how many calories will i need while breastfeeding a 3 month old baby and doing insanity

Hi everyone I would like a little bit advice please. I'm currently breastfeeding and I have started doing insanity I absolutely love doing this crazy workout. I have a good stone of baby blubber to loose but I don't no how many calories I need to keep a good supply for my little boy I have been logging my food and I think I have around 1500 a day but today I have felt weak and rubbish after my workout so I have eat loads more than the 1500 a day I was eating. I don't feel awful now. But how many calories do I need to get me to loose weight keep my supply for baby and to make sure I'm getting enough aswell? Hope this makes sence sorry I can't spell for *kitten* lol


  • BlueMacaroniArt
    BlueMacaroniArt Posts: 122 Member
    From what I remember I was told around 1500-1800 would be fairly safe on your supply but most need the higher end. Depends on how much your baby is eating too so it would vary. But if you are burning on top of that 1500 I'm going to say you are not eating enough. Listen to your body and learn when you are actually hungry and make sure your supply doesn't drop.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 178 Member
    Has your supply dropped from eating1500 calories while doing insanity? I have found that it takes some experimenting to find out what kind of caloric deficit works for you while maintaining your milk supply. At 5'9" and 172lb, I currently eat 2240 calories a day to maintain my supply and lose 0.5 lb a week. I have tried going lower and I loose supply. I eat back 1/2 of my workout calories.
  • nicolemarie999
    nicolemarie999 Posts: 91 Member
    I could only maintain a very small calorie deficit (200-300 cal per day) while breastfeeding without losing supply.
  • blondieellie
    blondieellie Posts: 46 Member
    I add 500 extra to my daily allowance to ensure I have the energy for breastfeeding my 7 month old. Maybe add more cals and see if you feel better?
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I seem to remember it should be about 500 calories more than when you're not breastfeeding, but that the number can be higher or lower depending on the woman and the baby. My wife wasn't dieting while breastfeeding our kids, but I remember how ravenous she seemed sometimes.

    OP, if you're feeling weak, make sure you eat more on a consistent basis. 1500 calories is probably enough of a deficit to lose weight without the exercise or the breastfeeding. Listen to your body and add some calories.
  • katemetcalf12334
    katemetcalf12334 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you very much for your help guys I really appreciate it. My supply is great baby is getting plenty I just worry incase I'm not giving my self enough and gain weight of not eating enough. The main thing I eat is meat and veg or meat and salad sometimes eat fruit but rarely. The think that is confusing me is that I'm eating great exercising once a day on insanity but the scales are exactly the same it has not changed. So that's what is making me think we'll am I getting enough or do I need to eat more or less. Strange thing is my legs don't look as large as they did but the scales is telling me a totally different story. It's so annoying lol
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    You need at least an extra 400 cals/day to breastfeed! Don't overdo the exercise - reducing carbs to 100 grams/day is your best ticket to FAT loss. :)
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Muscles are denser than fat. You are gaining the first, but losing a bit more of fat. You ordinarily need about 40% carbs for insanity, but you might need a different mix because of the milk. Your post suggests you might need more carbs regardless.
  • katemetcalf12334
    katemetcalf12334 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh well that's great to no :D thank you I will try having a bigger breakfast oats and fruit or porridge and snack on more fruit during the day yay
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Give it some time. I did the insanity program and lost inches faster than weight. I had a lot of water retention due to sore muscles. In month 2 is when I saw the lbs coming off. My advice is to use a tape measure or take pics in addition to the scale. Good luck!
  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    All depends on your weight/height and if doing any other activity. I did insanity while BF but was 220lbs and 5'8"...and pretty active on top of it with many days doing some other sort of exersizes plus looking after my two other boys..but I was losing weight eating 1700-1800 cals. I started slowly decreasing as I lost weight but never went below 1500. But i totally noticed inches coming off more consistently than losing so keep a record of your progress that way.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Eat as you would to maintain your weight. Ignore the breastfeeding completely, and it will create the deficit for you.
  • charlenegrichard
    charlenegrichard Posts: 24 Member
    I work out 6 days a week and breastfeed. I have to have between 1800-2000 to maintain supply, feel good, and have lost 30 lbs.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Totally depends on your weight/height and activity level. I don't do insanity but i walk or hike with baby for at least an hour 4-6 days a week and lift 3x a week.

    I eat 1850ish a day currently plus some exercise calories. At 5'7" I have gone from 199-176 since January and lose 5+ inches overall per month. My little guy is 7 months now and my supply has not been affected.