carrots, broccoli, orange, apple, popcorn, yogurt, chips, pretzels, deviled egg, cheese, trail mix, cookies (about 100-300 calories)
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    edited March 2016
    1200 calories: 25% carbs, 35% fat, 45% protein

    Breakfast: banana, coffee, protein shake
    Brunch: Dannon Light and Fit Greek yogurt
    Lunch: romaine lettuce, 3oz grilled chicken breast, 2 hard boiled eggs
    Dinner: Just find things to fill in the gaps. Either 1 can of tuna, pbj on one slice of bread, and half a cup of milk.......or more grilled chicken, veggies, and milk.
    Night snack: Protein shake
  • zoe6724
    zoe6724 Posts: 30 Member
    I eat around 1400-1800 cals and do not eat land animals

    Two eggs and an apple with peanut butter

    Quinoa with black beans and baked chopped yam

    Amy's lentil soup

    Tuna salad made with 1/2 avocado, hard boiled egg, pickle, mustard, on a bed of spinach with cucumbers and carrots

    Nugo slim protein bar

    Dry roasted almonds, baby carrots, nectarines, plums for snacks
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Normally, I am on a maintenance schedule, but I'm on a serious calorie bank before my vacation in six weeks. I need to lose 2-3lbs before I eat Italy. So this is a bit more spartan than how I normally eat. 1200-1500 cals a day is the target, except Fridays, where I can hit up to around 3k and be fine. TDEE is 2100-2200.


    Breakfast: Egg white mcmuffin, non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries. Ate about half the yogurt/berry mix.
    Lunch: Grilled chicken salad - by that, it was literally just meat and vegetables. No fun stuff, no dressing.
    Dinner Later: Homemade pizza, diet mixed drinks, ice cream.


    Breakfast: Egg white mcmuffin, non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries.
    Lunch: Grilled chicken salad - by that, it was literally just meat and vegetables. No fun stuff, no dressing.
    Dinner: Bison burger in a lettuce wrap, Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream Lays.
    Dessert: Non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries, light chocolate syrup. Small piece of a Bark Thin just cuz.


    Breakfast: Egg white mcmuffin, non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries.
    Lunch: Grilled chicken salad - by that, it was literally just meat and vegetables. No fun stuff, no dressing. But I was so bloated, I couldn't eat this. So ended up eating basically nothing for lunch.
    Dinner: Spinach and goat cheese egg white frittata, fresh homemade ww pita bread.
    Dessert: Non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries, light chocolate syrup. Small piece of a Bark Thin just cuz.


    Breakfast: Egg white mcmuffin, non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries.
    Lunch: Grilled chicken salad - by that, it was literally just meat and vegetables. No fun stuff, no dressing.
    Dinner: Spinach and goat cheese egg white frittata, fresh homemade ww pita bread.
    Dessert: Non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries, light chocolate syrup. Small piece of a Bark Thin just cuz.


    Breakfast: Egg white mcmuffin, non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries.
    Lunch: Grilled chicken salad - by that, it was literally just meat and vegetables. Did bring a little container of Bolthouse Farms dressing for dipping.
    Dinner: Bruschetta, fresh homemade ww pita bread.
    Dessert: Non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries, light chocolate syrup. Small piece of a Bark Thin just cuz.


    Brunch: Rugbrod with smoked salmon, Nutella, strawberry jam. Non-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries. Hard boiled egg.
    Dinner: Grilled sockeye salmon, baked potato, spinach salad.
    Dessert: Bread pudding, but it kind of sucked. :( At least the wine was good.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    if I'm not active like I have a heavy school day and only get around 3k steps for the whole day my heart rate monitor fitbit tells me I only burn 1300 in a day. So some days (not a lot i try to stay active) fitbit wants me to eat 1200. Like I said this is pretty rare on days i pretty much lay around and sit on the computer alllll day. I normally eat 1500-1900 depending on activity. Here is my most recent 1200 day