2 Work Biggest Loser Comps now Won

krazgrl Posts: 86 Member
edited April 2016 in Success Stories
If it wasn’t for my coworkers asking me if I wanted to join them in a Biggest Loser competition at work, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I kept toying with the idea of losing weight but I had no motivation to actually start.

On Monday, September 14, 2015, some of my close coworkers joked around and asked if I wanted to be in a BL comp. I said “sure” and asked when it started. “Wednesday,” they replied. I panicked a little on the inside – TWO DAYS?!? But, but, but… I have a wedding next weekend and a trip to Vegas two weeks after that. How could I possibly lose weight and still have a life?

Long story, short: the first competition ran from 9/16/2015 to 12/16/2015 (13 weeks). I went from 220.8lbs to 184.6, losing 16.39%.

We started a second comp after the holidays which ran from 01/07/2016 to 04/06/2016 (13 weeks again). I went from 181.5 to 166.5 and 8.26% lost this time.

Combined, I lost 24.59%! Holy cow!

Before this comp, in early September I was weighing in at 225. The scale at home (no clothes) read 164.4 this morning. I feel better than I have in years and look forward to toning and slimming down even more (I'm 5'6.5" btw).

It truly think it was the fear of being embarrassed in front of others for my weight or not losing anything on a weekly basis that motivated me the most. I’m competitive by nature, so this really tapped into that strength of mine.

I also found that asking myself 2 questions before indulging in something I shouldn’t has helped immensely:
1. Have I had it before? (If yes, I don’t need it right now. If no, go to question 2.)
2. Can I get it again? (If yes, I don’t need it right now. If no, have some in moderation. If it’s uber special – Iron Chef prepared 10-course meal – EAT IT ALL. lol)


  • gandssmith
    gandssmith Posts: 67 Member
    Congratulations!!! That's a HUGE accomplishment and you rocked it!!! Some times all we need is some accountability.....and a little friendly competition!
  • jennyi27
    jennyi27 Posts: 114 Member
    I can totally relate to your post. We started a BL Challenge in January, and it just ended last week (12 weeks). If it weren't for the nagging support from a co-worker, I wouldn't have agreed to do the Challenge. The day of our first weigh-in, I started tracking with MFP. This tool has helped me realize just how much my portion sizes were out of control and what a big difference exercise can make. I was able to get into more of a routine in terms of my exercise regimen, which has helped me tremendously. The weekly weigh-ins of the Challenge helped keep me accountable, and the support system of my co-workers was great. I won the BL Challenge, so I am treating myself to some kind of fitness device TBD. I had my first weigh-in for the next BL Challenge today. I'm excited to see how things go this round.

    Even though I ended up winning money from the 1st Challenge, it was the competition itself that helped drive me. What can I say? I like to win! It's great seeing my name in 1st place!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Nice! And I love your little question matrix. I'm gonna steal that!
  • krazgrl
    krazgrl Posts: 86 Member
    jennyi27 wrote: »
    I can totally relate to your post. We started a BL Challenge in January, and it just ended last week (12 weeks). If it weren't for the nagging support from a co-worker, I wouldn't have agreed to do the Challenge. The day of our first weigh-in, I started tracking with MFP. This tool has helped me realize just how much my portion sizes were out of control and what a big difference exercise can make. I was able to get into more of a routine in terms of my exercise regimen, which has helped me tremendously. The weekly weigh-ins of the Challenge helped keep me accountable, and the support system of my co-workers was great. I won the BL Challenge, so I am treating myself to some kind of fitness device TBD. I had my first weigh-in for the next BL Challenge today. I'm excited to see how things go this round.

    Even though I ended up winning money from the 1st Challenge, it was the competition itself that helped drive me. What can I say? I like to win! It's great seeing my name in 1st place!

    I'm the same way...so driven by competition. I don't need the money, but yeah, it's nice. lol Best of luck on your next BL comp!!!

  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    edited April 2016
    Great job! I lost weight the same way. I had ballooned up to 200lbs (from 155lbs) during my first 2 years out of school when I joined a biggest loser contest. I was just hoping to lose 10 pounds during mine but once I got started and saw how easy it was I just ran with it, lost 28 pounds for the contest (won that too!) and 46 pounds altogether.

    krazgrl wrote: »
    I also found that asking myself 2 questions before indulging in something I shouldn’t has helped immensely:
    1. Have I had it before? (If yes, I don’t need it right now. If no, go to question 2.)
    2. Can I get it again? (If yes, I don’t need it right now. If no, have some in moderation. If it’s uber special – Iron Chef prepared 10-course meal – EAT IT ALL. lol)
    I did something similar, anytime I was tempted by something I didn't need I would ask myself "Do you want this cake (or whatever it was) or do you want to lose weight?"
    I picked lose weight every time.
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