Semi-new and looking for motivational friends

Hi! I've been using this site for about 20 days now and am doing well on it but would love some friends to motivate and try to keep up with. I have a 28 day old baby. She is my 3rd and I'm trying to lose the baby weight I gained while pregnant with her and my second (never lost that weight before getting pregnant again). I want to take a family photo for our Christmas cards this year so looking good in that picture is my big motivation at the moment.

Weight at childbirth: 202
Current: 175
Goal: 140


  • Crazyjoe11
    Crazyjoe11 Posts: 83
    Wow! Congratulations! You are motivated - all I could think about after having a baby was sleep! Happy to send you a friend link! You can do this by Christmas!
  • poopoo01
    poopoo01 Posts: 4
    My name is Dee, I'm a mother of two daughters who's ages are 19 and 26. I've been w/ MFP for almost a month and I'm not doing that well :( You should be proud of yourself, you've lost 14 lbs!!! I'd love to lose that :). I really have to get myself together and stop playing, I'm getting married on Oct. 8th and the months are going fast. Sometimes I think it's a little harder for me because I work 3rd shift and my job is not physical at all. Well, that's all for now, I just read your post and I figured I'd say hello :)
  • teddiesmumma
    wow, you are doing really well! ive been here for a few days now and found some very inspiring stories from others on these forums!
    im 23 and have a son who is 7 and my weight since having him and gone up and down as i never felt pressured to lose weight after birth. in fact once i had him i ate and ate and shot up to almost 20stone within 2 years i was no way near that before i had him. i managed to loose most of that using all different diets and keeping most of it off. managed to lose 6 stone! but the last stone of that keeps creeping up on me all the time.

    ive been using wii fit for a while and managed to lose 15lb in the last month. im due to get married in the next 2 years so want to look my best. i have decided to use this site for support as my very slim fiance isnt that great with words of support or encouragement.

    i look forward to meeting lots of new people on here and wish everyone the best in successful weight loss :)