Vegan on a mission.

I'm Jen

I'm currently trying to lose about 8-10 more pounds.
I went vegan ~a year ago.
I was 152 prior to becoming vegan and then within two or three months I was down to the stabilized weight of 125.
Now I was fluctuating between 122 and 129 all the time.
So, I figured I'd cut back on some of the processed junk I've been eating and I'm at 123 from a pretty stable 128.

Anyone else here vegan??


  • katiealice16
    katiealice16 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Jen!

    I'm new here and also vegan- went vegan December 2014 so nearly a year and a half- but was veggie for 12 years prior. Like you when I transitioned to veganism I shed a lot of weight but I soon discovered vegan cheats and junk food :( good luck on your journey. If you have any vegan rants/questions or anything lemme know xx
  • casejen4242
    casejen4242 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Katie!

    Yeah -- Oreos definitely became a major issue in my diet ahah.
    I love to bake so I was constantly making vegan cheesecakes and brownies.

    Thus far I've lost about 2.2 lbs now.
    Seems to be working! :)
    I work in a warehouse so I'm rather active.

    It's wonderful meeting another vegan on here! x