Struggling to see beyond 200lbs...

So, my goal weight is 170lbs... but I have weighed over 220 pounds for almost 20 years and I haven't weighted under 200 pounds since grade 8... Others encourage me to lose 40 pounds and stop there (I am currently at 261) but I have this dream of being slim, for the first time in my life...

ffwd to today, I realized that curtousy of a size conversion mistake on my part, I just bought a pair of Dolce Gabbana used jeans on ebay that are a European size 40... these were suppose to be my goal jeans for the summer... as it turns out a European 40 is actually a U.S. 10 and would (should I reach my goal weight) actually be my goal jeans.

Here's the thing... that would mean I am as slim as most of my friends, slimmer than my mother... and most overwhelmingly: slimmer than I've been since before I can remember... LITERALLY I cannot remember wearing that size... I'm sure at one point I must have but...

And now I am panicking... full of 'who are you kidding that you will wear those in a year' panic...
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... someone talk some sense into me... was I stupid to think I can do it? are the jeans a mistake...? How do you get yourself to beleive the impossible?


  • Nurse_Jessica13
    I think it is amazing that you are ready to go to the next step! I say.. YOU GO GIRL!!!! Absolutely go for it! I know you can do it and it is SO much easier with support behind you! believe in yourself! make sure and keep those jeans where you see them all the time as a constant reminder of the woman you are progressing towards!!!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Dont you dare give up!

    Ok mom tone coming out of my voice now.....

    I started at 258 (so only 3 lbs lighter then you) but you are taller then me. If you look at my signature you can see my goal weight and goal size, the goal size is very similar to yours. I put 10/12 because sizes vary by manufacturer/designer.

    It IS an obtainable goal. It does take time. I was "chubby" and the "fat girl" my entire life, and had glasses and played in the marching band just added to my "geekyness" and darn good grades ofcourse.

    I also have my goal jeans. Given they are folded in my closet right now because I dont want them on the wall, but I get them out regularly to remind me it will be ALL worth it in the end.

    Also, not only will you ba as slim as your friends, you will be 1000times healthier! Which truly is the ultimate best part of weight loss.
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    You get yourself to believe in it, by taking it one day at a time. I have been strugggling with my weight my entire life as well, and My goal is to lose atleat 100lb in a year. I know it is going to be a challenege, but it is not impossiable. I know you can do it, add me a friend if you want some encouragment and support, but remember one day and one pound at a time!!!!1
  • Bub3les0
    Bub3les0 Posts: 47
    my dear struggling: today when I looked on the scale it read 169. I still can't believe it. Keep the jeans; I looked across the world of 200 lbs once too from a starting point of 240, and let me tell u as impossible as it may seem, the world of onederland is both awesome and acheivable :)
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    BTW when you break 200 it feels amazing :)
  • harderfasterstr0nger
    Hey gorgeous.
    I started at 218 and I literally never thought I would be below 200. Once I hit 200, my next mini goal was 181 which I thought was damn near impossible.
    The closer you get to your goals, you realize how possible what you think is impossible really is.
    My ultimate goal weight was originally 171, but now I am at 164 and lovin' it. My new goal is 143.
    As your mindset, and your body, both change drasticallly, so will your goals.
    It might be scary but I like to think of it like a roller coaster. Its new and fun and exciting and liberating!

  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    I don't see..given your height and weight goals..that size 10 a year from now is impossible!!..hard work...yes...but you can do it !!!! You will look GORGEOUS in them!!! We WILL expect pics btw!!!!...This site and the people ere are FAB at really keeping you motivated!!! You WILL get into those Jeans!!!!!!! Love !!!
  • ezranch208
    ezranch208 Posts: 25 Member
    With God NOTHING is impossible! I need to lose 100lbs. My first goal is 50 by 10/31/11. In the past I have tried to do this on my own and failed. I would start and stop, start and stop....This time I prayed and asked God to SPEAK TO ME about this and to help me acheive my goal. I asked for strength when I feel weak and for encouragement when I don't want to keep exercising or tracking or eating better. He has given me the answers I need and THIS TIME I will not fail because that is not the way He works. If we are faithful and trust Him, there is nothing we can't accomplish. All that said, God works on His timeline, not ours. Maybe I'll hit my 50lb. goal by December not October, but my main goal is to commit to this and to seek His guidance. I hope this helps.
    Please know I feel your pain and it's hard, each day is a challenge...but we deserve to be fit and healthy. We have to build each other up. You can do it!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    No, No, and No!!!

