30 day shred started 6/22...



  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    Just started the shred today! Can't wait to see some results and our progress in the coming days and weeks!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
  • Jesscox17
    Jesscox17 Posts: 33
    I started yesterday and was already sore last night. I was diligent and woke up this am and did it again before my 12hr shift in the emergency dept. I can definently feel it in my arms. I am going to give it my best shot and try to do it everyday. I know that there will be days that I can't do it but I do think your muscles need a break too. I am going to ad you JenL 0690 since we started around the same time a little motivation goes a long way. Feel free to add me as a friend if anyone wants a little support.:bigsmile:
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    I feel a lot of it in my legs!! Hurts to walk/bend down! My mom asked why I was walking so funny lol. I just keep pushing myself and say it will be totally worth it in the end!!! (i hate how they make it look so easy!) Lol
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!!! After seeing all the results on here from the 30 day shred, I went out and purchased it today, came home after eating 1 single Popeye's biscuit @ the tune of 280 calories for one ... I popped that DVD in, did the level 1 and I got my @$$ kicked!!! this is for sure a workout.. I had my Polar FT4 on and it clocked me at 300 calories burned after only 20 minutes!!!! at least I worked off that damn biscuit...lol I know better now!!
  • tinachris14
    tinachris14 Posts: 93 Member
    im so glad i found this topic..i started the shred on the 22nd as well and today will be day 4 for me. i have read so many success stories and im so excited to get through this and hopefully see some decent results. i am so freakin sore but i have noticed that i can squeeze into a size smaller jeans...yay!!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    im so glad i found this topic..i started the shred on the 22nd as well and today will be day 4 for me. i have read so many success stories and im so excited to get through this and hopefully see some decent results. i am so freakin sore but i have noticed that i can squeeze into a size smaller jeans...yay!!

    WOW that is Awesome about the jeans!! Is that only just since you started the 30DS? I am so sore today but up and ready for D2!! whew :)
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!!! After seeing all the results on here from the 30 day shred, I went out and purchased it today, came home after eating 1 single Popeye's biscuit @ the tune of 280 calories for one ... I popped that DVD in, did the level 1 and I got my @$$ kicked!!! this is for sure a workout.. I had my Polar FT4 on and it clocked me at 300 calories burned after only 20 minutes!!!! at least I worked off that damn biscuit...lol I know better now!!

    I got 30DS for the same reason...everyone's success!! 300 calories for 20 minutes is awesome!! I def need to get a HRM!!!!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    im so glad i found this topic..i started the shred on the 22nd as well and today will be day 4 for me. i have read so many success stories and im so excited to get through this and hopefully see some decent results. i am so freakin sore but i have noticed that i can squeeze into a size smaller jeans...yay!!

    Success stories is what has been keeping me going! I did day 3 level 1 twice yesterday and my whole body is sore today!! Bring on day 4!! Excellent job on the smaller jeans!!!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Hi! I started 30 day shred yesterday and I am wondering how you all are going about it. . . are you doing just 30 day shred or adding it in with other things? I
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Hi! I started 30 day shred yesterday and I am wondering how you all are going about it. . . are you doing just 30 day shred or adding it in with other things? I

    well before starting this yesterday I was doing 30 minutes of wii fit and 30 minutes on the tredmil.. I realized last night that I am going to still do all 3 each day but break them up because that DVD seriously made me hurt in places I never hurt before :) good luck and you can add me if you want since we both started it the same day.... any motivation helps :)
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Hi! I started 30 day shred yesterday and I am wondering how you all are going about it. . . are you doing just 30 day shred or adding it in with other things? I

    well before starting this yesterday I was doing 30 minutes of wii fit and 30 minutes on the tredmil.. I realized last night that I am going to still do all 3 each day but break them up because that DVD seriously made me hurt in places I never hurt before :) good luck and you can add me if you want since we both started it the same day.... any motivation helps :)

    Just added you! I've been doing elliptical or jogging but havent done much strength training since p90x last year and REALLY need it!! I was sore last night too!!
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    I enter it at 20 min of general circuit training, too. I figure it's pretty accurate because it takes out the warm up and cool down times.
  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    Day 3 Level 1 done! I really did not want to do it today, I was so sore and tired, but I'm glad I did. It really pays to push through! I hope you're all doing well!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 done! I really did not want to do it today, I was so sore and tired, but I'm glad I did. It really pays to push through! I hope you're all doing well!

    Excellent job!! I did day 4 today at 10pm! Had a busy day with graduations and cookouts! Was tired when I got home but pulled myself together and did it. So glad I did!!!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Just finished Day 2 level 1, a little sore today but made it through and feel great.
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 473 Member
    :happy: I want to join
    so far L1D5
    Will do D6 shortly!
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    Keep up the great work everyone! You all help me so much on staying motivated to get through this and I thank you!!!
  • Lydvicious
    Lydvicious Posts: 28
    So I'm only on day 4 but I feel as though my jiggly (post baby) thighs aren't AS jiggly anymore, and my butt looks a little higher/tighter and my hubby agrees. Is anyone else seeing little results like this?
  • JenL0690
    JenL0690 Posts: 92 Member
    Great nsv! I havent noticed anything myself but a couple ppl said they do!