Keto Flu

candibee27 Posts: 1 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!

I'm on my third day of my keto diet and my energy level is on the floor. I've been sticking to my macros but I see my potassium is low. I'll pick up vitamins in the am. I'm excited that i finally started; but I'm craving chocolate like nobodies business! Good news is I'm down 6lbs since Monday! Whooohoooo. #CANTSTOPWONTSTOP.
Are their any other keto dieters experiencing the flu now?


  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Just calorie count then there's no pain you need to find something fur the rest of your life or believe me your yoyo forever
    I've done keto diets they're hell hair kiss memory loss periods messed up my last one made me hemoragh for 2 months
    You'll lose a lot weight as its mainly water then glycion stores as soon as you return to normal eating which you will that weight comes back quick
    I started years yoyoing in keto diets at 165lbs ended up losing 140lbs in chunks on & off I then after 4 years became 244lbs
    Yes you lose quick but it's hard & now I realise calorie counting is what we can live our lives doing no pain nothing's banned you learn to value your calories and have treats if you need a day off you learn to get back on track as your not depriving yourself :)
  • riverariasong
    riverariasong Posts: 40 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm doing the keto diet. I used it previously and never had those problems.... I lost 25lbs and kept it off. Now back at it again. It is literally the only diet that has worked for me.