Is 6 days a week of exercise to much?

I've been working out 6 days a week about 30 mins of cardio everyday and 40 mins of strength training every other day. On the weekends I go hiking but someone told me I shouldn't work out that much and that I need days to rest. I take Sunday's off to rest but is one day not enough? Any suggestions..


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    I workout 6x a week and have been doing so for over a month. I'm not seeing any negative effects... Though i might be eating more then you? I tend to stay upwards of 1,500 calories, i certainly couldn't or wouldn't go too low on calories. Will just end up burning you out.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    not at all.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Yes. No. Maybe?

    For you, for me, for the man down the street?

    Listen to your body, it'll soon tell you if you're doing too much.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Nope, it's fine.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I do about the same as you. I alternate my strength and cardio days so technically my cardio days are rest days for my weight/strength training. It's more about not injuring yourself by overworking. I know if I do shoulder weight work two days in a row, I'm more likely going to hurt something.
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    6 days a week is fine, but don't feel guilty if every now and then life gets in the way or you feel you need an extra rest day due to a niggle or a particularly strenuous session, just add another rest day in for that particular week. There's no precise formula, just do what works for you and stay happy, healthy & motivated.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I've been working out 6 days a week about 30 mins of cardio everyday and 40 mins of strength training every other day. On the weekends I go hiking but someone told me I shouldn't work out that much and that I need days to rest. I take Sunday's off to rest but is one day not enough? Any suggestions..

    That's pretty much my schedule, except I don't always bother with the rest day.

    You'd know if you were over training - your performance would suffer, etc.
  • briellegrey
    briellegrey Posts: 4 Member
    I tend to eat around 1300-1500 calories a day so far. I also try to eat enough protein so I'm not burned out when I go to work. It's been working out alright so far. Thanks for letting me know :)
  • Countryboy_83
    Countryboy_83 Posts: 946 Member
    Listen to your body. I workout every day until I'm burnt out then I take a day to rest
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I second all the no's.

    Your amount seems average or at best slightly over average.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I've been working out 6 days a week about 30 mins of cardio everyday and 40 mins of strength training every other day. On the weekends I go hiking but someone told me I shouldn't work out that much and that I need days to rest. I take Sunday's off to rest but is one day not enough? Any suggestions..

    That's pretty much my schedule, except I don't always bother with the rest day.

    You'd know if you were over training - your performance would suffer, etc.


    I did every day for months and months. Then increased the intensity of my workouts and yeah... my body tells me when I need to take a rest day (or two) because my performance just sucks, my legs hurt, I keep cramping up etc.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Taking one day off a week when exercising for 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week is enough of a rest depending on what you're doing on those days. Your body will let you know if you need more rest than than that. To answer your question, though. Exercising for 30 minutes/day is not too much at all.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    I have been averaging 6 days a week for the past 4 issues
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    I exercise 7 days a week ... but I vary what I do.

    One day might be 30 flights of stairs + a 5 km walk ... another day might be 100 km on my bicycle outside.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Depends what intensity. How do you feel? Are you progressing or do you just want to maintain your speeds and distances and weights?
    Signs of overtraining are, soreness, tiredness, elevated heart rate in the morning (althetes usually take this every morning as a guide to their training state), diarrhea, depression.

    I suspect you are feeling ok and if I were you I'd carry on.

    Do you need to add or ask anything? What are your goals?

    People notice that the strength training is every other day....
    We don't yet know what kind or intensity of cardio it is so how can we decide that there's not enough rest there?
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I second all the no's.

    Your amount seems average or at best slightly over average.

    Average to whom?
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    Many people do 6x days a week and it's fine as long as you aren't lifting for maximum intensity every single day with the same exercise (that's just poor programming).

    I.e. a popular bodybuilding/strength routine is the PPLPPLx (push pull legs push pull legs rest), where each day is filled with either push movements (bench, OH presses, etc.), pull (rows, chin/pull ups, etc), and legs (squats, leg press, lunges, etc.). The body definitely can take it, and each movement has 2 days to rest before working again.

    If you feel good, go for it!
  • diwijo13
    diwijo13 Posts: 106 Member
    I exercise 6 days a week too. My rest day is Tuesday. I started at 244 and now I'm 215. I'm 5'7". During maintenance my goal is to exercise 3-4 days a week so I will start to decrease my exercise days when I reach 199 lbs or sometime in June. I know that I will not be exercising 6 days week for the rest of my life!
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I've been working out 6 days a week got 3 years.
    As long as you are giving body parts days off and rest time and your workouts are not suffering lack of energy then I don't see a problem. You have to ask yourself a few questions, Am I adequately rested? Am I adequately fueled? Am I over training? Am I seeing results? When I am injured do I take time off?