62 y.o single female starting 10kg weight loss challenge April 1 - need support

Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Starting tomorrow so please join me and let's help each other with encouragement. I'm in Australia, work part time, have arthritic knees so need to be encouraged to exercise! I'm a chocoholic/sugar junkie so trying to cut these out of my diet completely for the next 12 weeks.....would love to have some buddies to share our ups and downs and successes with!! I'm serious about this as I lost 10 kgs 2 years ago and have put nearly all back on but want to get off this treadmill and stop binge-ing on all the sugary things in life and learn moderation whilst adding more of the healthy foods into my diet to give me more energy and less inflammation in my joints.....hope to hear from you....Lesley


  • Grburkart
    Grburkart Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lesley, I'm starting a 12 week weight loss program in which I want to lose 20kg.
    I'm 56 and I live in Canada. Perhaps we can get through this helping each other.
  • Grburkart
    Grburkart Posts: 2 Member
    oops!!! By the way, my name is Glenn
  • jls1mum
    jls1mum Posts: 14 Member
    Hi a twelve week plan seems a great idea!
    Im 50 at the end of may and was hoping to lose 2 stone , tho it hasnt disappeared
  • CherrieAnna
    CherrieAnna Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Cherie Anna. I'm just turning 62 on Sunday. Lesley, I can commiserate. I too am an up and down person with periodic episodes of bingeing. Unfortunately, I have also just been diagnosed with diabetes. It's one point over the norm and the doctor feels I could lower it to normal if I lost weight. That did not stop her from putting me on medication. I weigh 114 kgs. Not good. It seems that everyone thinks I'd benefit from a gastric bypass (including family, friends and MDs). I REALLY want to avoid it. I got all gun ho and joined a water aerobics class twice a week and a cross training class once a week. Both at the local park district. After I signed up I immediately broke 3 toes. Now I'm getting no meaningful exercise. I like your idea for a 12 week plan. It seems ideal, not so much pressure. I just downloaded the Skinnytaste cookbook and I'm going to try her recipes and sensible approach, which includes making a meal plan at the beginning of the week and sticking to it. And of course logging all food and exercise. We'll see about that. I would really like to share your journeys. I need support and will gladly lend my support. 10 kg seems like an attainable goal. Count me in!
  • dhussein30
    dhussein30 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi lesley, Iam Doaa, I live in New Zealand, I also have arthritis. The doctor advised me to excercise and lose weight. I found out that swimming and the cross trainer are the best exercises for my knee.add me please and let's support each other.
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Doaa; Thanks so much...arthritis is the pits isn't it? I find when my knees are really sore I can still cycle on my stationery bike but I think I should look for an aqua aerobics class too. How much weight does the Dr think you should lose? Love to support your efforts so keep in touch: WE CAN DO IT! :)
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi CherrieAnna. Thanks so much for responding: great to hear from you and very happy to support you. How about a stationery bike? Do you have access to one of those? I like it 'cos I can read or do a crossword/watch Rv and that way I can, when in practise keep going for longer.The food log really helps me....I live alone so have no-one to ctiticize my pigging out after dinner: my worst time of day!! Going to eat my evening meal and then clean my teeth and "close" the kitchen!! If feeling like snacking I will go to bed!! Anyway let's do the 12 weeks and at the end we will be successful and happy!
  • CherrieAnna
    CherrieAnna Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Leslie, I can so relate. I can really be 'good' all day and then after dinner I graze. I am trying to break that habit. It's really difficult. I can do a stationary bike at the local park district gym, an excellent suggestion. Looking for a water aerobics class is a fantastic idea. I love it. Not only do you benefit from the cardio but you get back some of that balance and flexibility we used to take for granted. I am excited to start this journey with all of you. I have tracked my food intake for the last 7 days and I feel like maybe this time I can "Go the distance" My goal is now to lose 20 lbs. before August. I will amp up the exercise this week and stick to a 1200 calories a day. Seven days at a time is my new motto.
    Wish me luck.
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Leslie, I can so relate. I can really be 'good' all day and then after dinner I graze. I am trying to break that habit. It's really difficult. I can do a stationary bike at the local park district gym, an excellent suggestion. Looking for a water aerobics class is a fantastic idea. I love it. Not only do you benefit from the cardio but you get back some of that balance and flexibility we used to take for granted. I am excited to start this journey with all of you. I have tracked my food intake for the last 7 days and I feel like maybe this time I can "Go the distance" My goal is now to lose 20 lbs. before August. I will amp up the exercise this week and stick to a 1200 calories a day. Seven days at a time is my new motto.
    Wish me luck.

