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Hello all,
I'm 28 years old from New Jersey, joined myfitnesspal about a week ago and I love it. I have gotten some friends and co-workers to join as well. This is definitely a amazing site and mobile app (Go Android). I would like to share my store with you thus far. I was 384lbs when I decided to do something about my weight. Growing up I had alway been a big boy but when I got on the scale last Feburary and I weighed 384lbs. I knew something had to be done. So I began to build my metabolism (eating three meals daily and no excersice) and by January of this year I was down 40lbs. After a back injury and the flu I was sitting at home watching weight lost infomercial and it clicked I was going to do this I was going to lose this weight I had become so unhappy with. So through the proper diet and excersice (not eating past 8pm) I have managed to lose 80lbs so far. My goal is to lose another 60lbs and or fit into a size 38 (I started at a size 52 and now I'm a size 44) Everyone is so inspired by my weight lost so far but I know I have so much more to lose until I am happy. I would love to hear your store so please share.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck. It's all up to you now. We are here to answer questions, but you have to do the work. Take it slow and just think where you will be in a year.
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Hey there in Jersey! Great story! I am happy you are on the bandwagon with the rest of us! its rare to see a guy on the site so Kudos to you for getting the nerve! I also love this site! Keep us posted!
  • atashap
    atashap Posts: 85

    Well you are off to a good start already 40 pounds is a huge difference off just some dietary changes, so keep up the good work and the other 60 will fall off before you know it.
  • mak_101
    mak_101 Posts: 28
    Great job...you are definitely right about this being a lifestyle change. Every day is a challenge but with the great support from MFP it really keeps me focused. Agree with the mobile Android!!! I love being able to eat out and record my food choices right on the spot. No more trying to remember what I ate when I get back to the computer. Also have found that most restaurants are in the data base so no searching for items that "seem" to be the items I chose.
  • tkdgirl23
    tkdgirl23 Posts: 36
    Good luck to you!! Take each day , like its your first.. be excited , because before you know it.. your thinning down. On days that the scale might not read what you thought it should .. Do not despair.. it happens , here and there. Just keep going on your track and dont stop. Remember water water water.. eat healthy.. stay away from white breads, white flours, white pastas. Chicken and fish are good friends. Work out , even when you don't feel like it..

    fruits are always there by your side when you just have to eat something.

    Buena Suelte!

  • kristenporterkp
    kristenporterkp Posts: 5 Member
    You have done an amazing job so far! I admire your desire, and your determination! I could use your great attitude on my journey! :) Keep up the good work....you will find amazing support on here! Great Job!
  • presentlaughter
    presentlaughter Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome!!!! You can do it, you have such lovely health reasons for wanting to change things about your diet and fitness, I know it will pay off for you!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    WELCOME TO MFP! I too am always telling people about the site. Funny how so many "want to lose weight" but I never see them get on here!!! Guess they aren't ready yet. They have no idea how easy this site and the people on here make it to lose and maintain!!!!!
    Congratulations on your success so far and I know with your attitude you will succeed!
    I've been fortunate where I ahve never been over weight. My issue is getting toned to where I once was now that I am in my early 40's. Not as easy as it once was. I did it a few years ago. I got my weight down to 130lbs, was exercising and looking good. Then my dad was diagnsed with terminal cancer, wound up paralyzed from it and died 3 months later. It was horrible to witness and to lose my dad. Loads of stress, going to see him as much as possible, and ignoring myself to be there for him. I chose this as I knew I could and would get back to wehre I was again, he wasn't going to be here for long. No regrets. After learning to live without him, and dealing with my mom (nightmarish at times!!) I finally got back mentally where I needed to be in January this year. I've had a few set backs (excuses that seemed good at thte time) over the apst 6 months, but I am on track now and raring to go! I am just about half way to my goal weight, down a total of about 5", and actually joined an adult dance class and danced on stage at the recital earlier this month!!!! Looked good in that form fitting dress too!! LOL
    Feel free toa dd me as a friend as I would LOVE to follow you in your journey!!!!!! Best!!!!!!!
  • ctempletc
    ctempletc Posts: 2
    Good for you - sounds like you are doing a GREAT job. I just joined this site on 6-23-2011 and so far really enjoy it! I was at 350lbs three years ago then decided to have gastric bypass- I am down 100 lbs but have found that it seems that I have bulemia now... I throw up so much it's frustrating. I have gained about 25 lbs back since surgery and really want to get under 200lbs- my dr would like me to be about 150 lbs. So with yesterday being my first day with this site I noticed that I don't eat enough- this will be my challenge. I HATE to throw up so I think I have that in the back of my mind with every meal- if I can drink something that's good but I am also a VERY picky eater. I think this site will help me figure things out and I'm happy to have a number of calories to eat a day.
  • smckjr
    smckjr Posts: 2
    Don't be discouraged... you and only you knows what works for you body... it's ok to come under you calories for the day actually it is a suggestion and you can change it to fit your daily intake. Also eat until your full your dont have to try to finish your meal on your plate...that's what may be causing you to throw up...Continue on your journey and dont over due it 100 is a lot the next 100 is something you must work hard to do.. I will say that weight lost is 80% mental and 20% physical... so wrap your head arounf the lost and go for it
  • Wow , I've read all the response to your wonderful success and I was very happy for you and the others. I joined to because I to I'm tried of carry my feelings around in the form of weight , and so classmate told me about MFP and I look forward to getting on and logging all my items in just see what I'm doing makes me feel good just knowing. I lost 15 before I started but have notices anymore as of yet . I to would like you to add me as your friend so I can hear how your doing.