Almost 2 weeks in & no weight loss

mbward20 Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been using MFP for almost two weeks now & haven't seen any movement on the scale. I read the 700 calorie & obese article & I know I fall into that category. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself but it is really discouraging to look at the same number when I know I've been eating healthy:frown: . I did have one bad day but it wasn't too bad since every other day I've been under my calories. What helps you stay on track when your not seeing results on the scale?


  • msminyon
    msminyon Posts: 32 Member
    MB, I'm in the same boat. I work with a trainer and she says it just takes time for the muscle to burn the fat off. Also, I don't sleep more than 4 hours at a time most nights which will also effect weight loss. so look for outside things that could be effecting your weight loss goal.

  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    Make sure your getting enough water too, 8 glasses.

    It took 5 weeks for me to lose 3 lbs so don't worry, just hang in there and you're body will eventually get around to saying thanks for all the healthy food :smile:
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Make sure your getting enough water too, 8 glasses.

    It took 5 weeks for me to lose 3 lbs so don't worry, just hang in there and you're body will eventually get around to saying thanks for all the healthy food :smile:

  • Hi,

    I just read your post. I initially weighed 234 and as of this morning I'm down to 198. I did that in 65 days by eliminating bread, rice, and processed foods. I was concerned that I would fall off the wagon since these foods are so readily available but I keep telling myself that I can go back to them, in moderation, after my 90 day weight loss period. Plus, I walk, jog, or use cardio (aerobic) workout sessions for 30 mins 3-4 days per week.

    Remember something....Be honest with yourself about what you're eating..... Many foods are good for you, but only if you are in good shape and down to a healthy weight. For instance olive oil is great for your heart, but do not eat it while dieting...It takes up 130 calories for every tablespoon you eat. Stick to 1200-1500 calories of protein rich foods -- I would say to eat 70-80%protein for 2 weeks (Unless you have a health issue to take into consideration). Just an idea.

    Do not stop. This APP/website has contributed to the greatest individual achievement in my life.


  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Assuming you're exercising, give yourself at least 6 weeks before you start seeing the weight come off - it can take that long for your body to adjust to the healthy changes. It was that way for me. Just keep at it!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I spent many years under eating and it took a little while to get my metabolism back on track. For me I try to make sure that I eat at least 1200 calories a day (total, not net) and make sure I eat throughout the day. It took a little time, but I feel like my metabolism is back on track after a few months of eating 6+ times a day. I also try to stick to fitness gals rather than weight loss goals, for me this is something more controllable than the numbers on a scale. I want to RUN a 5K by the end of summer, so I try to focus more on running than I do on calories, and that's what keeps me going.

    *edit: I also didn't weigh myself the first 6 weeks and when I finally did, I had lost over 20 lbs. I just tried to focus on fitness during that time.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    I can't see your food and exercise diary so I can't really offer any personalized advice. So please bear in mind that this is all generalized stuff that may not fit you. Honestly, If you can keep up with three little ones especially two of the twins you can whip this weight thing like a red headed step child.

    I can't tell if you're eating enough or eating too much or if you're using Twinkies to make up all your calories. I don't know if you're working out or just counting the calories from the things you were already doing and anticipating weight loss to follow just because you're writing them down now so the gods should pay up.

    Logging things like: Cleaned room, walked to car, shifted position, ate heavier food. While interesting really does no good unless you were incapable of doing them before. Also stagnant movements don't seem to help much. Things such as lifted tiny weight 3 times for the one hundredth day in a row really go for four.

    I do see it all the time when people get started. Those first few weeks are either massive in the weight change department or non-existent If you are putting your heart into it you will see results. They may show up as weight loss, inches lost, or just being able to do even more. Unless you have a modeling contract at the end of the month it really is all about getting healthier, once you get there everything will fall into place honest. Just keep it up and don't look for excuses to give up.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    Im so glad I saw this post. I think its been coming close to a month now and just 4 pounds have come off. I dont mind waiting for results if they are inevitable...just need some encouragement- when I stepped on the scale this morning I wanted to throw it out the window..
  • just keep going it will happen x
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    If we could see your diary we would probably be able to help.

    You should be eating your calories. period. If you don't eat at least 1200 a day you wont see any progress.

    I am 25 days in and haven't lost anything for the past week or so. All I can say is its a process.

    Are there other ways that you feel better? Do you enjoy your work outs? Do you feel better eating more healthy?

    Focus on the positives! Good luck :)
  • mbward20
    mbward20 Posts: 4
    I haven't been doing any extra exercise in the last two weeks since I have a pinched nerve in my back. I am on my feet for several hours a day just doing things for my twins & general house keeping but I'm not logging that as exercise. I have hypothyroidism so I know what may work for other may not work for me, I'm not using it as an excuse but it is a piece of the puzzle. Thank you for your encouragement, it is appreciated!
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