Struggling with ppd and this weight gain

Hey! I've always struggled with my weight. In 2009 I managed to lose about 80lbs. I was in great shape and felt amazing about myself. Since then I've been divorced and remarried gaining more than I lost. In 2014 I lost 46lbs which was going great until I got pregnant in early 2015. I'm 31yrs old I have a 14yr, 10yr, and now a 5month old. I was so ready to lose this weight once I had the baby and done really well for about 3weeks, I was all but 10lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. Then I changed. I'm struggling with postpartum (which I didn't have with the older two kids) I have ZERO motivation, and I stay super emotional. I'm really hoping joining this group helps motivate me to be more active. I know I can lose the weight, I've done it before. Best wishes to everyone!


  • schristopher01
    schristopher01 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm fairly knew to the chat portion of this site, but I'm a mother of 4 who gained weight shortly after getting married almost 4 years ago and it's been a lot of highs and lows on my struggle to get back in shape. I'm your age (30) and could use a friend for motivation too. If you want to add me you can :)
  • tomandchels05
    tomandchels05 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to share motivation with you! I am 29 and a mother of 6. I was always going to lose weight before I got pregnant again, but it didn't really happen. Now that we are done, I'm going to lose this weight! I also have had ppd. Hang in there! It gets better! You will lose the weight. Good luck!