**Knee Pain Help/Advice!!**

ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, I've had multiple surgeries on my right knee. I've been doing everything I can think of to keep my knee going. I take fish oil every day, I use iceyhot before my work out, I take ibuprofen a couple times a day or as needed, and I ice/heat my knee a couple times a day. I've been thinking about getting a knee brace but I'm not sure what kind to get. Also, I didn't know if anyone else on MFP had any home remedies that work for them.

I have arthritis pretty bad and scar tissue build up inside my knee. It has given out on me a couple times since I started exercising. I know that with time and more exercising that my knee and leg will continue to strengthen. And I hope that the more weight I lose the healthier my knee will get. I've been told that I will need a knee replacement before 40 and I'm 28 now. I injured my knee when I was 21. I have 12 screws and some of the screws I can actually feel. They are painful at times too.

I don't have health insurance right now and can't really afford to go to my orthopedic doctor to ask for advice. So any advice that people on here can provide would be GREATLY appreciated!!


  • Meg28
    Meg28 Posts: 59
    Becki - You really need to see a doctor, is there any way to go despite the insurance thing? I would avoid a brace unless told to by a doctor as they can alter your knee in such a way that could do more harm or cause increased instability. Your screws should not be causing pain. So sorry. Good luck and keep at it. You can have a lot of success just focusing on diet without too much knee stain.
  • bigjilm
    bigjilm Posts: 6
    I hope you find a good solution - knee pain gets in the way of so many great activities, especially exercise.

    What about gentle bike riding, or some kind of aquatics?
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I never had sugery on my knees, but my experience was when I was in Karate. I have hip issues and as a result when teh upper joint can't take the pressure, it sends more pressure to teh next joint, in my case the knee followed by the ankle. I bought a "knee brace" at CVS that was black, had a hole where the knee cap was and had velcro straps to adjust. It worked great, wasn't expensive and was better than just the Ace pull on wrap for support. It was thicker and offered more support. I would suggest trying it and also be sure to give your knee some time to heal and get better before going abck to hard exercising on it!!!!
    Hope this is helpful!
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    What about gentle bike riding, or some kind of aquatics?

    Agree, if you can't go to a doctor, then keep your exercises NO impact. build strength without putting stress on that knee.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    Becki - You really need to see a doctor, is there any way to go despite the insurance thing? I would avoid a brace unless told to by a doctor as they can alter your knee in such a way that could do more harm or cause increased instability. Your screws should not be causing pain. So sorry. Good luck and keep at it. You can have a lot of success just focusing on diet without too much knee stain.

    As far as going to a doctor-I'd have to save up some money to do that. I am currently an unemployed student...so money is super tight for me.
  • kmarx65
    kmarx65 Posts: 28
    I had knee surgery too. I switched up the exercise I was doing and that helped. Eliciptal, swimming, biking are the exercises my orthopedic recommended. You may also want to check out your shoes. Less expensive shoes can be hard on the knee so you may want to invest in a good pair. The best thing is moving a little bit every day. Standing and boxing or arm weights are good to do for weight loss and it doesn't put pressure on the knee. You can add more lower body as the weight comes off.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    What about gentle bike riding, or some kind of aquatics?

    I don't have a bike. But once school starts up in the fall the gym is available to me there. So it is most likely something that I'm going to do. If I could find an elliptical I'd be a happy girl too!
  • lukeleia4
    lukeleia4 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a knee pain girl as well and I find that aqua aerobics or simple exercises in the swimming pool burn a whole lot of calories with NO pressure on my knee. It has taken me a year, but my knee is now OK to go for walks and light cycling. It's a long slow process, but in time it will get better and better. Let pain be your guide. If it hurts, stop! Baby steps. Good luck and once you have $ or health insurance be sure to see your orthopedic surgeon!!!!! A few sessions with a physical therapist also helps. They can teach you exercises to build muscle to help your knee. And they have great machines to relieve pain and reduce swelling!
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    I also had knee surgery about 10 years ago and since then I have had major knee pain as well. I made an apt w/ my ortho dr. about 8 or so month ago and it turns out now I have Bone Spurs on BOTH knees! They are large and the Dr wanted to remove them> i decided to try something else before jumping under the knife-and im NOT a needle girl so injections of ANY KIND WERE OUT.
    He suggested I get Osteo-Bi Flex. Its not a perscription... You can get it at any drug store for under $20. I have been taking 2 a day since and I have found that it is a HUGE HELP!
    Im not going to say evey day is perfect. But I was in A LOT of pain before, unable to work out- I was hardly able to walk stairs. I felt the effects of it in about 2 or so weeks. It might be worth a try...Now I'm able to workout even harder then I was before!!
  • Does the school your attending have resources available? Sometimes universities and colleges have health programs their students can utilize. Good luck!
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    I also had knee surgery about 10 years ago and since then I have had major knee pain as well. I made an apt w/ my ortho dr. about 8 or so month ago and it turns out now I have Bone Spurs on BOTH knees! They are large and the Dr wanted to remove them> i decided to try something else before jumping under the knife-and im NOT a needle girl so injections of ANY KIND WERE OUT.
    He suggested I get Osteo-Bi Flex. Its not a perscription... You can get it at any drug store for under $20. I have been taking 2 a day since and I have found that it is a HUGE HELP!
    Im not going to say evey day is perfect. But I was in A LOT of pain before, unable to work out- I was hardly able to walk stairs. I felt the effects of it in about 2 or so weeks. It might be worth a try...Now I'm able to workout even harder then I was before!!

    This is something that is worth a shot! I'll have to look for it this week. Thanks for the info. My sneakers are kind of old as well. So that will be my next purchase! Thanks!
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    I also had knee surgery about 10 years ago and since then I have had major knee pain as well. I made an apt w/ my ortho dr. about 8 or so month ago and it turns out now I have Bone Spurs on BOTH knees! They are large and the Dr wanted to remove them> i decided to try something else before jumping under the knife-and im NOT a needle girl so injections of ANY KIND WERE OUT.
    He suggested I get Osteo-Bi Flex. Its not a perscription... You can get it at any drug store for under $20. I have been taking 2 a day since and I have found that it is a HUGE HELP!
    Im not going to say evey day is perfect. But I was in A LOT of pain before, unable to work out- I was hardly able to walk stairs. I felt the effects of it in about 2 or so weeks. It might be worth a try...Now I'm able to workout even harder then I was before!!

    This is something that is worth a shot! I'll have to look for it this week. Thanks for the info. My sneakers are kind of old as well. So that will be my next purchase! Thanks!

    NO PROBLEM! I hope it helps!
  • ravick
    ravick Posts: 2
    I would look into the oxycise system of exercise, as you can just do it sitting down, and it works!

    If you can at all do the treatment at http://Arpwave.org, I would do it. It is expensive, albeit less than surgery, but it works well, and they take payment.

    Best wishes!
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