Gained 3 lbs after working out will it go away?

Im 5;2 and officially 206 but weigh myself everyday just to do it and see how my body fluctuates. I only record the weight on here every sunday though. I have so far lost about 30lbs and I'm getting close to onederland.

I usually do mostly cardio and some weights here and there but after having a difficulty rock climbing these weekend, I decided to kick up the workouts and start adding some weight sets. I did upper body last tuesday and noticed I am up a curling weight to a 15lb and yesterday I worked on lower body with squats and leg extensions. I am quite sore right now and I have been sore for a good part of this week since the rock climbing. Well my question is, I have noticed these past 2 days I have weighed myself in at 209 when I was originally at 206. It hasn't gone back down. I was wondering if this may have something to do with me kicking up the intensity of my workouts?

My diet has also been the same it has been when I was dropping steadily.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Yes. Your muscles are retaining water for repair. Keep doing what's working, be patient, and you'll get there!
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    This was me earlier this week. I started the 30 Day Squat Challenge along with starting to lift again. I've been weighing 2+ up for the last 5 days, and magically today (after peeing every 5 mins last night) I'm 3 lbs down and lower then before I started.

    This too shall pass. :D I know how frustrating it is though. I was super annoyed all week about it, because I ALWAYS weigh the same or lower in the mornings, and the gain was discouraging. Just give it a week.
  • Tredder1970
    Tredder1970 Posts: 1 Member
    I see the same thing and echo the earlier responses. I do a lot of cardio and when I change it up and hit the weights harder I will be up 3 or 4 pounds for part of a week before an equally quick drop back down or below the starting weight. I'm glad to see others experience this too.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    No, never
  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    edited April 2016
    Of course it will. Unless you ate 10,000 calories above your maintenance two days ago, it's impossible for that weight to be fat.
  • javiybrenda956
    javiybrenda956 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes it's water weight should go away always weigh your self right after waking up and using the restroom before eating anything just a tip
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Water retention for muscle repair.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    The big spike in November happened when I start lifting weights again. The water weight came off unusually fast as I was sick right afterwards. Normally it comes off within a few weeks.


    Most of the other spikes are related to my menstrual cycle.
  • jacki865
    jacki865 Posts: 122 Member
    Okay and is the bulky feeling normal as well? I just feel bigger and some shirts are tighter right now
  • James12315
    James12315 Posts: 30 Member
    Yes don't worry, as someone said before your body retains water for muscle repair. My advice is to weigh youself before you consume anything (including water) and if possible before workout so the best time would be in the morning for consistant results.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I had something similar a couple of weeks back when I upped my weights and started C25K, put on a couple of lbs that stayed for a week all stubborn like. Then after a week, woosh I dropped 4lb in a couple days and then lost another 4lb last week.
  • shesajoy
    shesajoy Posts: 11 Member
    This has happened to me all my life -- it was discouraging initially, but over the years I have realized it's normal. I never put together that it was water retention for muscle repair, but that makes sense. Glad I found this thread! Keep up what you're doing. Those muscles you're building will burn more calories while you're at rest. Strong and healthy. :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    jacki865 wrote: »
    Okay and is the bulky feeling normal as well? I just feel bigger and some shirts are tighter right now

    Normal. Your muscle can has some swelling.