torn between work out DVD's and Running

Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
This is a personal struggle for me throughout this whole attempted weightloss journey.. I have about 20 pounds I'd like to lose, and I LOVE running, but thats great and all that'll do the trick but theres also a lot of TONING i need to do and my legs are gettin a lil
gig-a-llly along with my arms. I also, enjoy work out DVD's such as Jillian Michals, i feel they are really affective, BUT I havent been able to go past 3 days of doing it becasue I am so sore, yes i know to get past the soreness you have to keep with it.

I feel like for me it has to be one or the other and it sucks, i really wanna do her DVD's in full as I feel i have tons of toning to do, but when i attempt her DVD's i find running (long distance) very difficult as my body is sore.

Does anyone have any recommendations? Should I do DVD's for about 2 weeks to get past the initial soreness, and then start my running? a goal of mine is to run a 10k or a half marathon at the end of the summer, so im serious about running.

(i do not belong to a gym, i work out at home) so doing some circuit and weights there is a no. Though i do have 5 pound weights at home.

annyyway, just something thats I've been torn between.. I got netflix today and its nice because I can switch off between all of jillians workouts and never get bored, so i really wanna do that, but her workouts are tough **** so i know i wont be able to run for distance if i did them.

Again, does anyone else recommend anything or struggle between the two as well?


  • llm12
    llm12 Posts: 49
    I am right there with you. I love both running and jillian michaels videos. I personally started out with the videos, which I did for about two months before I started running. I believe giving attention to my muscles first helped me ease into doing both running and the workouts. Now, I use the videos as a warm up before running. I think if you give jillian a couple weeks, you will notice that your legs are in much better shape for running too.

    Are you using the five pound weights during the videos? I would highly recommend getting three pound weights to use with JM. She even mentions using the smaller weights since the videos are so long. This may also cut down on soreness.

    Good luck on balancing between the two!
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I do Jillian Micheals in the morning and though I'm not up to full running I go for a run/walk in the afternoons, I am finding that the run walk helps keep me from being so sore the next day
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    good question!

    if startin both at the same time i difficult i say start 1 then do the other. u may get thru the soreness faster than u think, meanin that u may only delay the runnin 1wk instead of 2. :happy:

    i found that doin p90x i was really sore the 1st wk but not as sore the 2nd wk.

    good luck on the race!!!!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I have to incorporate both. I love running too much,
    I am on the couch to 5 K program so I do not run everyday. I just finished the Jillian 30day shred ten minutes ago.
    Its really up to you, and what your goals are. I could never do just dvd's I find I get really bored and discouraged cause I need to get fresh air. And when I progress in my running its the best feeling I have.
    I hope it works out.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I struggle mostly because I hate strength and toning, I much prefer straight cardio. I take a boot camp class once a week to at least get me doing some strength and I find after a particularly rough class I need 2 days rest before running again. Doing strength definitely makes my running workouts harder (which is just another negative for toning in my mind!) but I think if you stick with it your body will adjust. Maybe just take a day or two more than you normally would for recovery as you get used to it. Also I wouldn't do strength consecutive days as you ease into it. Maybe every other or every 3? It took me almost 2 months to complete a boot camp workout without falling out of a set and that was going once a week. I'm sure if you were doing it 2-3 times a week you'd adjust even quicker!
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I am so sore, yes i know to get past the soreness you have to keep with it.

    While that is a great attitude, make sure you don't push yourself too hard. If you're sore, you're probably still weaker and more prone to injury.
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    You can do both. Alternate running/dvd days, may be sore the first week but just alter your run if you have to. It will only be for a week or 2 then you won't be sore from the dvds anymore and can really tear it up. I'm currently doing Couch to 5K on the treadmill and 30 day shred dvd on the off days, I use 5 lb weights for the bicep, chest and back moves, but find them too heavy for the high rep shoulder for those I use big cans of tomato sauce since I don't have smaller weights. Seems to be working for me. The first 3 or 4 days I was sure feeling it though!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    When I was doing the 30DS (before that I hadn't done anything as intensive as that ever!), the 1st few days were hell, but the pain actually eased off if I kept moving throughout the day. But you gotta do what's best for you!