I hate my f****g body

3 weeks. Eating under my calorie target daily. Sometimes as little as 1,000-1,200 calories. Walking 3k-5k daily, sometimes even doubling up daily walks if my calorie intake climbs too close to my limit. And what is my reward for busting my morbidly obese lardass and eating a plate full of vegetables for dinner every night? I GAIN A POUND AND A HALF!!!!! BMI in the 40's, 28% body fat, 52 years old... God must hate me. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone else has better fortune than me.


  • Myrtle1309
    Myrtle1309 Posts: 14 Member
    Oh dear! Please don't talk like that about yourself. I am a firm believer that you should love your body no matter how much you weigh. I'm willing to bet that if you continue to eat well (and 1,000 calories per day is not nearly enough), and get your exercise the weight will come off. At 1,00 to 1,200 calories per day your body has probably shifted to starvation mode and it will be nearly impossible to lose. Try upping your calories a bit to see how you fare. You can add me as a friend if you like so we can suppost each other. I am 60 years old and trying my best to lose some weight and get healthy again. :)
  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    Keep at it. Are you eating back your exercise calories? Keep in mind that 1200 calories is the minimum of what you need to get your nutrients (absent a doctor's plan that would account for a lower calorie intake), and 1200 should be a goal, not a limit. Are you eating a good balance of healthy fats, protein, and carbs? If you truly are eating a plate full of veggies every night, you may be missing the healthy fats and good, lean protein.

    FWIW, exercise, especially when you haven't been doing it for a while or suddenly increase your activity level, will cause you to retain water, which makes the number on the scale look bigger. Perhaps you'd be better off not weighing as frequently and focusing on food and exercise instead. When I get caught up in the number on the scale, I put it away for a few weeks, keep logging and exercising, and then pull the scale back out once I've gotten over the anger/shock that comes from the higher number, despite doing everything I'm supposed to do.

    Long story short -- don't give up! You didn't put on all this weight in 3 weeks, so it won't come off in 3 weeks either.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Open your diary and add me as a friend. I'm 53, started at 39% bf and OBESE II 71 days ago. I'm 37% bf now and OBESE I. That's more than 2 months and relatively tiny changes, and with an average weight loss of 3+ lb per week I am losing too fast.
  • BroScience83
    BroScience83 Posts: 1,689 Member
    whoa first just calm down.... but results are slow. You will get there
  • TerriK14
    TerriK14 Posts: 75 Member
    I agree with what Abbie918! So do not give up. You are worth this journey.
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks, calm down Scrappy! :) You probably have not gained a pound and a half, I'm sure it's water weight. Did you measure yourself when you started (do NOT go 100% by your scale, just don't, it's not even completely accurate).

    Just keep working on your healthy eating and being active, the time is going to pass anyways and YOU WILL SEE RESULTS! I don't care if your scale says you gained 10 lbs, if you are eating right and moving your body you will change!!

    Now, you have to get 100% honest with yourself on your calories. I might think I'm hitting my goal but if I log every tiny tiny morsel (the olive oil I used to cook my chicken in, the ketchup on that veggie burger) I see that I am usually over (invest in a food scale). Also, do not go by MFP's caloric burns, it's way off. Invest in a good HR monitor if you really want to see your caloric burns and even then, I under estimate.

    Maybe you are doing all these things, Idk, but if so.. give it a little bit more time.. it didn't take you 3 weeks to gain that weight and it's definitely going to take longer, DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED!! It has taken me since 2012/2013 to lose my 75 lbs, I'm going about it slowly though, I want my weight loss to be sustainable, obtainable and as stress free as possible. I don't want to deny myself the food joys of life (I mean I do but I allow treats weekly... ok sometimes daily) and restricting myself would lead me to go batshit and then eat 2 cakes in one sitting... picture Stitch in Lilo and Stitch when he's trying to occupy his brain and then he just can't handle it and goes postal... I probably sound like him at that point too.

