Want to lose 4 to 5 kg in this month

Okay hello everyone. I need some help please. I want to lose weight 4 to 5 kg in this month. My daily calorie intake is 1000 calories. Sometimes I eat up to 1300 but then I use treadmill and burn extra calories.
I have been on this diet for a month and I have already lost 4 kg but now I am stuck. I am not losing it now.
So please help me out, tell me about anything from which I could reach my goal.
PS: I know that my daily calorie intake is less and not healthy but still I want to carry on so that I can lose fast, after this I'll increase my daily calories and will maintain my weight but first I need to get rid of extra weight .
Please do some help. Thank you.


  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Can you give us some more stats? Height, weight, gender, exercise level?

    1000 calories sounds way too low, whatever your stats are.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Not only is your calorie goal low, it is also unsafe and you risk losing lean muscle in the process.
  • FourSeazonz
    FourSeazonz Posts: 17 Member
    5 feet and 58 kg. I am a female.
  • FourSeazonz
    FourSeazonz Posts: 17 Member
    I do exercise for 30 minutes and burn 150 to 200 calories in general routine. But when I eat more then I do extra exercise.
  • FourSeazonz
    FourSeazonz Posts: 17 Member
    Um sorry I am not that good in English but someone also told me about this muscle and fat but sorry I don't get it what it is.
  • FourSeazonz
    FourSeazonz Posts: 17 Member
    I mean what is the difference between fat and muscle?
  • Spacemarine101
    Spacemarine101 Posts: 21 Member
    Add walking sessions to your schedule, believe me it works with losing stubborn fat. If you can, try brisk walking. I recommend that you do it on an empty stomach or even better after your biggest meal, but really do it when you can. Just walk 1 to 2 extra hours a day, grab a friend with you if you can its fun. Also, up your calories a bit :)
  • FourSeazonz
    FourSeazonz Posts: 17 Member
    I will :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

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    MyFitnessPal Moderator
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