Down 9.4 in 1 month!

Hi everyone my name is Amanda in February I decided that I needed to change my life I am a busy working mom of two and I was feeling tired, depressed and uncomfortable in my own skin, weight has always been a struggle for me seemed like no matter how hard I worked I would never succeed at keeping weight off, one day I just woke up and said NO more I want a real life! So I stopped drinking no more occasional classes of wine or night cocktails and I started to feel better but only a little so I started work in some works outs when I could for mental health more then weight and that started to help but it wasnt until March 5th when I downloaded this App and started to moniter exactly what and how much I was eating and thats when I realized that I honestly ate like crap everyday so I started making better choices about what I put in my body and with this apps help I losg 9.4 since March 5th its now April 5th and I feel great physically and mentally I have a long way to a better me becaus its not about my weight like it used to be now its about my life and a better me! Ill get their because I now KNOW I can and so can you!


  • audreya7052
    audreya7052 Posts: 3 Member
    That's fantastic!
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    Well done you<:o)
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    with this apps help I lost 9.4 since March 5th its now April 5th and I feel great physically and mentally I have a long way to a better me because its not about my weight like it used to be now its about my life and a better me! Ill get their because I now KNOW I can and so can you!

    Hi Amanda. Doesn't it feel great to take control of your body and mind like you've done? I've also lost weight with this app and Fitbit (it lets me know how active I really am.) I started in October and have lost about 60 pounds. Now I'm concentrating on the macros. I'm still watching calories in and out but now I'm making healthier choices for my particular body. It feels so great achieving goals that I've started setting new ones. Sometimes all it takes is an app like this and determination. I am so happy for you! :)
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    Phenomenal job taking ownership of your life! Keep in mind that lifestyle changes, like weight loss, are not linear. You will have successes and failures along the way. Try not to beat yourself up for the tough days and be sure to celebrate all of your successes, not matter how small, you've earned them.
  • amanda31603
    amanda31603 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you to everyone for the positive thoughts! 60 pounds thats amazing! You go! I know this is a life journey and i will fight everyday and hope you all do the same! Great work to all of you!
  • hugzeelaroo
    hugzeelaroo Posts: 29 Member
    Awesome job! Keep up the good work!
  • koolcat6862
    koolcat6862 Posts: 30 Member
    Good job
  • nessieday
    nessieday Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2016
    Awesome Amanda! One step at a time, one day at a time! For a long time I hated the big mirror in the gym and this time around I decided to embrace it To remind myself that it is a process and as I watch myself exercise I'm changing in that process! You are gonna do great! <3
  • nessieday
    nessieday Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know how to add people ! So if anyone would like to add me I would love it!!