Should I bulk or keep cutting?

I'm at a healthy weight, (5'4 116 lb) and shouldn't really lose anymore, but I still have a little fat around my stomach (That has always been there no matter how small I got) I'm taking supplements now, and I lift for about 2 hours a day. My question is, should I keep cutting calories to try and get rid of that belly fat, or should I focus on muscle gains now and increase my calorie intake? Also, I'm a recovering anorexic, so cutting any further than I am is kind of out of the question. I don't really know how much I should be eating to make muscle gains, and I don't want to gain a ton of fat along with it. Please help.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Since your minuscule amount of stomach fat has always been there, and it's probably not handicapping your life in a major way, the answer seems to be acceptance and moving on...

    As far as lifting for 2 hours a day, you can probably cut it to 1 hour and get the same results, and free up some time for other life goals. :+1:
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    How long have you been lifting? I'd try a "recomp" (search on here for it, or Lyle McDonald's site has some good stuff). Basically, eat at maintenance, lift heavy, get good protein, be patient. Re-assess after 6 months and again at a year.
  • 15bbarrett
    15bbarrett Posts: 9 Member
    How long have you been lifting? I'd try a "recomp" (search on here for it, or Lyle McDonald's site has some good stuff). Basically, eat at maintenance, lift heavy, get good protein, be patient. Re-assess after 6 months and again at a year.

    I've been lifting for about 10 months now. Mostly free weights, but I use the resistance machines sometimes. I'll look into that! Thanks!
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    2 hours seems like insanely long lifting periods. The longest I've lifted is 1 hour and 45 minutes and that was alternating with a lifting buddy who always took forever lol.

    Are you following a structured program? If not I would start one, and specifically I would look for one utilizing compound lifts (bench, deadlift, squat).

    To me it seems like you're ready for a bulk based on your weight.

    If you're concerned about gaining fat I would do a slow bulk, eat around 200 calories above maintenance. Also if you have a history of anorexia just be prepared, during any bulk you will see some increases in fat, the lower your calorie surplus the less fat you'll gain but you will see some. I think the key to bulking is focusing on your muscle/strength gains. I didn't mind that I gained some fat during my bulk when I'm see fantastic strength gains.

    I also agree you could look into a recomp. a recomp typically works best for people who are new to lifting.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Didn't you say in your other thread that you are in recovery for an eating disorder?!?
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I've lifted for 4 hours before (2 hour split). You can't just look at the time frame as a reference to the level of intensity being applied. I wouldn't worry too much about the little pouch. If you put on more muscle, you'll likely cut off the extra bit of fat. You can do a body recomp, eat at maintenance which includes exercise calories, increase protein intake and adjust as necessary if you don't see any gains. Reassess your lifting routine, volume and intensity if you don't see any progress and lift heavy (75% of max). Otherwise, in order to really see muscle gains, you have to eat (a lot) and not worry about the extra fat that comes along with the muscle growth and then after about 6 months go into a cut cycle (caloric deficit).
  • 15bbarrett
    15bbarrett Posts: 9 Member
    Didn't you say in your other thread that you are in recovery for an eating disorder?!?

    I said it in this thread, too.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited April 2016
    15bbarrett wrote: »
    Didn't you say in your other thread that you are in recovery for an eating disorder?!?

    I said it in this thread, too.

    And reading further, you also said "cutting any further than I am is kind of out of the question." So, what is your question? Bulk, honey.