My fellow Sweet tooths



  • kalm3
    kalm3 Posts: 67 Member
    janjunie wrote: »
    lperry1725 wrote: »
    How do you stay away from the sweets? It's one of my biggest struggles.

    Look at my avatar, I don't.
    Seriously though I save calories for sweets. Nothing is off limits.

    Me too. Avoiding sweets just sounds like sadness.

    Lol Love this!
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    kalm3 wrote: »
    Going to try the above suggestion of dark chocolate though I don't know how enjoyable it'll be for my milk chocolate sweet tooth. Lol

    I definitely had to work my way up to 90%, starting with 70%, then 85%, and now the 90% is my favorite by far!
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    kalm3 wrote: »

    Going to try the above suggestion of dark chocolate though I don't know how enjoyable it'll be for my milk chocolate sweet tooth. Lol

    90% choc is really a very different beast to regular sweet milk choc. It's seriously, intensely, chocolately and hardly sweet at all. Generally, I'm not a big fan of dark choc (70% etc), but I decided to be brave and try this out, and to my surprise I'm enjoying it. Probably because I didn't go in expecting it to be sweet like regular Lindt.
    Because it's so intense, I only eat one piece at a time, which is great for me, as I'm usually very bad at stopping at just one (of almost anything!)
  • ladytwilight72
    ladytwilight72 Posts: 70 Member
    One thing I do when I know I want desert is layer Graham crackers strawberries and low fat cool whip. I do 2 or 3 layers and put in the fridge over night. A lower calorie treat than mashing up and adding a ton of sugar to the berries. For easy strawberry shortcake
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I used to have sweets cravings all day, and chocolate was my favorite choice. Since i started this last weight loss, I'm eating small portions every four hours and it completely freed me from craving sweets. Some days at night i would have a small piece of chocolate, but not always, and i don't seem to care anymore, although i still love it, of course. I've been eating healthy for a long time, but over eating and this change is very helpful and works for me.
  • Buff_Man
    Buff_Man Posts: 623 Member
    Cut out sugar from coffee / tea and include an allowance on your daily calories. I have a couple of biscuits a day and still losing weight :)
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    I agree that chocolate fiber bars help me and on my big workout days I have 1 scoop of ice cream. I try to just eat whatever sweet it is more slowly and savor it. I still indulge, I just make sure it is logged and fits in with everything else.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I don't. In fact, I stock up during sales. I'm sad that Easter was the last candy holiday for a good long while.

    I used to have a terrible time moderating but I convinced myself that I didn't have to overindulge. It took a loooong time to teach myself good habits concerning the sweets I love.

    It's a good feeling to be down 50 for several years while eating what I want without a single bit of emotional baggage attached.

    I'm of the opinion that if I can do something, the majority of people can too. I'm not a special snowflake.

    Good luck.
  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    Do you have sugar or sweetener in your coffee or tea? I had a massive sweet tooth until I gave up sugar in my tea, now it's only during my ladies time that I get sweet cravings which I cure with a little bit of dark chocolate or the alpro soya deliciously dark chocolate yogurts.
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Sugar free chocolate syrup on fruits and such
    Smart pop kettle corn bags
    Diet coke
    Sugar free gum
    Berries frozen with ostmeal or SF choco syrup
    Sugar free jello
  • ketchup2go
    ketchup2go Posts: 6 Member
    I have chocolate protein powder that i blend with almond milk, peanut butter powder and a banana. The protein powder itself doesn't taste great but when you mix it with the other stuff and blend it with ice it is not so bad. I just pretend its a milkshake lol.

    The sweetest tooth
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    You could buy single serving chocolate bars, and only buy them when you feel like having some. You basically make a trip to the mall, buy a single serving bar/pack, and go home. You will get to eat your sweets without being tempted to overeat them.
  • lperry1725
    lperry1725 Posts: 26 Member
    Do you have sugar or sweetener in your coffee or tea? I had a massive sweet tooth until I gave up sugar in my tea, now it's only during my ladies time that I get sweet cravings which I cure with a little bit of dark chocolate or the alpro soya deliciously dark chocolate yogurts.

    Do you not use any sweetener in tea now? I do use creamer in my coffee, but it's not a whole lot. Are there better substitutes?

  • Abbie918
    Abbie918 Posts: 120 Member
    I fit it in my macros. Last night I had Cadbury mini eggs, and they were delicious.
  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    lperry1725 wrote: »
    Do you have sugar or sweetener in your coffee or tea? I had a massive sweet tooth until I gave up sugar in my tea, now it's only during my ladies time that I get sweet cravings which I cure with a little bit of dark chocolate or the alpro soya deliciously dark chocolate yogurts.

    Do you not use any sweetener in tea now? I do use creamer in my coffee, but it's not a whole lot. Are there better substitutes?

    No I don't have anything. I do however have almond milk or coconut milk because I'm vegan and that does add a little bit of sweetness :) but I don't add any extra sugar or anything
  • cristi_rawr
    cristi_rawr Posts: 9 Member
    I keep a bar of dark chocolate with 70% + cacao around and it usually satisfies my craving for something sweet. It also helps me to keep in mind that if I ate even just a 150 calorie sweet snack every day, that's an additional 1050 calories per week that could be hindering me.
  • VelvetMerkin
    VelvetMerkin Posts: 7 Member
    I don't really stay away. I eat ice cream pretty much every day, I just make sure I have room in my calorie budget to fit it in. When you have reasonable portion control it isn't really a question of avoidance so much as a question of planning.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I spend up to a third of my calories on sweets and biscuits and chips.
  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    I don't if it fits in my allotment I eat it lol.