I am up but it's ok! I really didn't gain weight over night.

I am up 1.4 lbs from yesterday and a few months, or even weeks ago, that would have freaked me out. But since using MFP and reading posts and getting support, I know I really didn't really gain weight over night.

Yesterday I was really tired and I was hungrier than usual. (I'm always a bit hungrier when I am tired). I had a stressful day at work and so didn't eat at my normal times. I also didn't eat my normal meals. I had a cracker for lunch, then was starving on my way to class so got a small burrito at a local shop. During my 3 hour class (and I'm still tired) I downed a diet coke and a coke zero. Then once i got home there was pizza and I had 2 pieces plus the crust off two of my husbands pieces. I was just tired and did not have my resistance and control where they normally are.

Ok - now the good news. I KNOW the sodium in those soda's is making me retain water. I KNOW that eating a burrito and pizze (which I normally don't do - especially in ONE DAY) is still inside me making me heavier when I weighed this am. I also know my body is getting into better shape and I'll burn those extra calories off today and make sure I get in some exercise. By Sunday I expect to be back to normal or even a couple ounces lower.

I'm sharing this because this is the first time that the scale fluctuation the morning after a bad eating day has not sent me into a self-hate mode. I am not going to beat myself up today because I am finally realizing it IS a life change and way of life. And sometimes life takes you on a food day that isn't best. But today is new. So if you have mornings when it seems like you gained weight over night - you DIDN"T - and make today really count.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Is this your weigh in day? try tomorrow again, it could be sodium.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    What a positive way to look at things! Congrats on the healthy changes, and the new mindset! :bigsmile:
  • pldmi
    pldmi Posts: 9
    Great way to look at things. I think this was a positive for all of us. thanks for the motiviation.
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Is this your weigh in day? try tomorrow again, it could be sodium.

    This is what she has said, if you read the whole post properly you'll see the op is not looking for answers but explaining her attitude has changed towards weight fluxuation.

    OP - well done i am exactly the same, sometimes we have bad days, the trick is not to beat yourself up and turn one bad day into a week and so forth!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Great job on the attitude!!