Breastfeeding weight gain

So breastfeeding is a so called "skinny magic" but, not for all and that would be me. I've never been above 140 (not pregnant) and since I started breastfeeding I've gained weight and can't seem to lose any and when I diet I gain weight instead of losing it. Anyone else have this problem?


  • katiehaley23
    katiehaley23 Posts: 11 Member
    Yep. Had the same issue. And I could never stick to a diet because I was always so hungry from nursing nonstop. When my daughter finally weaned (19months) I was able to stick to a diet and am currently down about 23 lbs since then.
  • katiehaley23
    katiehaley23 Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry no advice... But it's only for a short while and your baby needs you (that's how I thought of it at least)
  • stephanie20314
    stephanie20314 Posts: 81 Member
    I had the same problem. It got easier after the first 18 months and now I'm losing while still breastfeeding. (Baby is 2 and 2 months). Drinking tons of water helped.
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    I also have this, which is why I joined mfp a week or so ago. My lo is 10 weeks now and although I lost my pregnancy weight almost immediately after birth, I'm now slowly putting weight on around my tummy, which isn't surprising as I'm eating loads, particularly stuff I can grab with one hand (baby won't be put down) like chocolate and nuts.
    I'm just ravenous all the time. Even right after eating a big meal. I wasn't a big eater before so finding this really annoying.
    Interestingly I have read that sleep deprivation can also cause hunger, so I wonder if that's adding to the breastfeeding hunger, leading to this total insatiability.
    All I can think of is doing loads of exercise to try and burn off all the extra calories! But it's hard to do exercise when you have a baby in your arms all day - he doesn't mind a bit of knee raising but he doesn't much like jumping jacks ;)
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    I did not lose weight after any of my three kids until they weaned. Sometimes it happens.
  • CelesseBoo
    CelesseBoo Posts: 20 Member
    I found it got easier once my cycles returned. Seemed the worse time for weight gain was in the months after starting solids.
  • nadel2016
    nadel2016 Posts: 25 Member
    I try to exercise a lot. I walk every day with the baby in the stroller or in the carrier.
    When he sleeps during the day I go on the treadmill if I am not too tired.
    Just meet with othe moms and keep yourself busy .
  • dorcaspdomingo
    dorcaspdomingo Posts: 4 Member
    So breastfeeding is a so called "skinny magic" but, not for all and that would be me. I've never been above 140 (not pregnant) and since I started breastfeeding I've gained weight and can't seem to lose any and when I diet I gain weight instead of losing it. Anyone else have this problem?

    Eat if you are feeling hungry. But stick to healthy foods. Do a lot of exercise, if that's possible. It will help you produce more milk and become more fit at the same time. Less weight doesn't always mean more healthy. If you want a more shapely body, you can try toning your muscles through regular cardio and strength training. But don't overdo it. You can workout at home. :)