44 y/o woman who needs to lose 175 - 200 lbs. Looking for support

Hi everyone - I'm a 44 y/o woman currently at the highest weight I've ever been. I struggle so much with weight, yoyo-ing up and down over the years. However, I'm very scared that I'm going to drop dead of a heart attack or stroke... I'm really tired of it and motivated to finally have some long-lasting success and would be appreciative of any support and camaraderie from those in the midst of a similar journey.



  • BellaEmy
    BellaEmy Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, I'll add you. I'm looking for support as well. I'd like to lose anywhere between 50-75lbs.
  • andrear72
    andrear72 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there...thanks so much for replying. I have a stupid question - while I've been using MFP for a while, this is my first foray into interacting with others....do we communicate via these discussions, or once you add someone, is there private messaging, or groups, etc.?Thanks again...looking forward to receiving/giving support
  • BellaEmy
    BellaEmy Posts: 63 Member
    You can message users privately if you wish. It's like an inbox type thing, not a messenger. Feel free to ask away. I've been using this app on and off for years - and I really need to stick to it this time because I've noticed that when I was using it, I lost 30lbs. I put that weight on +5lbs when life threw some negative changes my way in 2014-2015. I'm ready to get back into it and finally losing all this extra weight.
  • andrear72
    andrear72 Posts: 7 Member
    I've used this app intermittently over the past couple of years. I'll do really good for maybe 3 weeks, and then I get really hungry and frustrated and give up again. And like you, when I have something negative going on in my life, Im worse.

    But I've finally hit a tipping point...its like ive finally hit my body's physical limit...e.g. I feel like I cant walk right anymore, like my gait is all off because of the weight, and my back is worse than its ever been, which makes it difficult to walk 20 feet, let alone exercise.

    So, it's time for a change...and yep, like you, I'm ready to get rid of this extra weight once and for all, darn it.

    I know MFP does help me...it keeps me focused on exactly what I'm taking in, and holds me accountable every day.

    I have faith...we'll both do it this time.
  • BellaEmy
    BellaEmy Posts: 63 Member
  • txcraftr
    txcraftr Posts: 133 Member
    I used to have that much to lose. I have finally lost 100 of it. Have 50-75 to go. It is very slow but it is staying off. The whole thing is to NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!
  • BellaEmy
    BellaEmy Posts: 63 Member
    Wow! Congrats!!!
  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    I also needed to loose close to 150 lbs, lost 108 of it so far. You can do this but look at it in smaller amounts at a time. Look for support on here to keep you motivated.
  • lizziexboredom
    lizziexboredom Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there, I have a total of 160 pounds to lose and I've lost about 30 of it so far. I can say that (for me) it does get easier as you go on, so don't give up. On days when it's tough, think of how you'll feel in a year from now, looking back. Sometimes I get discouraged because it seems to take so long to lose the weight. It'll be another year at least before I'm close to my goal, and sometimes that makes me sad. But I know that the year will pass *anyway*, so I might as well be healthy and in shape when it does :)

    Feel free to add me to reach out to for support. I could use it, too!
  • Calpheon
    Calpheon Posts: 15 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 100 - 150, I will add you! ♥
  • dfl333
    dfl333 Posts: 2 Member
    I, too, have a very long-term goal of losing 120lbs. However, I'm setting incremental goals of 5% total weight at a time. So far, I've lost 9 lbs after 29 days on MFP... With everyone's support and motivation, and MFP, I know i can do it. I cannot walk very far, but I can swim (I'm a rather poor swimmer; takes more effort, but the extra fat keeps me afloat. lol.), so, I do laps. Six days a week. No excuses for the laps. After four weeks, it's getting doable. Hang in there! Oh, I'm 68.
  • andrear72
    andrear72 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much for your replies and support! It's great to hear from people who are also just starting as well as those who are well on their way to meeting their goal...it gives me hope that it's not a lost cause for me.

    What has been difficult for me is what many of you mentioned...the total amount to lose seems so overwhelming and insurmountable and the idea of a 1, 2 or 3 year-long journey just to reach a goal weight (nevermind maintaining it for life) depresses me.

    But I know my life will be better if I can just get my sh** together...not to mention also being potentially longer. Knowing that we can all be encouragement to each other makes it a little easier. Thanks!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I try to keep my focus on the process. When I set goals, they are for habit formation or fitness motivation. The weight comes off when it comes off.

    For example, I have been suffering from an ear infection that makes chewing miserable. Soon, I will have to start eating non pureed veggies again.

    My current fitness goal is for 8500 steps a day. As soon as I am consistent with that, it will go up to 9000.
  • theresam2469
    theresam2469 Posts: 23 Member
    I need to loose 151 pounds to reach my goal. I started myfit.2 weeks ago and have lost 16 pounds don't know if correct(doctors scale and my new scale might be different, won't know until I go back to see him). My weight has started affecting me pysically and the depression is bad. I have to stick to my goal this time and not give up. You can add me if you would like. I can you the support also
  • andrear72
    andrear72 Posts: 7 Member
    Focusing on the process makes sense...having the patience to do that will be a struggle for me. But I'm determined. :)

    And congrats on the 16 lbs, Theresam2649...I know what you mean about wondering if your scale is an accurate representation of your weight. We can only hope.

    Another aggravating factor for me is that I have IBS, so my food choices are exceptionally limited...it can make it really hard sometimes. But like I said, I've just about had it, and I'm not getting any younger. I'm tired of living like this and I'm looking forward to the chance to be better.
  • SaraD72
    SaraD72 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm 43 and want to lose 120-130 pounds. I've used MFP on and off for a couple years. I signed up for the premium membership, hoping that would motivate me to use it more. I had a bad day today, but I know that tomorrow is a new day.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in the same sort of position looking to loose just shy of 200lbs and I'm always happy to find like minded people to loose with :smile:
  • andrear72
    andrear72 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah, it always feels better to me to find out I'm not the only one in my boat. I was happy to get the replies back to my original post. MFP definitely keeps me accountable, and I try to ensure I'm diligently logging in everything. The encouragement we can all give each other makes it that much better
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    You can add me to your friends list. I have 100+ lbs to lose. I hope we can encourage & support each other on this hard weight loss journey & keep us accountable & on the right track to a healthier body & lifestyle. It is a life time commitment & is easier with support!
  • mejaneucoconut
    mejaneucoconut Posts: 19 Member
    Any and all of you can add me as well, PLEASE. I'm in the same boat and right now my motivation is nonexistent. I need to get my head clear and my mind focused. Please and thank you.