    You CAN do this!!

    The jeans WILL fit in the future!

    And you can beliive in the POSSIBLE!

    Keep close to your MFP friends, look to all of us if you lose motivation at times, see pictures of people who are or have been on the same journey, see proof of their successes, share in our struggles as well, and keep on keeping on!! We will do this TOGETHER!

    BTW, I had been in the mid 220's for years, I started MFP in Jan and I am gradully appraching Onederland!! Man it feels good!!

    We are on our way! :flowerforyou:
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    You can be slimmer than 220 lbs. In fact, it's far healthier for you to be under 220 lbs (although I don't know your height, that's almost certainly overweight/obese BMI).

    I don't know who these 'others' are who suggest only 40 lbs - if it's a doctor than ignore this - but if it's your friends saying that, be very careful because - as is often experienced by those on MFP - they may be trying to sabotage your efforts (albeit unconsciously) because (a) they don't want to face up to the fact they're not fit and/or healthy, and (b) they can't get themselves to imagine you thin, even though it is PERFECTLY possible.

    You can lose the weight because the laws of thermodynamics applies to you too! Calories in < calories out (but not too extreme) will bring anyone down to a healthy BMI and you are no exception :)

    You can be a US size 10. If you stick to healthy eating, you can definitely be a size 10. You probably wouldn't get there this summer, but 2012 summer you could healthily lose 60 - 70 lbs, which would put you under 200 lbs easily.

    I think there's no reason for you to think you can't do this, and you shouldn't perceive yourself as someone who 'can't' or doubt yourself... because you CAN, anyone can, and you're no exception - trust me :)

    If you like send me a friend request because it would be great to see you on my news feed...
  • twinkle1074
    Hey don't let that inner voice get the best of you. I also started at 265 and I haven't been under 200lbs since I was 20 so I know the feeling but u can do it just like I know I will do it to. Just take it one day at a time and worry about that. Also put those size 10 jeans away cuz they're obviously making you feel more overwhelmed than you should. You have achieved more than most and definitely surround yourself with friends who are like minded and doing the same thing. :happy:
  • along21291
    along21291 Posts: 45 Member
    MFP really makes it easy to understand how you can lose weight. Just keep entering everything you eat during the day and stay right around your daily calorie goal. I think about it this way, the time is going to pass anyways, why not lose weight during that time. After a few weeks at it you will be able to easily stay at your goal calories and entering what you eat will become second nature. Good luck!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Getting to "onederland" is not impossible or stupid!! Plenty of people here have done it! I personally am workin to that goal I wiegh the same as you 262lbs and I know onederland is very much attainable its just gonna take sometime!! I lost 20bs a few years back and went and bought a bunch of jeans (size 19 juniors still large but hey!) and I refuse to get rid ofthem because they dont fit right now! i know Im gonna get my big butt back in them someday hopefully soon but if not then at least im still trying! You will wear those jeans woman!! Just give it time and stick to tracking and exercising!! add me if you need extra help k :) Im on here 80%of my day because i sit at a desk all day lol Good luck!!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    You know....I just realized that I believe the impossible. I actually believe I'm going to do it. I have almost no doubt. Why? Because my attitude toward dieting has changed. A few months ago, I accepted that this is for life. That I am going to have to diet more days than not for the rest of my life. Oddly, it was a revelation, not a death sentence or a punishment or a deprivation. It was freeing to know that this is what I need to do for the rest of my life and that I CAN do it. I really can. I think Acceptance is the answer. Today, I accept that I will diet today, tomorrow and every day for the rest of my life. I also accept that I will not diet some days. I will not punish myself for those days, nor diminish the value of those days I did diet because of a few days of not dieting. If this is a lifetime activity, then I cannot possibly fail.

