Struggle is real

Hi everyone ! I don't have anyone that is going thru this health reclaiming journey around me so I'm turning to MFP.

I've struggled with weight all my adulthood. Lost 50 lb in 2011-2012

Gained some back when I got preggo with my second.

Gained MORE after he was born

So here I am... Looking to lose 40-50

I use to love running. Dedicated myself again to running early Jan and I got a stress fracture late feb so I need to rest my foot. It is so frustrating and I stopped losing weight.

and I feel it's a little more crucial and I will be heartbroken if I can't get on this bandwagon and start losing.

This year I turn 28 which was the age my father was when he passed away. I feel I owe it to him to become healthier=HAPPIER


  • atsirk10195
    atsirk10195 Posts: 2 Member
    You know... ur injured... try to not focus on losing but try to focus on getting healthier. A lot of runners get injuries... that's a fact. When I injured my knee.. I laid off running for a year and just kept on going with strength training exercises which focused on a few weights with Max repetition that I can manage then I went back to running/walking and continued strength training... and managed to lose 10kg in a year and have kept it off for 2 years.... but I still wasn't my goal weight so now I'm back... and hoping to get to goal weight.

    Life is stressful and there will be challenges...u might wake up with leg cramps if u strain yourself too much. Just try to do little things and you will get there
  • tiff0277
    tiff0277 Posts: 28 Member
    I love running, I don't love logging my food for some reason it's harder than a mile up hill. :# I agree with atsirk10195 focus on something else while you heal.