nsvs and a bad experience :(

soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I bought a smaller bra today!!! One size smaller around...fit perfectly...AND (your girls with biguns will understand this) NO SPILLAGE!!!! lol So, then I decided that I wanted a pedicure...so I get in my car to head there and my seatbelt was easier to put on :)
I get to the nail place and get in the chair...everything was going fine. I was so relaxed....then it happened....the owners' child, who is prob like 4-5, comes over to me and calls me FAT!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! My day was going so well and then I have to deal with this. Well needless to say I wanted to crawl into a ball and die! I didn't want any attention brought to it...The girl sitting next to me heard it and when he repeated it she started yelling at him because his parents were just ignoring it. Then, they started yelling at him and that turned all heads on to me....it was awful...I wanted to just come home and go to bed..but I ate my supper, gonna have my snack and then maybe get on the wii for a bit.....won't be going back there!!!
Thanks for listening....


  • Epolstyle80
    Epolstyle80 Posts: 13 Member
    people are jerks, Keep up the good work honey!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm so sorry that that happened to you! Kids often have no filter. <3
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Congrats on the new bra, I've recently done this (and now it's on the second hook, not the biggest!!) and I know how good it feels to see a smaller number on that label.
    Try not to let the later experience get to you, I know that's easier said than done, but you know how great a job you've done. It sounds as though that child isn't getting a good example from his parents, so really the problems lies with them not you.
    Keep up the good work!!
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    It's ok honey! Kids are brats now adays. Remember- the one freedom we will always have is to choose how we feel. Don't let a snot nose monster deter form your goals and the little victories along the way!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow. That kid's parents need to step up to the plate.

    That was about THEM and not you. Forget it, girl. You're doing amazing!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Keep up the good work! You have noticed the difference in you and that is what matters.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I know it must have been a real 'bummer' but think of all the good things that happened today and realize, many folks today have no manners!
  • I bet that kid doesn't know how hard you've been working!
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    It isn't fair. But don't let it get you down. Use the bad experience as motivation to get on that wii and work your but off. U can do this and every pound off will be worth the effort you put in.

    Congrats on the new bra! And I totally understand.
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    I hate it when those moments happen. They are inevitable though...what a bratty kid. Obviously parents haven't taught him manners.
    You're doing a great job, and keep it up.
    That kid will get theirs. :-D
  • soonersgirl
    soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
    thanks everyone :) your words mean alot :)
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    Let the good day surpass the bad in your day. Rejoice in the fact you are becomeing healthier. As far as the kid he was a brat and his parents should be embarassed to have rasied him, dont let it get to you.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i work with kids, so i get comments like that all the time. i feel your pain. =(
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Thats happened to me too, very humiliating.
    You said it was the owners kid?!!! Seriously?
    And they still charged you full price, I bet. pshhftt!

    Anyway, Im sorry that happened to you, kinda bad buzzkill, but
    you are doing great- be proud of yourself and after today (you do get one
    day to fret over it!) leave it behind. Youll never forget it but dont let it hurt
    you NO MO!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    At four or five, that kid's social scope probably wasn't in full gear yet. They MAY have been in school, but may not have yet. His/her parents should now be dealing with the behavior now.

    To everyone saying that the child was a brat, perhaps, but perhaps not.

    When my step-daughter was around that age, she every now and again would say some hurtful things to people, even me, not understanding their ramifications. She's crazy about me and has taken to calling me her "mommy" with no provocation on my or my husband's part. Now that she understands(almost 7), she would never say anything to intentionally hurt me. But, she doesn't always know what that is.

    Just keep that in mind.
  • HungryTuna
    HungryTuna Posts: 141
    Don't let a child ruin your fantastic day.. you've admitted to yourself that you're making good progress by rewarding yourself today.
    As long as you remember you're making progress towards a healthy lifestyle, that's all that should matter. I know kids can be rough and sharp at the tongue because they learn by example and discipline (if any). Keep that self-confidence going and know that you deserve a relaxing day to pamper yourself.

  • kimmisatch
    kimmisatch Posts: 105
    That sucks- the fact the parents didn't ell him that's not what you say is so wrong.
    But don't take it to heart - kids say things, it's just what they do, I get nervous around kids for fear of what they might say. But I know they don't mean to be horrible - they are just saying.
    This kid's parent's should have stepped in though.

    You are beautful and congrats on the new bra size :D YAY xx
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Oh no :(

    Great NSV's - well done!

    I'm finding it kinda hard that I've done so well and lost weight and people still see me as fat. I still see me as fat, but I know I am less so that I was!

    Went to the Dr last week, and spoke to her about my depression and stuff, and whilst I was there, I got her to look at my knee, as I had injured it, and I just quickly wanted her to look at it, and tell me if there was something wrong or if I was ok to do light exercise til it was better (was hoping for the latter) I had already told her I had lost 18lbs in 3.5 months, and she still said to me, "well, you are obese"

    Give me a freakin break here! Its not friggin easy losing 18lbs in 3 months, and I dont need your goddamned comments that I am still obese please - I WAS proud of myself, and now I feel like poo!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Oh no :(

    Great NSV's - well done!

    I'm finding it kinda hard that I've done so well and lost weight and people still see me as fat. I still see me as fat, but I know I am less so that I was!

    Went to the Dr last week, and spoke to her about my depression and stuff, and whilst I was there, I got her to look at my knee, as I had injured it, and I just quickly wanted her to look at it, and tell me if there was something wrong or if I was ok to do light exercise til it was better (was hoping for the latter) I had already told her I had lost 18lbs in 3.5 months, and she still said to me, "well, you are obese"

    Give me a freakin break here! Its not friggin easy losing 18lbs in 3 months, and I dont need your goddamned comments that I am still obese please - I WAS proud of myself, and now I feel like poo!

    Yikes! That was super sensitive of your doctor. I'm sooo thankful my doctors are sensitive to my weight problem and approach it with more finesse and encouragement. So sorry that happened to you!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Great job on your NSV!! Just focus on those and don't let the other get you down. I think we've all been there at one time or another. Hang in there and keep up the good work!! HUGSS!!
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