Holding eachother accountable

alyssasobo Posts: 5 Member
edited April 2016 in Motivation and Support
So I don't know if any of you are like me, and not many of my friends are on myfitness pal, but I'd like to have some to keep me accountable. So, who shares my goals?

Main goal: weight loss to feel more confident about my self image
Strength training to build muscle and look lean and toned.
Beginner at clean eating/meal prep. This is my current weakness that's hindering my goals.


  • Fitmomcomingsoon92
    Fitmomcomingsoon92 Posts: 12 Member
    We share the same goals! I want to lose 30 lbs while building up more lean muscle. I have a lot of muscle but a lot of Fat too. A month ago I went to the bid pod and they said I was 40.2 percent body fat ugh:( I wanna get under 30. I really struggle with my nutrition. I bust my *kitten* at the gym doing cross fit, running, elliptical, weights, etc but in the end it doesn't matter because my nutrition sucks. My calorie goal is 1400-1500. Do you wanna be my accountAbility partner?
  • dstokely817
    dstokely817 Posts: 1 Member
    We share the same goals.I have lost 23 lbs from 396 to 370 now.I refused to hit 400 lbs. I have no motivation or support really and its been difficult.I would love to have some friends here so we can all hold each other accountable and support one another and share stories and ideas. Please add me if u wish... Dstokely817
  • alyssasobo
    alyssasobo Posts: 5 Member
    We share the same goals! I want to lose 30 lbs while building up more lean muscle. I have a lot of muscle but a lot of Fat too. A month ago I went to the bid pod and they said I was 40.2 percent body fat ugh:( I wanna get under 30. I really struggle with my nutrition. I bust my *kitten* at the gym doing cross fit, running, elliptical, weights, etc but in the end it doesn't matter because my nutrition sucks. My calorie goal is 1400-1500. Do you wanna be my accountAbility partner?

    I've been building a lot of muscle, and every time I step on the scale I tell myself, "well, muscle weighs more than fat." While that may be true, I'm not going to reach my goals if I keep giving myself excuses as to why I'm not losing weight. Nutrition is most important for losing weight, then weight training, then cardio. Weird, right?! I'd love to be accountability partners!

  • alyssasobo
    alyssasobo Posts: 5 Member
    We share the same goals.I have lost 23 lbs from 396 to 370 now.I refused to hit 400 lbs. I have no motivation or support really and its been difficult.I would love to have some friends here so we can all hold each other accountable and support one another and share stories and ideas. Please add me if u wish... Dstokely817

    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Keep going! The scale is important, but I like to judge off of how my clothes are fitting, compliments I receive from others, and actual measurements. Women's bodies can fluctuate depending on time of month, and it is true if you're building muscle the scale may move slower. Keep powering through it! I like to do my workouts in the morning, because then I don't find excuses later in the day why I can't go that day! You'll already accomplish so much before many are even awake!
  • theresa7576
    theresa7576 Posts: 46 Member
    It's really important to take weekly measurements. Because there are weeks where you will not lose any weight but you will lose inches. But it's also important to log every single thing you put in your mouth. Because well my fitness pal might not know your body does
  • Bettina82
    Bettina82 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same goals! :)
    I used to work out at the gym for almost 2 hours and then come home and over eat. I started back to MFP a month ago and it's been eye opening all the calories I was consuming! You can add me and we can encourage each other!
  • 120andme
    120andme Posts: 3 Member
    Same goals here also, and I'm looking for friends in the same boat.
  • eveleivaxo
    eveleivaxo Posts: 5 Member
    Same goals. I've always "started" the meal prep thing and fall off very quickly. It's hard to keep up with it but I know that's only an excuse I give myself. If you need a friend to go through this with, I'm here!
  • spin0055
    spin0055 Posts: 7 Member
    Same goal here. I have a hard time with the clean eating because I just go for the easy meal like a lean cuisine or prepackaged salad. I lost 30 lbs in the past clean eating and working out so I know it is what works best for me. I need to lose 45lbs this time around and I need to stick with it! I'll take any friends I can get!
  • pcousins13Patricia
    pcousins13Patricia Posts: 49 Member
    I could use this group. I've just started the 21 day fix on Tuesday and was doing well with eating...until right now. I just want some sugar! My monthly friend came to visit today, so that could be a lot of my issue.

