Need to loose baby weight PLUS some

mommaOFthree2016 Posts: 5 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I am a mom of 3 beautiful girls. I recently had a baby 8 months ago and I gained well over and above what I should have and now I'm struggling to loose it. I lost 80 pounds before I had her but I can't seem to loose it again. I have a wedding this summer I'm going to and my brother in laws wedding also, it would be nice to loose weight before that! I am a stay at home mom in Canada and don't get out much lol so any people who would like to share this journey with me feel free :) would like to meet new people


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Welcome. Congratulations on your beautiful family. Use mfp to set your weight loss goals. Use mfp to plan your meals. Use mfp to measure your calorie deficit. There's nothing magical or unique about you or me. Get us into a substantial calorie deficit, and we will lose weight.

    Did you notice I said "plan your meals"? I mean it. Plan in advance of the meal rather than trying to remember what you had at the buffet. Every little treat and snack must be recorded. Knowledge is power, and you have the power to lose weight.
  • mommaOFthree2016
    mommaOFthree2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! Greatly appreciate. I'm still really new to all this, planning is something I have wanted to do but some days it's easier said then done. I always plan dinner the week in advance but the rest is rollarcoaster like. Due to busy life with 3 kids :) but again thank you very much! Will take into mind from this point forward
  • Janar1988
    Janar1988 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Just had a baby 8 months ago and I can't seem to lose the weight. I am planning to give it all I have!
  • mommaOFthree2016
    mommaOFthree2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on ur baby and good luck!!!!
  • nado650
    nado650 Posts: 90 Member
    Add me
  • MCraig1484
    MCraig1484 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm right there with you...I only gained 30 lbs, lost all but 5lbs but have been putting the weight back on. I'm heavier than I've ever been (except at the end of my pregnancy). My DH is almost 6 months, he's my first and I don't want to bring my weight/food issues into his life...I know right now he doesn't know any different, but as he gets older he'll start to pickup on some of it.
    What's your plan for the week?
    Because life is busy my breakfast, lunches and snacks all basically need to be the same each day and then dinners can be a little more creative. I'm doing oatmeal with fresh berries for breakfast, pre-made salads with roasted chicken breast for lunch and then yogurt/apples/trail mix as snack options.
  • mommaOFthree2016
    mommaOFthree2016 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm still re learning how to do al this. U would think that because I have 3 kids I would be skinnier than I am! Or maybe I just think that's what I'm supposed to be lol. My little one is 8 months old and my other daughters r 3, and 8. Is it ok if I add u or u add me and we can share some recipes or meal prep? I'm lost at the where to begin my daily calorie intake is very low or so I think :)