    You've got this, maybe up your calories a little bit and then slowly work your way down to 1200 (which I personally could not do so kudos!)? Keep doing your walks, keep eating your ginormous salad, keep working towards being healthy and the weight will follow. If after 4 months of legit logging and exercise maybe check with your doctor to see if you have a thyroid issue or some other medical condition.

    Good luck my friend! Sorry if I sounded like a jerk, I wish you all the best.
  • RyanDavis1
    RyanDavis1 Posts: 32 Member
    It takes time don't weigh your self everyday that's just a downer do it once a week. You can do it just remember why you want it.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    3 weeks. Eating under my calorie target daily. Sometimes as little as 1,000-1,200 calories. Walking 3k-5k daily, sometimes even doubling up daily walks if my calorie intake climbs too close to my limit. And what is my reward for busting my morbidly obese lardass and eating a plate full of vegetables for dinner every night? I GAIN A POUND AND A HALF!!!!! BMI in the 40's, 28% body fat, 52 years old... God must hate me. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone else has better fortune than me.

    3 weeks isn't nearly enough time. I've had nothing happen for 3 months before, then woosh! A bunch comes off at once.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Abbie918 wrote: »

    Long story short -- don't give up! You didn't put on all this weight in 3 weeks, so it won't come off in 3 weeks either.

  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    Be kind to your body. It got you this far in life.

    Very honestly, I think you're putting too much stress on yourself having a calorie budget that small. Here's another method you might consider. Go to a site like fat2fit and calculate what your calorie budget would be to maintain your goal weight (be reasonable). They have several choices for calculators so do more than one of them. You will begin to slowly lose weight if you keep your calories at what it would take to maintain your goal weight. You can also subtract 100-200 calories from that. I subtracted 150 from mine and have a calorie budget of 1600. I lost 1.8 pounds the first week on that without exercise; not bad. My problem is consistently logging my food, so some days I don't know how many calories I consumed. It's hard to change bad habits.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member

    But seriously, I find self-loathing to be highly motivating. I can't stand people patting me on the back for every ounce lost. Hating what I see in the mirror does way more for me.
    So let the hate flow through you, just channel it in a positive way :)
  • BroScience83
    BroScience83 Posts: 1,689 Member
    edited April 2016
    agree with yusakkakakakkakaa
  • BroScience83
    BroScience83 Posts: 1,689 Member
    when im in the gym and i cant get the last rep up im like man youre a sissy....whats wrong with you? you gonna cry like a lil baby???? GET THAT UP YOU LIL SISSY CRY BABY
  • BroScience83
    BroScience83 Posts: 1,689 Member
    when im in the gym and i cant get the last rep up im like man youre a sissy....whats wrong with you? you gonna cry like a lil baby???? GET THAT UP YOU LIL SISSY CRY BABY

    then i cry
  • jammer1963
    jammer1963 Posts: 106 Member
    You must have heard that if you dramatically cut back your calorie count, you body actually goes into starvation mode and stops burning fat. You have to set a reasonable goal for weight loss... I mean if you typically ate 4000 calories a day, Cut it back to 3000 or 2500. Gradually make the change and your body will thank you for it. As you reach a goal, reset your goals and continue until your down to your absolute goal weight. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to lose 100 pounds in a month. It just isn't going to happen.. unless you lop of a leg. LOL... but seriously, don't quit, get determined and kick *kitten*!!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear, it's more like a squiggly line full of highs and lows. Some weeks you won't lose anything, some weeks you gain and some you do lose. It's the downward trend that counts.

    Also, you shouldn't be so miserable. Just from the tone of your vent it feels like you resent your diet. If that's the case, you're doing it wrong. Eat the foods you love, within moderation and fit them into your calorie goal. Also, your goal is meant to be met. You're restricting yourself too much, and let me tell you that's going to just make you miserable and may even cause you to binge. So eat like you're meant to, and eat the foods you enjoy.