    I do wish you heaps of luck - I really think tracking our food is the best way to go, it certainly helps me......I feel like someone is watching and it really makes me think twice about cheating!!! My goal is to lose 10 kgs. before another birthday rolls around in July!! Give yourself a pat on the back each day you still to, or go a little under the 1200 calories...you CAN do it. Have a great day.
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    jls1mum wrote: »
    Hi a twelve week plan seems a great idea!
    Im 50 at the end of may and was hoping to lose 2 stone , tho it hasnt disappeared

    Perhaps a less ambitious goal is needed - a pound or 2 per week maybe? and then each week you manage that you can be happy and by the end of May you may have lost a huge 8-12 lbs.....that would be wonderful. My daughter suggested that to me as each time I set a ridiculously ambitious and fast weight loss goal I failed pretty much before I had started to I think as she said "slow and steady wins the race Mum!!". Best of luck.

  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Grburkart wrote: »
    oops!!! By the way, my name is Glenn

    Hey Glenn - Thank you - glad to share the journey - how is it going for you so far? No Maple syrup for you then?! I am trying to give up sugar as that seems to be the key to success on this weight loss/healthy eating journey we are on. Have a great day.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi All, You are welcome to add me. I have lost 7 kg in past 90 days (slow and steady), and continuing onwards to lose another 18. I am sorry to hear about all the pain you are experiencing. More importantly to your thread, I had an evening snacking problem after I put my kids to bed. And I can now say that I have managed to get rid off it. Completely. I do not even crave it. I have read a few books about habit formation, I don't have the reference now but I can dig it out of you are interested. Habits (bad or good) follow the same pattern: cue, routine behavior, reward. Once you do the same thing following a cue many times, neural pathways develop and they make you crave the reward. My cue was putting kids to bed after a tiring work day and craving something nice for myself. So to cut this behavior, I replaced snacks with fruit or yogurt at the beginning. I was allowed one piece of fruit or a greek yogurt and I accounted for it in advance in my food log. I made sure I chose really nice juicy fruit to feel like a reward for my hard day. The first 3 days were so awful. I think I had physical symptoms, and my brain kept craving the sugar. Then, a week was ok, and after about 3 weeks, I stopped thinking about it. I now don't even take the fruit or yogurt b/c I am usually full and this was just a psychological thing. So you can do it. And it removed probably 500-600 calories from my day to cut this bad habit.
  • nado650
    nado650 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello there you can add me for support
  • AlphaWolfOH
    AlphaWolfOH Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me....i'd love to give/receive support!
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    I'm Gary....retired, 64 year old living in Florida. I have tried lots of diets, and now for the last 3 months have been here changing my lifestyle. It's tough and discouraging because I want to see rapid weight loss. Instead it is slow and steady (ok, yo-yo-ing), which is much better. I've lost 26lbs so far, and plan to lose another 60 or so to get to my "look good naked" place...So you can add me (just give me a message with the FR) and we can support each other and have a few laughs along the way....
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    63 and here everyday for mutual support
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Good at! Thanks a lot. How's it all going for you? Have a great Monday!
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Not sure how to edit a post but that was supposed to say G'day!
  • Crackers137
    Crackers137 Posts: 19 Member
    Good day . Thanks a lot. How's it all going for you? Have a great Monday!