    By the way, I have about 50 pounds to lose.
  • Megan7146
    Megan7146 Posts: 31 Member
    I share the same goals! Maybe to a slightly smaller scale but still I find it so important to be held accountable to someone so please add if you think you could do this for me and vice versa! Sometimes it's so easy for me to make excuses for myself it's not until I have to talk to someone else that I realise what I'm really doing!
  • alyssasobo
    alyssasobo Posts: 5 Member
    pcousins13 wrote: »
    I could use this group. I've just started the 21 day fix on Tuesday and was doing well with eating...until right now. I just want some sugar! My monthly friend came to visit today, so that could be a lot of my issue.

    By the way, I have about 50 pounds to lose.

    It's ridiculous how much sugar is added to food! I thought I was doing great today by not pick up any form of desserts or extra sweets, and I'm still over my daily recommended limit. So, I feel ya. It takes constant attention to what we put in our bodies if we want to see change!

  • jumpingborderterrier
    jumpingborderterrier Posts: 16 Member
    Hello to all who have posted so far on this thread. I'm working on the nutrition part of the equation. I do weights three times a week. I am working on staying at 1350 to lose weight each week. Feel free to add me, anyone on this thread. We can do this. I've done it before and it's an average of 1.3 lbs a week for me when I eat in moderation. I'm trying calorie counting this time, I did a restricted food list from the gym that was "healthy" foods. It did work but it wasn't a sustainable lifestyle for me because I rebelled from the restriction. Now I'm trying on moderation with calorie counting. Goal= 25lbs gone
  • desertprincess413
    desertprincess413 Posts: 5 Member
    Samesies! I'm at my heaviest right now. Went through a TON of changes in the past year and was relying on fast food because I'm in the middle of a desert. But I'm trying to just be kind to myself and take it one day at a time. I would like to lose 40-50 pounds, but I am mostly just focusing on smaller goals of 5 pounds at a time. So far, it's been pretty great. I'm able to lose about 3 pounds a week just by moving and eating healthier, but I know that's going to plateau soon and that's what I'm afraid of! So I definitely want to keep the momentum going!
  • MegSchuy16
    MegSchuy16 Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me! Could always use more friends...That goes for anyone! Open diary and I'm on here daily. Just started 3 weeks ago and I've lost 6lbs already! I'm 26, 5'6", and have about 61lbs yet to lose!
  • pcousins13Patricia
    pcousins13Patricia Posts: 49 Member
    alyssasobo wrote: »
    pcousins13 wrote: »
    I could use this group. I've just started the 21 day fix on Tuesday and was doing well with eating...until right now. I just want some sugar! My monthly friend came to visit today, so that could be a lot of my issue.

    By the way, I have about 50 pounds to lose.

    It's ridiculous how much sugar is added to food! I thought I was doing great today by not pick up any form of desserts or extra sweets, and I'm still over my daily recommended limit. So, I feel ya. It takes constant attention to what we put in our bodies if we want to see change!

    You are so right! It seems like sugar is added to everything. I did give in and had cookies tonight. I'm fine with that. I was in a bad way and I was satisfied after two, so that's not bad considering I could give the cookie monster a run for his money! lol. Yeah...they are my weakness! Tomorrow is a new day. :)
  • ShrinkingMama2
    ShrinkingMama2 Posts: 65 Member
    Add or message me! We have similar goals and I'm already 160 pounds less than I was once! ;)
  • Rhynae
    Rhynae Posts: 19 Member
    Yes! Feel free to add me. Looking to lose about 30 pounds while also getting more lean and strong. Also a beginner at meal prepping. I'd love for an accountability buddy. :)
  • lovemy4boys79
    lovemy4boys79 Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me I need new friends to help keep motivated I've yo yo'd my last yo and am ready to do the dang thing started again 4-4-16 I am ready to do this not only for me but to help others along the way
  • alyssasobo
    alyssasobo Posts: 5 Member
    Add or message me! We have similar goals and I'm already 160 pounds less than I was once! ;)

    Wow, girl! Congrats! Loving the progress pic
  • LML1971
    LML1971 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in! Add me