No more crying - 100 lbs weight loss starts today.

I will lose 100 lbs!
I have no idea how long it will take me, but I will do this. I chose the name "The_Changeling" because I will change my life and not just my appearance.

I have always been on the heavy side; my weight went up and down all my life. I don't think that there is a diet out there that I haven't tried over the years. I am 52 years young, but feel older right now. My weight is weighing me down, it makes me walk slow. It's not easy to carry 100 extra pounds of weight around all the's quite a job.

The number on the scale made me cry, it made me sad...and finally now it made me angry - what is good~! There is no miracle cure, it is up to me.

I got sick about 2 years ago (RA) and the doctor's put me on heavy medications, one of them was Prednisone. 40 mg of steroids, that's some evil "stuff". It made me feel good and it took care of the inflammation and the pain, but it left me hungry...very hungry. I ate all the time and gained pound after pound. It's a normal side effect, one that I wasn't aware of.

I decided to research my disease and found so much information -especially in Europe. Information that indicated that food and what I eat, could be the key to deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and other diseases.

I changed doctors and stopped my medication on December 31st and tapered of the steroids. I am now 1 months medication free -yippie~!

So, here is the plan. I am going to juice for 10 days to jump start my system. I will juice like Joe Cross did in the documentary "Fat, sick and nearly dead". He too has an autoimmune disorder and started to change his diet. What an eye opener that was. If he can do it, why shouldn't I give it a try.

After that I will cook and eat well with the Paleo diet.

Thank you for reading this novel. I would appreciate friend requests, because the way it looks like I might need all the help one can get here.

I am determined, but will have whiny moments. I will help you and kick you butt as you hopefully will kick mine.

Good luck to all of you.

We can do this~!


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Welcome and good luck!

    I would skip the "jump start" juicing part - you don't need any sort of jump start. Just get in there and be sure to weigh your food and count your calories. A deficit is the key to weight loss.
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for the welcome. I will not skip the juicing part, because I believe in cleansing. I need to heal my immune system (leaky gut) for me it's not just about weight loss, it's about getting and being healthy.

  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Sounds like you're ready to go. Does your plan include weighing, measuring and counting the calories in your food?
  • The_Changling
    The_Changling Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, I will weigh in every Friday. I will count my calories in the food journal and I bought a food scale so I can measure the food.

    I am ready to go :-)