Not so new...

Hi there! My name is Amber and I've been at this for a LONG time.

I joined MFP in 2011 at 200 pounds and a size 16/18. This was not my highest weight as I was roughly 250 pounds (give or take) in high school. Prior to getting pregnant with my son in 2002 I had lost 63 pounds on the WW point system. After he was born in 2003, I yo-yo'd from 190-210. As of two years ago I had lost 40 pounds and was feeling GREAT. I began the 17 day diet and stayed with that for 3 cycles but found that if I used the MFP diary to count calories and exercise I still lost weight and didn't feel like I was depriving myself of any type of food.

Over the last two years, I have maintained for the most part until recently. In the last couple of months I have allowed 20 pounds to creep back on. This is unacceptable.

The friends that I have on MFP are great! Most have been with me since the beginning, and I can say without a doubt that those friendships have kept my head in the game. I would have gained all back and then some without their continuous encouragement and support.

I'm reaching out today in hopes of developing some new friendships, finding some new motivation, and hoping to encourage and help others.

I will tell you that I HATE the 'like' button... I realize that sometimes it is necessary, and that life gets busy and people can't spend 100 hours on MFP per day commenting, but please don't add me if you can't reach out every now and again with something other than a 'like'.

Happy to answer any questions you may have, and happy to welcome you into my journey and allowing me to be a part of yours!


  • vseda1326
    vseda1326 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Amber, my name is vanessa. I am an on again off again MFP member. I made a commitment to myself that this time I would stick to it. I am also for the first time reaching out to members of the MFP community to make new friends and see if this will help me stay motivated.
  • audreya7052
    audreya7052 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Amber! I can relate to the weight loss and gaining it back. I have done the same thing over the last 5 to 6 years. I just started using MFP a few days ago, I lost 30 pounds before joining. I joined because my weight stopped coming off once I hit those 30 pounds. I enjoy the motivation found on here, and it holds me more accountable for what I'm eating all day.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Thanks ladies!