
During the week I find it extremely easy to stick to my diet.. I have a routine that allows me to have my 6 healthy meals a day

However, weekends I struggle.. we're often out and about for hours at a time and I don't have access to my healthy food.. I have my boyfriend buying pizza and burgers.. I really do throw away all my hard work on weekends and I'm starting to feel sad and hopeless..

What's your plan to tackle weekends?


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    Exercise lots.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Plan ahead and take healthy snacks with you whenever you leave the house. Use a small cooler if necessary. Order salad instead of pizza or burger for yourself. Make your preferences or desired eating places known to boyfriend. Find places where you both can get what you want. Eat smaller portions of higher calorie foods. All this can take some trial & error but you can find some tips that work for you most of the time. You don't have to be 100% perfect on this.
  • Erik8484
    Erik8484 Posts: 458 Member
    I have the same issue. Usually, my goals are to:
    1. Exercise in the morning
    2. Cut down my breakfast calories while maintaining the protein
    3. Cut down my snack calories while maintaining the protein
    4. If I'm going out for dinner, try to do something lower calorie for lunch (or vice versa)
    5. Log absolutely everything.
  • Buff_Man
    Buff_Man Posts: 623 Member
    Yeah, keep logging and compensate by reducing snacks or breakfast if you're gonna have a big meal later
  • kirstengeffen
    kirstengeffen Posts: 103 Member
    Erik8484 wrote: »
    I have the same issue. Usually, my goals are to:
    1. Exercise in the morning
    2. Cut down my breakfast calories while maintaining the protein
    3. Cut down my snack calories while maintaining the protein
    4. If I'm going out for dinner, try to do something lower calorie for lunch (or vice versa)
    5. Log absolutely everything.

    I like this!!!
    I'm gonna follow these steps!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    During the week I find it extremely easy to stick to my diet.. I have a routine that allows me to have my 6 healthy meals a day

    However, weekends I struggle.. we're often out and about for hours at a time and I don't have access to my healthy food.. I have my boyfriend buying pizza and burgers.. I really do throw away all my hard work on weekends and I'm starting to feel sad and hopeless..

    What's your plan to tackle weekends?

    You just gotta get in that frame of mind where you resist the junk and overeating. I find it easy to say no. I won't limit myself. The other night my husband got himself food from fast food. I ate at home but took a bite of his food and moved on. I remembered how badly i want to lose and stay on track and that helps me. For me it's a mind thing. Do I wanna throw away all this hard work so far just for a few bad meals? No way!
  • SteveWolf66
    SteveWolf66 Posts: 2 Member
    I try to find a big calorie burn to compensate for the over-indulgences! I love hiking and I don't even think about it being exercise because it's something I love to do. Make it a fun activity and it is easy. Always having the time is another thing...
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Buy other stuff instead of burgers?
  • ktilton70130
    ktilton70130 Posts: 211 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Exercise lots.

    lol what he said, i burn the most calories on Friday and Saturday because I know temptation will hit me on those days however I still log and try to stay within my calories as crazy as that may seem. I was so happy this past weekend because I passed on pizza but ordered Chinese takeout brocolli and chicken I stayed within my calories and exercised the only thing that happen that I am dealing with currently is bloating but i weighed this morning no weight gain.
    It's a matter of making a better choice and watching your calories and get moving. You can enjoy a meal without feeling guilty.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you're out and about, it sounds like you're more active...I'm more active on the weekends and also indulge a bit more...it all evens out for me. That said, there are plenty of other things available when you're out and about besides pizza and burgers.
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    I try to be more active on weekends
    I meal prep so I have no excuse not to stick to my plan on the weekends
    My boyfriend and I have started cooking at home most days, which we usually do together. On days we know that we'll be out most of the day we utilize the crock pot.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    edited April 2016
    I had this problem, too, and then it was suggested that I "bank" calories from the week for the weekends. An extra 100 calories M-F will get you 500 more to use on Saturday. That's worked well for me!

    ETA: I also do a long workout Saturday mornings, as others have suggested. That along with the banked calories has really helped.
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I usually have a bigger breakfast that is later than usual. This keeps me full so I'm less tempted to snack or eat a bigger lunch than I need.

    I also make plans of what I can cook in the evening that's light on calories, if I do decide to have something heavier for lunch.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,998 Member
    edited April 2016
    What's your plan to tackle weekends?

    I set my calories for the week. For me, at the moment it's 2500 calories per day for a total of 17500 calories per week. My routine is to eat no more then 2300 calories per day Monday thru Friday, giving me a 1000 calorie deficit (200 calorie deficit per day) by Friday. I then take that thousand calories and split it in two and add 500 calories for Saturday and 500 calories for Sunday, allowing me to eat 3000 calories on each of those days, for a grand total of... 17500 calories per week. This gives me enough flexibility for the weekend to enjoy myself and not blow all my hard work...