  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49

    Your replies brought tears to my eyes!!!!!!

    I think it is impossible to not see it as a 'sign' that the jeans I thought would fit me by Oct (40 inch) are actually the jeans to would fit me at goal... I am being shown, in numerous ways, the path towards what has elluded me my entire life.
    I have faith in myself
    I am surrounded by incredibly supportive and lovely friends
    I have excused those that weren't supportive to outside of my inner circle
    I have turned to my fatih, through prayer...
    I have been blessed with a very special event to light a fire under the first leg of this journey..
    And now?
    Now I've found thsi site and all of you...

    This time will be different because this time IS different. I would be a blind fool not to see it.
    And my daddy didn't raise no fool.

    Thank-you so much!!!
    I will be posting pics of my in my jeans (as soon as I get them) every month... (wearing short of course, for as long as they creep around my ankles/knees *hee hee* )

    Funny... everything happens for a reason... and anything is possible... you just need to find the strength to believe.

    THanks again!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I started at 352 lbs. I am now more fit than I have ever been in my life at 254.9 lbs. Even at 145 lbs when I was a teenager, I couldn't perform athletically the way I can now. You can do it! We have the science now to explain why I couldn't do it/failed for decades.

    Friend me, please. I want to dance in your honor when you rock those jeans! Whether it takes you one year or a bit more doesn't matter. Making steady progress does. I want to reach 199 lbs by Christmas. I may not make it until a little later but I know beyond any shadow of a doubt, I will make it. How do I know? I keep doing what works, quitting what doesn't work and I am more stubborn than poverty, disease, disability, hypithyroidism, the media and medical mythologies that would keep me obese.

    I am a warrior and so, I expect, are you.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    I started at 352 lbs. I am now more fit than I have ever been in my life at 254.9 lbs. Even at 145 lbs when I was a teenager, I couldn't perform athletically the way I can now. You can do it! We have the science now to explain why I couldn't do it/failed for decades.

    Friend me, please. I want to dance in your honor when you rock those jeans! Whether it takes you one year or a bit more doesn't matter. Making steady progress does. I want to reach 199 lbs by Christmas. I may not make it until a little later but I know beyond any shadow of a doubt, I will make it. How do I know? I keep doing what works, quitting what doesn't work and I am more stubborn than poverty, disease, disability, hypithyroidism, the media and medical mythologies that would keep me obese.

    I am a warrior and so, I expect, are you.

    You so freakin' ROCK, my friend!
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member

    Your replies brought tears to my eyes!!!!!!

    I think it is impossible to not see it as a 'sign' that the jeans I thought would fit me by Oct (40 inch) are actually the jeans to would fit me at goal... I am being shown, in numerous ways, the path towards what has elluded me my entire life.
    I have faith in myself
    I am surrounded by incredibly supportive and lovely friends
    I have excused those that weren't supportive to outside of my inner circle
    I have turned to my fatih, through prayer...
    I have been blessed with a very special event to light a fire under the first leg of this journey..
    And now?
    Now I've found thsi site and all of you...

    This time will be different because this time IS different. I would be a blind fool not to see it.
    And my daddy didn't raise no fool.

    Thank-you so much!!!
    I will be posting pics of my in my jeans (as soon as I get them) every month... (wearing short of course, for as long as they creep around my ankles/knees *hee hee* )

    Funny... everything happens for a reason... and anything is possible... you just need to find the strength to believe.

    THanks again!

    I'm in! It's completely real to me that you belong in skinny jeans and I'm eager to see you posting the pics of your progress and success.